
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Use your wings to cool down

"Business trip? To Europe?" Lin Feng looked at Crow12345 in surprise. "Why do I still have foreigners among my tenants?"

Crow12345 looked at Lin Feng strangely and sized him up. "When will your thinking catch up? It's said to be abnormal creatures, they don't have nationalities! When your vampire was born, Neanderthals hadn't even learned to walk upright yet, what nationality is she?"

Lin Feng quickly slapped his forehead in recognition of his mistake, admitting that his imagination had been constrained by the inherent rigidity of Earthlings' thinking. He quickly inquired about the details of the mission, "Who am I meeting? Where exactly? When am I going? And most importantly, will the organization reimburse the airfare?"

"Look at your ambition." Crow12345 glanced at Lin Feng sideways. "Don't worry, all your expenses will be reimbursed by the organization. I was planning to send you directly through a portal, but considering that new employees need training, it's better to give you the funds and let you figure out how to get there yourself. As for what your 'client' looks like... um, I'm not sure for now. His process of arrival here was quite special, probably through a disguise, but the data terminal you carry will release an identification signal, and he will actively seek you out. Also, you don't need to worry about passport procedures and the like, I have prepared them for you through 'special means,' so just bring them with you when you leave."

Lin Feng nodded repeatedly, then suddenly remembered something. "Right, what about the two at my house? They still fight every now and then... I can't just let them loose at home!"

Thinking about how much chaos Muyun and Vivienne would cause when unsupervised, and how long his house would hold up in the fight between the two superwomen, Lin Feng broke out in a cold sweat: this issue must be resolved in advance. He didn't want his first task after returning home to be calling the construction team to build a new house.

"Take your two at home, they might be useful. I've also prepared their procedures for you." Crow12345 waved delicately. "After all, the vampire has traveled around the world, and the werewolf can help you in a fight. Consider this a team-building exercise. Don't worry about them not agreeing, I roughly understand their situation, and those two... are idle."

Lin Feng was very interested in what Crow12345 meant by "team building" and "being useful," instinctively feeling a vague sense of crisis, but he didn't inquire further. Crow12345 was happy to explain the current situation but would never reveal future events in advance, and Lin Feng already understood this.

"Understand the situation and leave quickly." Crow12345 patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "Check your bank card when you get back, there's funding for this mission. In the afternoon, I'll send the specific contact location and details to your data terminal. This is a minor task, and every trainee inspector starts with these trivial matters—train well."

Lin Feng had just nodded when he felt the world spinning around him. When he came to, he was already back on the road near Wang Batuozi, with a throbbing pain in his shoulder and a file folder in his hand, confirming that his experience before was not a dream: every time he went to that big house, he would have a sense of unreality, mainly because the process of spatial transmission was too unimaginable.

He remembered Crow12345 saying that the funds would be transferred to his bank card. He couldn't help but smirk: let alone how the other party knew his card number, that woman had extraordinary abilities, nothing she did was surprising. What was truly surprising was that even working for a god required such a method to allocate operational funds... it was really different from what novels portrayed.

"Oh, I forgot something!" Lin Feng suddenly slapped his forehead. "I haven't asked about Vivienne's blood magic failure!"

A few days ago, Vivienne had tried to use blood magic to soothe Lin Feng's "nightmares," but neither the magic nor the vampire's blood had any effect; instead, both were absorbed by Lin Feng. This had been bothering him, but meeting Crow12345 had put him off track, and he hadn't had the chance to ask.

Looking up at the clear sky, thinking about how busy Crow12345 looked, Lin Feng shook his head and decided to ask next time.

Returning to Baishi Road in the southern suburbs by car, Lin Feng was relieved to see that his house seemed fine, with no billowing smoke or suspicious explosions. It seemed that the two superwomen hadn't fought while he was out—of course, it was also possible that Muyun had gone out for a "visit" and hadn't returned yet. Lin Feng walked up to the door, took out his keys, and called out to the living room before he even saw anyone, "I'm back!"

The house was quiet, with no sound at all. Lin Feng entered and closed the door, finding the house eerily silent, with the air conditioning in the living room turned off. After looking around for a long time, he could only walk out of the kitchen with a "sigh."

"What about the two of you?" Lin Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at Vivienne (by this time, Muyun had already entered the food-waiting state and was basically not worth talking to), "I thought you two had gone out to fight."

"The power went out just now, and I thought it was time to pay the electricity bill." Vivienne smiled. "So I went out to find a big dog to go with me."

Muyun, who rarely didn't jump up and argue with Vivienne, couldn't react now that she was being called a big dog all the time by Vivienne.

"You teamed up to pay the electricity bill?" Lin Feng looked at Vivienne strangely, but then he realized, "Oh right, you can't touch money."

Vivienne's smile stiffened for a moment, the feeling of being stabbed in the heart must not have been good, but in the end, she shrugged nonchalantly, "The transformer in the neighborhood burned out, and the power was out for half a day."

Lin Feng sighed and picked up a magazine to fan himself. "It's really annoying, it's so hot today... the power went out at such a bad time. Hey, Muyun, what's wrong with you?"

Muyun was crouched on the sofa, panting with her tongue out. "I ran back too fast just now, a bit hot."

Vivienne and Lin Feng were stunned: it was true that Muyun was a big dog, her way of dissipating heat was quite high-end!

Although watching a beautiful girl show such a silly appearance had a unique charm, Lin Feng felt a bit unbearable. So he tactfully reminded Muyun, "Do you still need to stick your tongue out in this form?"

Muyun thought for a moment, touched the sweat on her body, and then reacted, quickly returning to a normal sitting posture and retracting her tongue. "Oh, it's a habit, I always forget, I haven't changed it in so many years."

Lin Feng dryly laughed, not knowing what to say at this point.

 But at this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew in from the side.

He turned his head in surprise, only to see Vivienne already transformed into a vampire state, surrounded by a visible light red blood mist, waving two small folding fans vigorously to fan in all directions.

"Landlord, is this okay?" Lin Feng's eyes widened. "Can I do this too?"

Muyun, who didn't care about her enemy, rushed over in three or two steps, blowing cold air while asking, "Hey, the one with wings, don't you usually have a strange smell when you use the air conditioner? Can't I blow some clean air for myself?"

Vivienne raised an eyebrow. "I only use that when I'm fighting. Can't I blow some pure air for myself to cool down?"

Lin Feng felt enlightened by the correct way to use an otherworldly woman, and smiled broadly. "Alright, Vivienne, you can be the air conditioner from now on. The leftover electricity bill will cover half of your rent for half a month!"

Then he announced the mission he had just received from Crow12345: "By the way, in a few days, I have been ordered to travel—just that task from the Time and Space Management Bureau, to Europe. The time is unlimited, so it's best for you two to come along. What do you say, are you free?"