
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

New life

The frustrating task left Lin Feng physically and mentally exhausted. Having been an ordinary citizen for over twenty years, he clearly wasn't accustomed to the high-energy life of a behind-the-scenes hero—especially since he was still not even at the level of a backstage extra.

Contacting Raven12345 went smoothly. The eccentric goddess was in the yard tending to her plants, conveniently free. Lin Feng saw on the holographic display that Raven12345 was still carrying that huge cleaver, looking like a tough girl who had just returned from a comic convention.

With a weary expression, Lin Feng recounted the past two days, ending with a slightly hopeful look. "Things went smoothly. Do you think I did okay?"

Raven12345 nodded. "Yes, it was quite okay."

Lin Feng: "..."

It seemed unreasonable to expect any compliments from this unreliable person from the start.

"What, still expecting me to give you a first-class merit?" Raven12345 easily noticed Lin Feng's awkward expression and smirked. "Thought running halfway around the world to pick up a harmless new tenant was a tough mission?"

"I felt it was pretty tough. You have to consider my situation," Lin Feng grumbled. "I even fought with hundreds of undead, and also encountered a funny half-baked demon hunter. It was thrilling for me, given my limited combat power."

Raven12345 pondered for a moment, then unexpectedly nodded slightly. "Well, that could be considered exceptional. According to the manual, your physical enhancements should still be in the early stages, barely exceeding 5 in combat power. Yet, you didn't back down without much combat ability yourself. That was quite unexpected for me. So, I'll give you a reward... barely enough to earn you some military merit. Although you were on a civilian mission, the military merit system of the Temporal Management Bureau also includes such civilian tasks."

Lin Feng suddenly became interested and wanted to ask about military merit. However, Raven12345 seemed uninterested in explaining, so Lin Feng had to ask about something else. "I've picked up Isaac, but how do I send him back? I just realized something. You've paid for the travel expenses... but you haven't arranged for Isaac's entry and exit procedures for the UK! He still has the documents for the originally planned destination and a Chinese ID card..."

Raven12345 suddenly slapped her head. "Hey, no wonder I felt like something was missing! I only handled the procedures for you three!" 

Lin Feng immediately felt that it was the right decision not to have too high expectations of Raven12345 from the beginning.

"Just wait, Isaac's entry and exit procedures, right?" Raven12345 didn't seem embarrassed at all. "Technically, these things should be handled by my subordinates at all levels, but I'll do it for you personally this time. Wait a moment, I'll start the procedures now... 1, 2, 3, done."

Lin Feng was about to turn off the data terminal after hearing this, thinking that he would have to wait for a day or two for the results. But he didn't expect that in the time it took him to react, Raven12345 had already taken care of everything. Raven12345 cheerfully asked Lin Feng to extend his hand. "Open your hand, that's it, hold it steady, here you go!"

Lin Feng felt a weight in his hand. When he realized it, a large file bag was already lying in his hand.

"Oh my, this speed..." Lin Feng stared in amazement at the complete set of procedures completed in three seconds, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. "I haven't seen any other abilities yet, but how can your express delivery be so fierce! Instant confirmation plus overtime space-time express delivery..."

When Raven12345 heard Lin Feng mumbling, she immediately asked curiously, "What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing, I said you're very fast, hehe, very fast..."

"Of course, I have the title of a goddess after all. Alright, now that the procedures are complete, you guys shouldn't delay outside for too long. Hurry back. You've caused quite a stir, and staying too long might cause trouble."

With this final sentence, which might or might not be considered caring, Raven12345 unilaterally ended the communication.

Finally, there were no more twists and turns. Lin Feng and the others had originally planned to stay in London for a day or two, at least to recover from the physical and mental exhaustion caused by the high-energy night before. But now, even Raven12345, who was so unreliable, had actively reminded them to hurry home to avoid trouble. She had also prepared plane tickets for them to depart the next day, so they naturally hurried back to their country.

Upon setting foot on familiar soil again, Lin Feng took a deep breath of the somewhat fresh air of the southern suburbs. His experience in a foreign land seemed like a dream, now distant. Only the towering, two-meter-tall giant standing beside him reminded him of the reality of everything.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the half-baked demon hunter he had hastily met and bid farewell to. Probably because of the other party's special status and their experience fighting side by side (they had some bond after all), Lin Feng had a deep impression of Nangong. Although he was a jokester and a half-baked dealer, Nangong's spirit of "battle" was quite impressive. It was a pity that when Lin Feng left, he didn't say a proper goodbye to him—actually, Vivian didn't want to have anything to do with Nangong anymore, after all, he carried the title of a demon hunter.

I just don't know if there really is a demon hunter behind Nangong, and if he will become a hidden danger. This made Lin Feng somewhat uneasy. However, it was a fact that Nangong had been successfully deceived by Lin Feng before, and he didn't suspect their identities. Moreover, a meteorite falling from the sky had avoided Nangong's further investigation into the matter. But Lin Feng always felt that the reason why the other party was so easily fooled was largely due to his heavy-handed approach. There was no guarantee that Nangong wouldn't think about what happened that day when he cleared his head...

But whatever, if the sky falls, there's someone tall to hold it up. 

After figuring everything out, Lin Feng felt refreshed. His familiar large house appeared before him, and he immediately became enthusiastic, patting Isaac's elbow to introduce his future new home to the big demon. "Look, that's where I live!"

Isaac's face showed no expression, neither dissatisfied nor surprised. He just nodded calmly. "Oh, quiet, quiet is good. I can live a peaceful life from now on."

Lin Feng looked at Isaac strangely. "Hey, big guy, do you have something on your mind? Why do you seem uninterested all the way? And sometimes you talk a lot, sometimes you don't say a word."

Isaac smiled kindly, but even if he made an expression, his appearance was still frightening. "It's nothing. I've lived for a long time, and I'll always encounter some annoying things. But everything is in the past now. I've fought enough and been annoyed enough. I just want to find a place to live quietly for the rest of my life. The Temporal Management Bureau promised to arrange such

 a place for me, where I can live until I don't want to live anymore... Do you mind?"

Lin Feng thought to himself: The Temporal Management Bureau is really rude, selling my life without permission. But thinking that he had indeed signed a contract, he put on an indifferent expression. "Whatever, I'm just renting a house, whoever lives there is fine."

That was true, but it lacked one thing: he had never thought that his tenants would turn into a bunch of non-human creatures!

The house was the same as when they left, but with no one to clean for a few days, there was dust everywhere. Fortunately, the main furniture and appliances had already been covered with a large pile of tarpaulins carefully prepared and industriously laid out by Vivian from the basement, so cleaning up wasn't too troublesome. Watching the vampire happily running around the house cleaning, Isaac's expression finally became a bit strange. "She... usually does this kind of work?"

The big demon mistakenly thought he was responsible for chores here.

"Vivian has a special situation," Lin Feng explained with a dry smile. "She can't afford the rent, so she voluntarily does the work... But everything is voluntary. Anyway, Raven12345 said that you can reimburse her for your expenses."

Isaac blinked. "Looks like there's a lot I need to familiarize myself with..."

Lin Feng continued to smile dryly, with only one thought in his mind: You have a lot to familiarize yourself with indeed. Just wait for the noise to come back home, and then you'll have to work hard to understand why a cat is the second in command in the house...