

This is a captivating portrayal of the genesis of fantasy universes, home to formidable entities. For centuries, the various realms have been in a state of serenity. The Original Light and Dark Gods, who rule over the Heaven and Hell realms, have kept their kingdom gates locked and forbade the inhabitants within from engaging in any form of conflict. However, new threats are causing cracks in the peace like, immature gods who have been playing dangerous games with weaker races, seeking to gain more power and evolve into full-fledged gods themselves. Also their demigod offspring, born from their reckless actions, are becoming increasingly ruthless in their quest for power. As these new threats arise, the Original Gods mysteriously begin to work together and open their gates once more, potentially putting the entire order and system they have created at risk.   Let's first follow Damian journey as he is thrown into the middle of the conflicts of everything, well he is a young boy that is suffering and trying to find answers and the power to change his fate.   This story will leave the reader on the edge of their seats, eager to find out the outcome of characters paths as it is full of action, suspense and twists that will keep the reader captivated till the end.   Will he be able to break free from his chains and become the one he was meant to be? Or will destiny consume him?   AN:" Please read the first three chapters to get hooked, leave comments as well and stars to help me grow this story" ‘Also won’t post chapters on the weekend sorry but super busy’

HelValkyrja · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


King Myrtle's voice reverberated across the room, as he explained the true nature of the Darklings and demons to them. "Do you understand now they can't feel love at all, or any feeling like laughing, sadness, the broken heart if they even have one, grief, sorrow," he said, his tone grim.

He continued, "The Darkness God wanted warriors that were so void of emotions, they would kill their kids for the fun of it. They are absolute monsters on the battlefield, and they would kill others if they slowed them down in the slaughter."

King Myrtle then revealed a disturbing fact: the demon had managed to get his hands on some Darkling blood, which he could not fathom how or from whom. "They would never give the blood away like that," he muttered. "So I guess he was lucky. As for the low-life ones, what did you say love!!…some insane hex…is impossible for them to make. They are just bastards of his weak."

The queen, Safira, zoned out thinking, well looking at King Myrtle with concern. "I fought those things once," she said. "I didn't know they were that savage. Are you sure I don't remember them being so heartless?"

"Yes," replied King Myrtle, his face solemn. "We all fought demons, but they are nothing like Darklings and him. Weaker demons have some emotions, but Darklings mate just to see if their kids are strong. If they aren't, they would even eat them, stealing their power so I've heard…'sighs'…they are absolutely disgusting. Why do you think the Light Army finds them so repulsive? They are mad in the head."

Drac was intrigued. "So there's no way for a Darkling or demon to make a hex like that?" he asked.

King Myrtle stopped and placed his hand on his chin, pondering the question for a while before speaking. "I mean, if and I'm saying big if, a Darkling mated with a Demi-God/Celestial/Immortal/basically anything that's not a demon, that would never happen though. They find them repulsive just because they are weak," he said.

"But if maybe that child inherited the hex abilities from that said Darkling, no that won't work. If they inherit the Darkling's powers, they would then lose their emotions since they so direct….hmmm, nope, I got nothing," he continued.

Drac persisted. "What about the Darkness god or the God of hex?"

King Myrtle shook his head. "Well, the Darkness god is a big no-no. That dude is more barbaric than his creations. As for the new gods, uhmmm, it's complicated," he said, leaving the conversation hanging.

Queen Safira's hand waved forward in a beckoning motion, urging King Myrtle to simplify his explanation. The King furrowed his brow and took a deep breath, lost in thought as he struggled to find the right words.

Impatience began to gnaw at Queen Safira as she watched King Myrtle's prolonged silence. She felt the urge to prod him along, her tone growing more forceful as she demanded, "Well, what's taking so long?!"

King Myrtle snapped out of his contemplative state, his tone defensive as he retorted, "Hey, making it stupid for you all is super hard, alright? Just wait, okay?"

Finally, King Myrtle began to articulate his explanation, his eyes darting back and forth as he tried to convey his thoughts clearly.


King Myrtle cleared his throat, commanding the attention of his audience. With a self-assured air, he began to expound on the subject of hexes and curses.

"We all know curses, right? They are much duller and weaker compared to hexes. The effects take longer to work and aren't as brutal. This is because they are not as high on the darkness levels. Such a lack of darkness is what helps one keep their sanity."

He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Now, when someone learns hexes, they have to reach a certain level of darkness. That amount of dark energy flowing through one's blood fully corrupts and drives someone barbaric."

He looked around the room, making sure everyone was following his line of reasoning.

Drac was always quick to ask questions and spoke up. "So, the hex god is what then? He has no emotions at all?"

King Myrtle chuckled. "Drac, are you kidding me? Have you not heard the stories about him?"

Drac was curious. "What stories are those?"

King Myrtle coughed, looking around the room to make sure no one was listening. "Ahem, I would rather not say. There are women here. Just take it from me; he has no emotions, for sure."

Queen Safira leaned forward, intrigued. "So could he cure someone then?"

King Myrtle was exasperated. "I'm sorry, have you not been listening? How can someone who doesn't know what love is cure someone with it? It's like asking Drac over there to make a light ball - impossible."

Queen Safira sighed in frustration. "This doesn't make sense."

King Myrtle glared at Queen Safira. "What I told you makes perfect sense. Are you going senile? You called me old man. What are you on about?"

The queen looked to Drac, who nodded in agreement. He stepped forward and began to speak.

"This stays here, alright? We found a boy in the Emmortal Milky Lane. We didn't know what race he was from, so we scanned him. These were the results of the second scans," he said, pulling out a holographic display and presenting it to the group.

•Error.Error.Encountered Resistance.Error.Error. Unable to Gather all Information.•

Name: Damian.?.?.

Birth Year: 100,465,514

Age: Soul 1453 current body 5 (Age Hex Broken) 6 in 2 months and 13 days

Race: ???? Error !!!!!!!!

Ranked: Powered Grade 9 Soul/Body Comprehension 90-99% Soul locked

Powers: Rapid Healing locked, Strong locked

Skills: Stamina increased, swimming, climbing, cooking …..

Combat: SilentKnife and Twilight Whip

Weapon Mastery:(0.03% SilentKinfe) , (0.04% Twilight Whip)

Equipment: locket of heart, Bracelet Healing Obstruct, Bracelet Strength Obstruct

Physically: SULH (Causes blood to Stagnate, Heart not work), Scares

Negative Effects: Power halved, Pain Hex(Pain 1 million times usual), Mind Shattered (Loss of memory when bad trauma occurs)

Spiritual: "SULH "(Soul Lock and Hidden)

Weakness: Queen Safira of Dragons

King Myrtle's gaze remained transfixed on the holo screen, his eyes growing wider with each passing moment. Queen Safira broke the silence, her voice betraying her concern.

"So do you have any clue, sane one?" she asked.

The king struggled to form words. "Um...um...um," he stammered. "I am at a loss for words. This is impossible. Are you sure this is right?"

"100% sure. We tested him twice to be sure it was right," the queen replied.

"The machine wasn't busted or faulty?" King Myrtle asked.

"Two different machines. I broke the first one, they ordered a brand new one, then we tested him again," the queen explained.

The king shook his head in disbelief. "I'm sorry then. This is far beyond what even I can think of. My knowledge can't understand how this is possible."

Desperation crept into the queen's voice. "Do you know anyone who might be able to help, please?"

King Myrtle nodded slowly. "Yes...you aren't going to like the answer though. The Tree of Knowledge...but she's been missing since the dawn of time. Some think a few ancient gods killed her. They hated the fact that she was smarter and flaunted it."

The queen moved around the room, her expression is troubled. "Then I will find her if I have to question an ancient god myself. She must be back alive by now."

The king's eyes widened in shock. "Are you crazy? I mean, I knew you were mad, but have you gone completely stupid? Let me talk to my god friends and see if they know anything first, alright?"

Queen Safira, considering King Myrtle's proposal. "God friends, funny. Will they even grant you an audience?" she asked, her tone sceptical.

"They're going to request a lot, probably. I might need help if you're serious about this," the king replied.

"What gods are we talking about?" the queen asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I don't want to get into bed with some of those dirty, disgusting new gods."

"The triplets Dream, Nightmare, and Memories. But preferably Dream," King Myrtle replied.

"Why them?" Queen Safira inquired.

"They're ancient gods, and they aren't as corrupt as the others. Honestly, they're the best to deal with. Even though Nightmare, you know, is a psychopath, Dream is at least helpful, and Memories is passive. And if someone knows information about the Tree of Knowledge, it would be him," the king explained.

"I see. Thank you, King Myrtle. What do you think they will want?" the queen asked.

"That, I don't know. Gods always want different things. Dream and Memories will be easy, but Nightmare will be difficult and not nice. At worst, it'll be an impossible task. I'll try to keep your name out so they don't make it too hard. But I can imagine it will be something with another god," the king replied.

"Thanks, King Myrtle. This means a lot to me," the queen said gratefully.

"Don't mention it. I owe you for saving my kids from that bastard god. But why are you doing so much for this...Damian?" the king asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Queen Safira then explained how she found Damian and what they did to him, how the boy was so damaged that he didn't even feel pain anymore, and how he broke his hand right in front of them without showing any expression on his face. She wanted to help him have a good life and be normal.

King Myrtle and Tilda were stunned beyond words as they processed the heinous treatment that the poor child had endured. Queen Safira had shared with them the horrific details, leaving them both flabbergasted. It was unbelievable that the boy could still function, let alone talk, after suffering such atrocities.

"I will do everything in my power to assist you, Queen Safira. The boy deserves all the help he can get," King Myrtle stated emphatically, determined to aid the queen in any way possible.

"Thank you. I truly appreciate it. Now, I must be off. I have to see a person I loathe," Queen Safira replied, her tone indicating her disdain for this person.

Everyone in the room asked in unison, "Who is it?"

With an angry face, Queen Safira spat out the name, "Whore God Beast Lynx."

Despite the seriousness of the situation, everyone erupted in laughter as they all knew why Queen Safira held such animosity towards Lynx. Their powers were nearly identical, and they looked quite similar, but Queen Safira was more powerful and beautiful, while Lynx was more sexually provocative and open.

"I'm sorry, but I need to help Kiron and ensure everything is alright. It will take me far too long to travel there and back," Drac explained, hunching over apologetically.

Queen Safira was unhappy with this decision. "You can't leave me, Drac, not with her craziness and laziness," she protested.

"I'm sorry, my queen, but I must go," Drac replied firmly.

Fenris, Safira's daughter, asked if she could go with her mother, but King Myrtle and Drac advised against it. They both knew that it was not a good time of year to be around that planet.

"I wouldn't recommend it, little one. And you wouldn't take her anyway, Queen Safira," King Myrtle cautioned.

"Why not?" Queen Safira asked, looking perplexed.

"It's that time of the year, and I don't think she wants to be around so many...uhmm...young men," King Myrtle explained, rolling his eyes.

Drac chimed in, "Yes, I agree with King Myrtle. It's not the right time for her to be there."

Fenris looked sad but understood. "It's okay, Mom. Just don't leave me next time, please," she said, hugging her mother before joining Drac.

"Thank you, Tilda. Please show them out, and make sure to phone ahead next time. Goodbye, everyone," King Myrtle instructed.

Queen Safira bid farewell to the group before heading out to Lynx's planet.