
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

The pressure is a bit high

Muyun watched as the enemy was sent flying by Lin Feng's fist, not really hearing what the latter had just said. She just stared blankly for a moment, then jumped up excitedly. "Wow! Turns out, landlord, you're quite impressive!"

Her excitement was as if she had made the move herself.

Deep down, Lin Feng also wished he was a master, but looking at Muyun's radiant smile, he couldn't muster the face for it. He could only smile awkwardly and say, "Actually... If I'm not mistaken, that guy was probably beaten half to death by Vivian's shadow clone and ran over here. I just delivered the finishing blow."

Muyun nodded, looking somewhat worried in the direction the skinny wolf-man was sent flying. "So... is he dead?"

"Definitely not." Seeing Muyun's conflicted expression, Lin Feng knew this girl was worried about the safety of her "kin." He shook his head. "I controlled the force, and honestly, with my skills... how could I punch a wolf-man to death in one blow?"

"I really didn't expect... them both to be wolf-men." Muyun stuck out her tongue. "At first, they just forcibly brought me here. It wasn't until after I called you at noon that they explained what was going on."

Lin Feng glanced at Muyun. "So, what's your plan now?"

"This is the first time in my life I've seen my own kind." Muyun's eyes sparkled in the darkness. "It feels quite refreshing!"

"Are you going to go with them?" Lin Feng raised an eyebrow, suddenly realizing that this was indeed a question worth considering: Previously, Muyun didn't know the identities of these two "nutjobs," which is why she sought his help. But now that she knows they are her "kin," this girl, who has always attached great importance to her wolf identity... what would she think?

"Of course not." Lin Feng was quite worried, but he didn't expect Muyun to shake her head without hesitation. "I don't know them."

Lin Feng was taken aback, nodding in a strange expression. "Well, that's consistent with your character."

One might say that Muyun deserved her reputation. Her thought process was simple and efficient: not knowing them meant they were strangers, so she couldn't just run around with strangers. The concepts of racial honor, tribal belonging, and the historical mission of wolf-man revival—these things were probably too complex for Muyun. Lin Feng was one hundred percent sure that the most important thing on her mind right now was to hurry home and eat the meat and bones that she missed at noon...

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the direction of the warehouse door, which was directly destroyed by violence, collapsing entirely. In the midst of the dust, Vivian's voice came faintly, "Oh, it looks like you've sorted things out here. I thought you might need some help."

A strong wind blew, quickly dispersing the dust. Lin Feng saw Vivian's situation clearly: the vampire girl looked completely unharmed, with just a slightly messy hair and a slightly dirty face, along with a slightly weary look. It seemed that the battle just now had ended in a complete victory, while the condition of the fallen Casa Eben was not so good.

This wolf-man, who was so powerful and domineering just a while ago, was now covered in wounds and had completely lost consciousness. His terrifyingly pale complexion couldn't even maintain his wolf form; he appeared before everyone in human form.

"No way, wolf-men's fighting spirit is too troublesome. If you don't bleed them a bit, they won't calm down." Vivian shook her head. "But don't worry, it's not fatal. Thanks to your actions just now, if he hadn't been distracted, who knows how long it would have taken."

The two wolf-men were soon moved to the open space outside the warehouse. Facing the two unconscious "enemies," Lin Feng and the others were a bit unsure how to proceed. If it were the previous Vivian alone in this situation, she would definitely celebrate with a good meal (and might even celebrate with a wolf-man meal), but now with Muyun around, they certainly couldn't do that.

After some thought, Lin Feng decided to report to Crow12345. But just as he took out the data terminal, the two wolf-men suddenly groaned, almost waking up at the same time.

"So, I hate these resilient guys." Vivian snorted. "You see, even if they're beaten half to death, they only faint for five minutes. This little guy here has wounds that are already healing..."

As Vivian said, the wolf-men's vitality was truly astonishing. The state of Casa Eben and the little guy was evident; they were almost half-dead, but in the few minutes they were moved outside the warehouse, the two wolf-men had gradually recovered. Ignoring internal injuries, their external wounds were visibly healing at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye—probably in another ten minutes, they could even get up and fight Vivian again.

"You..." Casa Eben was the first to wake up, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he jumped up and then looked at Muyun, who was already standing with Vivian, in shock. "Why are you standing with a vampire!?"

"I want to go home." Muyun spoke quite matter-of-factly. "I live with her."

"She's not mentally disabled." At this point, the little wolf-man also sat up. He realized that his current situation had no room for resistance, so he just sat on the ground like that. "Maybe she's been controlled by the vampire for too long and can't get out."

"Can you two stop being so imaginative?" Lin Feng felt he had a deeper understanding of the wolf-men's single-mindedness, but he also found it a bit funny and exasperating. "Actually... we've had a bit of a misunderstanding..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Feng quickly explained Muyun's special situation. Of course, considering the listener's capacity for acceptance, he didn't dare to casually mention the Husky's transformation, but just the idea of "vampire and wolf-man living together in peace" was enough to dumbfound the two genuine wolf-men.

"You see, it's like this. Muyun doesn't want to go with you." Lin Feng explained, spreading his hands. "Your actions, in my opinion, are kidnapping. The beating you received was quite appropriate..."

"Living in peace with her?" Casa Eben looked at Muyun and Vivian, a mocking expression on his face. "You expect me to believe that?"

Sure enough, the genuine wolf-men didn't believe for a moment that such a thing existed in the world. The bizarre situation in Lin Feng's home was not something that could be explained away with a simple explanation... But then again, if you hadn't had a few experiences of your worldview collapsing and rebuilding, who would believe that there could be such a ridiculous vampire-wolf-man combo in the world!

"They're also quite unique." Lin Feng sighed, looking at Casa Eben. "Look at my sincere eyes... forget it, even if you look at them, you won't believe it. Anyway, I don't want to

 cause any more trouble. You also misunderstood and took Muyun away. I can overlook that. If Muyun and Vivian have no objections, we can let you go."

Muyun naturally had no objections, she was always a bit of a fool. Vivian was a bit unwilling, but she didn't say much either.

It was the two wolf-men who looked at each other and shouted in unison, "How are we the ones at fault?!"

"Ridiculous, you kidnapped my... tenant, isn't that wrong?" 

The little wolf-man was about to cry on the spot. "I admit that our methods weren't good at first, but we didn't really do anything to this kid, did we? I even bought her food—this kid eats more than me and Casa combined. I ran to buy her four box meals twice from here to downtown, and in the end, I even skipped lunch with Casa to let her eat until she was half-full. Her mind is not normal; she kept yelling about going back to be with the vampire. We both thought she was a mentally disabled junior. We hesitated all morning about whether to reveal our identity, after all, taking back a mentally disabled child would be a laughingstock for the clan. She also wants to watch movies, listen to music, play games. When her phone ran out of battery, she started scratching the wall. Scratching the wall! If I hadn't seen her grow wolf ears, I would have thought she was a new species of canid! How big a sin is it for me and Casa? We brought back such an incorrigible child who eats whatever she wants, even if we had no hope left, we were planning to just let her go back when you guys came and beat us up... Is this a curse?"

Lin Feng: "..."