
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

The devil is coming

To be honest, Vivian was very happy to "help" Muyun in this situation. This was a rare opportunity to kick someone blatantly in the eye, and since the werewolf had requested it, the vampire girl naturally didn't hold back. She knew there was a gap in strength between her and the werewolf, so she even ran more than thirty meters for a proper run-up—her kick was so powerful, it was like breaking through the air, with a sound like tearing silk. Lin Feng felt anxious just watching.

When Muyun finally climbed up, the two of them naturally started arguing.

"Why didn't you jump in a parabolic arc when the pit was so deep and resembled a vertical shaft!" Muyun's focus was clearly a bit off.

"You could have just borrowed some force from the side when you jumped to the edge of the hole! Even if you couldn't react in time, you could adjust the angle slightly when you jumped, right? Acting like a fool all the time, I feel embarrassed living under the same roof as you!" Vivian's focus was also not quite right.

"Can you two be quiet for a moment?!" Finally, Lin Feng had to wield his authority as the landlord (which wasn't much, just to calm down the two superheroines) and shouted, finally getting the two girls to focus on the matter at hand. "Things here aren't resolved yet—what about those tin cans below? What about the malfunctioning seals and runes in the palace? More importantly, what about this stone?"

Lin Feng pointed to the demon's stone that Muyun had casually thrown aside. The meter-long black crystal was still flashing with a red light, as it did when it "awakened," slowly under the night sky. Lin Feng, relying on his thick skin and connections, cautiously approached and tapped the stone a few times. He found that it was different from ordinary rocks—it was warm, and it was constantly trembling. When he brought his ear close, he could even hear a hoarse whispering sound coming from the crystal, like a restless tuning fork, giving the impression that it was constantly releasing some kind of information—but no one knew how to stop it.

At first, Lin Feng thought he should make a quick decision and escape, which was in line with his usual philosophy of "safety first" in life. But when he mentioned this idea, Vivian told him that demons were extremely adept at spreading their power through intermediaries. When the demon's stone started pulsating, anyone illuminated by the red light was already "marked" by it, and the demon's owner had the ability to track down anyone who had been near the stone. Escaping was useless—it might even arouse the demon's interest in hunting them down.

"When you are targeted by a demon, there are only two options." Vivian reminded Lin Feng (and the equally clueless Muyun next to him) solemnly, "Either hope that the demon is not interested in you, or confront it head-on. There is no third option. Those guys will spread their power everywhere, and few can escape from under the demon's nose."

Regardless of what demons in novels and TV shows are like, this is what Vivian knows about "real demons."

So Lin Feng could only stand nervously next to the stone, watching as Vivian, a professional who had dealt with demons before, tried to find a way to break the connection between the stone and the demon.

"If it's a low-level demon, my blood can cover the stone's aura, and after the stone's aura is blocked, the undead guards in the palace should also quiet down. At least they will be easy to deal with." Vivian had circled the demon's stone several times, and now she was hesitating, "But if it's a high-level demon, doing so will not only not block the signal, but will also let the owner of the stone know that there is 'fun' here—those fighters love to fight, but few can defeat them. Advanced vampires are their favorite provocation targets: evenly matched, they can fight for a long time."

Muyun, limping in circles nearby, interjected, "Just say you're also very powerful."

"Now is not the time for jokes," Vivian glared at Muyun, "You, a little fledgling who hasn't even grown all your fur, know nothing? Getting entangled with demons is absolutely not a good thing. They are single-minded and will chase their targets to death. I hate fighting—I don't know why, I just hate fighting and killing. Who would want to be in contact with those lunatics?"

Lin Feng then glanced at Muyun, "Why are you walking like that?"

Muyun pitifully raised her tail, which had lost a third of its hair and had a slightly bent shape, "Just got hit by the stone—looks like it's going to hurt for a few days."

Lin Feng looked up at the sky: being hit by a few tons of granite ceiling, just losing some fur and skin, what's there to be dissatisfied about?

"Whatever, let's try it out." Vivian finally seemed to have made up her mind. She looked up at the sky, "The moon is about to set, I have to take advantage of the fact that I can still borrow some force to deal with this stone. If it takes too long, even the slowest demon will probably catch on—Big Dog, you guard the side, I feel that many undead are approaching the surface, they may be coming for the stone, help me block them."

Muyun responded with a confident smile, "Got it! Just need to block them, right?"

Vivian nodded, no longer speaking, just standing quietly a few meters away from the demon's stone, her hands slightly open, a thin mist of blood-red color beginning to emanate from her body.

Meanwhile, almost at the same time, Muyun heard the familiar sound of clashing armor approaching.

The undead guards were still underground, but they were about to reach the surface.

The palace originally had a very strict sealing system, and critical areas such as the demon's chamber and the knight's tomb were actually hidden. Angus, the innkeeper, had never discovered these amazing secrets buried deep underground in the castle in his early years. He only walked a few circles in a few shallow tunnels, without actually destroying or triggering the palace's arrangement—however, hundreds of years of passing time were enough to destroy the palace's seals, and these past few days had just reached a critical point.

With a large number of Leta runes failing, the confinement of the demon's chamber weakened, coupled with the gathering of many paranormal enthusiasts around the castle, their random probing became the final straw that broke the palace's back: the demon's stone suddenly became slightly active, activating the palace's defense mechanism, awakening the dormant guards, and triggering everything today.

As for the scene where the demon's stone fell to the ground and emitted a bright red light, that was just the development from slight activity to full awakening. In fact, that thing had started to become restless long before Lin Feng and the others entered the palace, otherwise why would Angus have been suddenly blocked by the rune wall that appeared?

There were originally mechanisms in the palace to deal with this situation: when the demon's chamber was touched and the undead guards could not control the situation, all the entrances and exits of the

 entire palace would be blocked by huge enchanted rocks, not only suppressing the demon, but also preventing those hollow armors, which were essentially ghosts, from running out and harming others. But unfortunately, these settings had been eroded by time, and now all the passages leading to the ground were wide open, and the undead knights were coming to the surface in an organized manner.

Clang, clang, clang, clang...

The familiar sound of armor collisions suddenly became clear. Under the moonlight, the first suit of armor suddenly appeared on a collapsed column not far away!

Muyun was already prepared. The strong girl held up a huge granite block that was half a meter wide and over a meter long in both hands, with an excited look on her face. Seeing the first armor appear, she directly greeted it with a stone: "Although I don't know why the bricks here are so big... but my Heavenly Horse Meteor Brick is compatible with all cuboid ammunition!"

The ton-heavy granite block exploded with a burst of air in the air, then with a bang, it smashed onto the armor that had just emerged, instantly turning that spot into a flat ground—no matter how strong the armor's resurrection ability was, it was impossible to stand up this time.

No longer worried about the palace environment, with an endless supply of "ammunition" at hand, the brick superwoman Muyun felt invincible. She was convinced that she would use the gigantic bricks found everywhere in the castle to flatten every tin can that appeared in front of her. Thinking of this, Muyun felt a bit excited, so while the moon hadn't completely set yet, she quickly howled at the moon: this was her signature move, she had to howl when she felt invincible.

Just as Muyun's howl startled Lin Feng, something even more startling happened:

Not far away, Vivian's ongoing ritual suddenly went out of control. The demon's stone suddenly burst into an unprecedented red light, and a terrifying voice came thundering from above the three of them:


Oh, demon language, didn't understand.

At that moment, Lin Feng knew that Vivian's bad luck, which she had never been able to shake off in her life, had miraculously struck again...