
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Transform into a husky

"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'The moon on the fifteenth is rounder than on the sixteenth'?" Raven12345's voice was deep and slow, initially giving a rather serious impression. However, Lin Feng immediately realized: what seriousness? She was just feeling guilty!

"Do you know what I'm thinking?" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and spoke in a fierce voice.

Raven12345 wasn't afraid at all, sounding carefree, "Of course, you must be thinking of taking me down with you—let me tell you, there are plenty of people in this universe who want to take me down with them. Even if you wait in line, you'll have to wait until the end of the world..."

Lin Feng casually tossed the data terminal aside. He was at his wit's end with the "goddess" who was both neurotic and shameless. As the data terminal flew out, it protested loudly, "Can't you take better care of your equipment! If you have a conflict with your boss, can't you transfer it to me..."

"Arguing with others and losing, then smashing your phone is a popular trend nowadays. But who said you're a phone?" Lin Feng glanced sideways at the data terminal, then waved to the others, "Let's go, let's go. We can't accomplish anything today."

Lin Feng and Raven12345 were communicating telepathically, so the others didn't hear. Izaxus stood up in confusion, packing up while curiously asking, "What did the goddess say to you?"

"She said, 'The moon on the fifteenth is rounder than on the sixteenth,' and I was planning how to take her down with me..." 

Everyone: "..."

"How did we end up with someone like her!" Even the usually polite and gentle Vivian couldn't help but feel exasperated. After a short period of stunned silence, she started muttering to herself while packing up her things. Meanwhile, Muyun was still sitting on the blanket, eating spicy strips and drinking mineral water. Seeing this silly werewolf's pathetic state, Vivian became even more furious. "Big Dog, have some dignity! Why are you the only one acting like everything's fine... Get up, get up. I'll pack up, you can eat at home... Big Dog? Why aren't you speaking?"

Vivian called out to Muyun a few times, but it seemed as though she didn't hear. Her head slowly drooped visibly, as if she was falling asleep while eating. A few seconds later, her shoulders began to tremble, and a strange sound emanated from her throat. With the experience from last time, Lin Feng immediately felt that something was wrong. He stepped forward and patted Muyun's shoulder, "Muyun, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Muyun shuddered violently, then raised her head dazedly. Her golden eyes were bright and eerie under the moonlight, shimmering with rings of seemingly illusory light. Her face had an abnormal blush, her gaze unfocused, and she exuded a drunken excitement. "Landlord... ha... I feel a bit... numb all over, and my hands and feet... itch..."

"This is the beginning of a transformation!" Lin Feng immediately remembered what Raven12345 had told him about the signs of Muyun's evolution during their call a few days ago. He subconsciously leaped more than a meter away, exclaiming. His exclamation also made Vivian and Izaxus stop what they were doing. The great demon and the vampire quickly approached, while Vivian carefully observed Muyun's eyes and gestured for the others to step back. "It has indeed begun. Everyone, step back a bit. After her transformation, she may be more dangerous than we imagine... This aura is different from what I've seen on other werewolves."

Lin Feng looked up at the moon, puzzled. "Didn't you just say 'The moon on the fifteenth is rounder than on the sixteenth'... Has the speed of that neurotic goddess's evolution accelerated to the point where it takes effect immediately?"

Vivian focused on observing Muyun's condition. Finally, her gaze fell on the half-empty bag of snacks in Muyun's hand. She suddenly looked alarmed, "This might be the first time I've seen a werewolf transform not because of the moonlight, but because of eating too many spicy strips..."

Izaxus couldn't help but stagger, then muttered as he packed up, "Since I met you guys, I feel like the first half of my life was lived in vain... My horizons have expanded more in these few days than in the first half of my life."

Everyone, except for the almost uncontrollable Muyun, got busy. Vivian packed up their things, while Izaxus went to a clearing hundreds of meters away, summoning green runes to outline something on the ground. Lin Feng, remembering Raven12345's advice, set the data terminal to detection mode and circled around Muyun, starting to collect energy field information from the surroundings—this was one of the reports he would give to Raven12345 later.

At this point, Muyun was experiencing some physical changes, but her mind was clear (at least for now, it seemed that the "treatment" from Raven12345 hadn't gone wrong). She couldn't sit still watching the others busy themselves, "Landlord, what am I doing?"

"You just sit here quietly. If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, tell me immediately." Lin Feng gestured for Muyun to stay still and then threw the data terminal on the ground nearby. "You're a detector now."

The data terminal immediately protested, "Hey, wait a minute! What if she goes wild after transforming and eats me?"

Lin Feng thought about it and realized that werewolves are said to have a strong appetite after transforming, eating whatever is around them. So, he quickly went to Vivian and asked for a few pieces of stomach medicine to give to Muyun. "Take these. If you have indigestion, take two tablets. It'll definitely work."

Data terminal: "Damn it..."

Everything was quickly packed up. Vivian packed everything and took it to the defensive position outlined by Izaxus using demon runes. Only a blanket remained under Muyun's feet. At this moment, the phenomenon around the werewolf girl was so obvious that even ordinary people could see it: a series of sourceless whirlwinds were swirling around her, growing faster and faster. The whirlwinds emitted an abnormal bluish-green light, and within a radius of about twenty meters from Muyun, one could feel alternating warm and cold airflows. However, taking another step forward was out of the question: the bluish-green whirlwinds had a substantial nature like blades, and any debris that touched the whirlwinds was instantly split in half. The blanket under Muyun's feet had been cut into pieces, resembling a mosquito coil. Lin Feng temporarily didn't intend to use his rigid shield to compare hardness with Muyun's blade whirlwind...

Standing in the center of all these anomalies, the werewolf girl, as the protagonist, was extremely calm. The small area around her was extremely peaceful, like the eye of a typhoon. Muyun, who had caused this strange phenomenon

, was completely unafraid. She was just curiously studying the whirlwinds around her and found that she could control them slightly. She became excited, "Landlord, landlord! I can do magic now too! That bat can't say I'm brainless anymore!"

Just based on this sentence, her brain was still limited...

Lin Feng made an encouraging gesture to Muyun, then ran towards the safe area hundreds of meters away. The so-called "safe area" was a prototype clearing covered with green demon runes, where Izaxus had laid a defensive formation using runes summoned out of thin air. These runes floated a few centimeters above the ground like living creatures, constantly moving. Although it looked a bit intimidating, there was no need to worry about the protective power.

"The momentum is strong. The werewolves of your world are really interesting creatures, capable of such explosive growth." Izaxus stood in the center of the runes, arms crossed, watching Muyun with great interest. "Hmm... There's a change..."

Almost as soon as Izaxus finished speaking, the whirlwinds around Muyun suddenly erupted! 

It was as if a heavy-duty aerial bomb had hit the ground. The originally "soft" bluish-green whirlwinds suddenly contracted and then exploded in all directions. Countless bluish-green shockwaves spread out from Muyun's center, causing a tremendous commotion wherever they went. The entire ground was shaved off by a layer in just a fraction of a second. The demon magic formation where Lin Feng and the others were located suddenly emitted a strong light, and all the runes rose into the air, forming a green shield that timely blocked the incoming shockwaves. However, the situation outside the shield was completely unclear.

A distance of one hundred meters seemed a bit too close. Izaxus had misjudged Muyun's strength, and the three of them were basically within the blast radius of the shockwave...


A distant, distant wolf howl suddenly entered their ears, and the shockwaves around them suddenly subsided. Izaxus removed the shield, and Vivian blew away all the dust with a strong wind, revealing an astonishing scene before everyone's eyes.

The original flat ground had been completely transformed. In front of Lin Feng was a gently sloping depression with a radius of a hundred meters. The bluish-green shockwaves had actually carved this area into a bowl-shaped pit, and he was standing at the edge of this pit.

In the center of the depression stood a giant beast with its head held high.

This beast was about seven or eight meters long, and despite being on all fours, it was as majestic as the demon-form Izaxus. It had snow-white fur, with some black patterns only on its face and shoulders. This was Muyun in her completely transformed and fully animalistic state.

Lin Feng's first glance fell on her ears and tail, those spirited triangular ears and the swinging snow-white tail, which were exactly the same as Muyun's in human form, just enlarged many times.

"Why do I feel... there's a slight difference from a wolf?" Vivian tilted her head and looked for a long time before finally couldn't help but mutter.

At this moment, Muyun was still immersed in the excitement of her complete transformation. She looked up at the full moon, once again letting out a loud and majestic howl, "Awoo... woof!"

Vivian finally clapped her hands, "Isn't this a husky!"