
Chapter 14 Chapter14

Jimmy patiently explained the purpose and necessity of recording the video, "as you know, L entertainment city has been closed down for a long time mainly because of me. So when miss Laura asked me to do this interview, I couldn't refuse her. If it were me, would you do that?"

Amanda heard him and said, "so you bought me and the police just because your boss arranged it."

"I put forward the idea. You should know what the guard wanted to do that day. So I really don't like the police on the condition that it won't affect you much!"

Amanda was relieved. In fact, it was because of her that led to L entertainment city. Besides, Jimmy did a lot of things for the police a few days ago

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Jimmy picked up some food for her and said, "I want to say that you should give me a chance. I can't get through to you, and I don't dare to go to your house to look for you. What do you think?"

"You are such a person. Next time you meet something, you should at least give others a chance to explain. For so many days, I almost can't fall asleep because of this matter..."

Amanda was amused. "Why didn't I find that you have the potential to be garrulous before? Can you talk to me seriously?"

"I don't care whether you are a penny pincher or not. Anyway, how are you going to make it up to me?"

Amanda looked at him and said, "what compensation do you want?"

Jimmy stopped talking because of her unfriendly look and said generously, "I'll remember it later!"

Amanda lowered her head and couldn't help smiling. Of course, it was an angle that Jimmy couldn't see.

After dinner, it was just until 8 p.m.

They are located in the pedestrian street. At this time, the street is full of people.

The street lights are neon, the night is dark, but the eye is full of flowers and beautiful.

"I have to go back..."

Amanda shakes her cell phone. She's very helpless. Her father called at least three or four times for dinner.

Jimmy was reluctant to give up, but he was destined not to force others for himself. He smiled and said, "OK, I'll take you back."

In fact, it's a beautiful day. He really wants to walk on the street with her for a while, even if he doesn't buy anything, just walk.

Amanda looked at his serious appearance and felt a wonderful throb in her heart for no reason.

The man doesn't know which side is the real him.

The courage and determination when facing the enemy, the things in her eyes that people dare not touch when she is disappointed, the pictures that make her laugh when she is poor, and the occasional ambiguous expression of color.

I thought he must speak and stay for a while. Amanda also planned to turn off his cell phone and accompany him until about ten o'clock as long as he spoke.

Unexpectedly, when Jimmy heard that she was going back, he was ready to send someone away.

This is definitely not because he doesn't want to get along with her. What moves Amanda is that he obviously makes this subconscious move when he wants to get along with himself.

It's not in line with the little rogue temperament he showed just now.

On the bus, Amanda feels a little uncomfortable because she thinks too much. She finds it difficult to think of Jimmy as an ordinary friend as before. The heart may have moved long ago, but I'm not sure all the time.

"Have you ever been in love?"

When the heads of mindfulness varied, Amanda was stunned by Jimmy's question.

After hesitating, Amanda said generously, "who hasn't been in love? At the beginning, my suitors could row from the office to the gate!"


Amanda is not used to lying after all: "fake, there has been no shortage of suitors, and I haven't talked about it!"

"Tell me, why not?"

"There's nothing to say. I'm busy with my work and I'm not in a hurry to get married." Amanda answered casually, and there was another word she didn't say. She seems to be open-minded and inclined to be a man and a woman, but in fact, her sense of touch is the most delicate.

Feeling, she can't say what feeling is. In short, she has never met anyone who makes her have the impulse to fall in love.

Afraid of Jimmy asking these questions that made it difficult for her to answer, she asked, "what about you? Have you talked about it?"

Jimmy nodded: "after talking, the University began to talk!"

Amanda felt a little uncomfortable for no reason: "there's more than one girl!"

Jimmy smiled and said, "jealous?"

"I really like to be jealous, but you're not that dish!"

"In fact, I've never chased a girl, so meeting you is like meeting a hedgehog!"

"Who do you think you believe that?"

"I don't want you to believe it. Listen to me."

"Interesting? I know you are charming. Many girls like it. All right!"

Jimmy reached over, grabbed Amanda's palm and blocked all her words.

Amanda did not draw it out, and her brain was a little empty for a moment.

She held hands with Jimmy, when she worked together, and when she happened to be on a blind date. Even this guy kissed her in the car when he was drunk.

But those all happened inadvertently. It was really the first time that they were so solemn and serious.

"You, what are you talking about!"

Amanda's whole face was already red and her words stuttered.

"You think I'm drinking!"

"Obviously, you didn't drink." Amanda felt more embarrassed when he stopped the car.

She was a little afraid of what Jimmy would do next and didn't even know how to deal with it.

He has always been a decisive person. Until now, Amanda found that it was really fatal to tangle up.

If she really has no feelings for Jimmy, it's easy to deal with being a hooligan. But she felt it. Laughter, anger and scolding are all true. Only by his side can we realize the truth.

Fortunately, all worries are superfluous. Jimmy didn't make any superfluous moves except holding hands. He began to talk about himself, his family and other aspects.

She knew something about Jimmy before, but she was not specific. When he talked about it at this time, she knew that all the rumors were true.

Parents divorced, father taking drugs, gambling and so on

It was such an understatement to say from his mouth.

Amanda's hidden uneasiness was put away and thought twice. She was guessing what kind of mentality the man had to have in order to stay in that environment without being infected.

Jimmy she knew was smooth, honest, good at fighting, conscience, careful and brave. He told himself, but he was so fragile that she didn't dare to believe it.

"I'm not talking about your sympathy. If you really sympathize with me, it's my mistake. I just think you have your own consideration. I must spread myself in front of you in order to make you think more carefully."

Jimmy's state of mind is very relaxed. No matter how hard it was in the past, it's all gone now.

He cherishes Fiona and doesn't hate Bob so much. So it's more like telling someone else's story. Tell her that it's out of respect, at least already. You can't let the other party think he's not honest enough.

Fate is hard to find. People will always meet a few people who are exciting enough. But the charm of fate is gain and loss. I am lucky to get it and I remember to lose it.

"Well, don't worry. I'll give you time to think about it. Don't tell me the result. Take your time. If you don't feel it, just alienate me gradually. Don't let me fall too far."

Amanda took his hand, put away his mind and said with a smile, "you have no face and skin. You're afraid of any psychological gap!"

Jimmy glanced at me. "Don't take advantage of me."

Amanda didn't give in: "you started first, okay!"

"Then, hurt each other?"

Amanda didn't understand what he meant, but the next second she understood. Because Jimmy's head came together.

She screamed and began to dodge. With a bang, she covered her head and sat back. Her head hit the roof.

Jimmy was surprised at her reaction, which just frightened her. Immediately, he covered his stomach, his face several times wanted to laugh and tightened.

Amanda gnashing her teeth: "you dare laugh!"

"I didn't laugh!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Amanda blushed like blood and was ashamed. She didn't know how she was so flustered at that moment.

Without thinking, he untied his seat belt and jumped at Jimmy: "I beat you to death!"


Naturally, it won't be true. Jimmy hid a few times.

Half a ring, the pump took Amanda's wrist with both hands.

Four eyes looked at each other. I didn't know whether it was because of the laughter just now or what. They were breathing heavily.

Jimmy has nothing else in his eyes, and his reason is fading.

The body didn't know when to bend down. Amanda dodged for a moment, and then gave up the struggle.

At the moment when lips and teeth intersect, Amanda is like being struck by lightning and wood, allowing Jimmy to hold more and more tightly.

Jimmy is not the first brother, but he is nervous at this time.

Clumsily, he forgot what to do next.

Fortunately, Jimmy found a sense of direction when he felt Amanda's preparedness was getting loose.

Amanda didn't seem to be used to this sudden way. Her softened body resumed her struggle, but it was only a short moment that her hands subconsciously wrapped around Jimmy's neck.

It's wonderful.

She usually watches TV. What she doesn't like most is the kissing lens. But when it's her turn, she finds that it's really different from what she imagined. It's also different from the last time Jimmy kissed her.

Strength seems to be taking time, so you can only let the other party do whatever they want.

It was not until she noticed that Jimmy's slightly cool palm wanted to poke up from the bottom of her clothes that she woke up with the little coolness.


She quickly pressed the hand Jimmy had just entered.

Jimmy took a series of deep breaths. It seemed that he had exhausted his strength in a short closing movement. The kind of gentle touch like satin made him forget himself at all.

Amanda took the opportunity to leave and whispered, "let's go. It's time to go back!"

Then he glanced at Jimmy's awkward sitting posture, and the red that had not faded came again: "disgusting!"

Jimmy pursed her lower lip, and there seemed to be a taste unique to her in the corners of her mouth.

Amanda kicked her hard: "drive!"

"Seat belt!"

Jimmy subconsciously helped her fasten her seat belt.

Amanda is like hell: "I'll do it myself!"

She was a little afraid. This man was really dangerous. She just shook her mind and was almost swallowed by him.

Jimmy knows that Amanda's limit is that they can reach this step today. Although it's inevitable to lose, he still tries hard to start the car.

There was nothing to say all the way. When she got to Amanda community, Jimmy said before she got off the bus: "you're a civilian now. Your work should be very easy!"

"Well, I'm not used to it!"

"If you have time, you can go to my place..."

Civilian police means Amanda has plenty of time.

Amanda didn't dare to look Jimmy in the eye from the beginning to the end after they kissed. She said dully, "I'm not going!"

"Then I'll come back tomorrow!"

"No, I'll go!"

Jimmy nodded and made a phone gesture: "go back and talk."

Amanda nodded slightly and waved goodbye.

Watching Jimmy close the window and leave slowly until she disappeared around the corner, she touched her hot face and walked home.


Jimmy called Amanda when he got back.

Every day I saw her as exaggerated as after three autumn, but when I was quiet, my mind was full of her.

They should say that they had been on the same phone for more than an hour. Jimmy didn't find an excuse to hang up until she felt she was yawning.

A good night's dream. The next day Jimmy went to find his friend. Allen looked at him strangely: "Jimmy, what happy thing have you had!"

From speaking to other aspects.

Allen, who grew up with Jimmy, easily found the difference.

"In love!"

"With whom?"


Allen was stunned and immediately looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh, you said Amanda took a fancy to you. No, you have to compensate me. Invite me to the bar tonight!"

"Why should I invite you to the bar when I'm in love?"

"If you don't treat, give me Eva's number..."

Jimmy didn't have a good way: "you can't just walk when you see a woman."

"If you don't give it or not, break up immediately."

"Here, here!"

Jimmy took his cell phone and turned it over. Allen wrote down the phone, and then ran away under the excuse of making a phone call.


Jimmy got a call when she was getting ready to get off work. She was surprised that she wanted to find herself.

But the mood is undoubtedly good, waiting at the door of the company.

It wasn't long before Amanda drove over.

Or a police uniform.

Jimmy felt a little funny. The woman didn't know whether it was intentional or disdainful to dress. In retrospect, from knowing her, Jimmy's memory is mostly the way she looks in a police uniform. During that coincidental blind date and Angela's case, she wore casual clothes.

Officer: "miss me!"

Jimmy got out of the car and greeted him with a joke.

Amanda got used to his increasingly presumptuous greeting and pretended not to hear: "off duty?"

Jimmy nodded.

"Let's have something to eat, I'll treat you!" Amanda invited.

Jimmy hesitated, "I'm in a hurry!"

Amanda turned and left.

Jimmy quickly grabbed her arm and said, "I'm kidding you. I'm serious!"

Amanda: "come on!"

Jimmy forced a smile, carefully took Amanda's hand away, parked the car in the garage, and then got into a car with Amanda.

"I said, don't take hands as a hobby. It hurts!"

"No pain, you don't have a long memory!"

Jimmy thought so, talked and laughed a few words, and went to the nearby pedestrian street.

Before dinner, Amanda wandered around the street.

Jimmy felt that she was a little abnormal, but she didn't bother to think too much when she was accompanied by a beautiful woman. Accompany around, occasionally go into the store to have a look, and my heart is turning

Amanda glanced at him: "what's your idea!"

Jimmy coughed and pointed to the back of a couple who had just passed by.

Amanda noticed the arms of the two people intertwined.

His face was a little red and his hand hesitated to put it in Jimmy's arm.

Jimmy helped to correct: "you move forward and use some strength. It will be more natural..."

Amanda was bewildered and simply pushed him away: "Why are you so busy!"

"It's like this. The posture is incorrect. You're tired of walking!"

"Quite experienced!"

Jimmy explained, "I watched it on TV." afraid of her asking the truth, she naturally grabbed Amanda's waist and walked forward.

The waist is very thin. Although there are several layers of clothes, the novelty that has never been seen comes with it.

Amanda was made uncomfortable by his random actions. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She clearly felt Jimmy's hands moving around her waist, itching and numb

After a few steps, she knocked Jimmy's hand aside and put it on his right hand. Relatively speaking, it is more natural.

Jimmy watched her all the way and smiled heartily.

When night fell, the light was on, and they talked more and more. They came with their nature and talked at will.

Shopping, eating and watching a movie.

When I came out of the cinema, it was more than 11 p.m.

Jimmy's heart has been active since he was in the cinema, struggling to find opportunities.

Kissing is also addictive.

For example, Jimmy, who has kissed Amanda once, has missed the taste of her lips for a short time.

Amanda naturally didn't know his obscene thoughts. Her mobile phone started ringing continuously around eight o'clock, and Amanda turned it off.

After strolling around the street for a while and seeing her absent-minded, Jimmy suggested, "why don't you go home first!"

Amanda nodded. After getting on the bus, she first sent Jimmy to pick up the car .

Leave and get in the car. She took a step first.

After driving more than 100 meters, she found Jimmy's car behind her, slowly.

They were not on their way. Amanda took out her mobile phone and said, "what else?"

Jimmy's voice sounded in the receiver: "it's okay, give you a ride!"

Amanda was stunned and looked back.

The street lights are dim. It can only vaguely see Jimmy in the car behind she. He can't see the details clearly. She should be laughing.

Amanda said something about this guy, then drove safely until she reached her door, and Jimmy's car turned around and left.


When they got home, they called again.

Amanda's voice rose and fell, "today..."

Unwilling to listen to her anymore, Jimmy said in a low voice, "let's get married."

Amanda was stunned. "What did you say?"

"I said, marry me."

As soon as she finished speaking, she could hear Amanda's extremely unstable mood from the other end of the phone.

Jimmy continued, "it may be a little abrupt, but I really don't know how to make you feel safe. If you agree, we will get married tomorrow."
