
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Damn, there really is a ghost here

Lin Feng eagerly studied the new changes in his body, firmly believing that the promised physical enhancement effects from Crow 12345 were gradually manifesting. This was undeniably true—ordinary people could not see tree branches two or three kilometers away in the dark of night, not even in broad daylight, yet Lin Feng found it all quite easy.

This unexpected joy even made him temporarily forget about the matters at the castle. He focused intently on testing his eyes. He found that this sudden, super night vision ability and astonishing visual range brought no inconvenience whatsoever. He could only achieve visual distances of thousands of meters at night when he concentrated, and his vision remained unchanged under normal circumstances. It was as if his eyes came equipped with a high-intelligence night vision zoom lens, with the switching being at his discretion, as if... as if he had been born with this ability.

"That crow didn't deceive me this time." Lin Feng joyfully tapped his temple. "She said at the time that the body enhancement project would gradually unlock as I adapted, with no side effects. Looking at it now... at least this visual control is quite smooth."

"Hmph, it's just being able to see farther at night, and you're so pleased." Vivian snorted disdainfully. "Your eyesight has improved, but what about your other physical qualities?"

"You can't put it that way. I started as an ordinary person, so any special ability is already a significant improvement." Lin Feng said seriously. "Think about yourself. You never have more than two hundred yuan in your pocket, right? If one day you suddenly find a thousand yuan in your pocket and it doesn't get lost, how would you feel?"

Vivian was stunned, then her entire face lit up visibly.

Lin Feng shrugged. "See, same principle."

At this moment, Muyun finally cleaned the grass sticks and sand from her hair. She looked towards the nearby castle and asked, "When should we go in? Landlord, how come the 'joint induction' you mentioned hasn't appeared yet?"

"According to reason, it should have appeared by now." Only then did Lin Feng remember the purpose of this trip. He puzzledly rubbed the back of his head, then took out the data terminal. "Hey, any new information there?"

"No, the unit has not received updated task information. The target has not appeared yet. It is recommended that the owner wait at the current location." The data terminal displayed this message before entering standby mode again. Lin Feng tapped the casing a few times, but all it showed was a line saying "The unit is contemplating life. Please do not disturb unless there is an important event."

"Another crucial moment, and it's failing me." Lin Feng looked helplessly at the data terminal, which had been unimpressive since he got it. He then shifted his gaze to the small camp not far away. "They're not even going to explore the castle, are they? Weren't these people here to catch ghosts? Just hanging around outside the castle like this?"

"Perhaps they have some concerns about the situation inside the castle, and it's just a ruin now. Who would dare to enter casually?" Vivian said, looking at the moon. "The moonlight is being blocked by clouds. If there are any undead, this is the moment."

With that said, Lin Feng suddenly became nervous, but the "ghost-catching professionals" nearby still seemed oblivious, holding strange detectors and wearing bizarre robes. They gathered in twos and threes in the light of tents or large vehicles, some laughing loudly, some whispering mysteriously, and some even laying out picnic blankets, inviting a few acquaintances to eat and drink. Despite the late hour, no one seemed tired, behaving like a group of nocturnal animals. However, instead of an exorcism battle, the atmosphere felt more like a costume party. The European man who carpooled with Nangong was already getting chummy with a few drunkards.

Among the enthusiasts mingling in the group, Nangong and the Indian monk stood out the most. They didn't go to the most lively tents to brag with others or use strange detectors to take photos toward the castle. Some "ghost-catchers" who were drinking and dressed like medieval alchemists loudly called them over for a drink, but Nangong and the Indian monk ignored them. They each found a quiet place, sat down, and checked their tools.

Nangong opened his black suitcase, took out a peculiar small crossbow, which was more of an art piece than a weapon. Its size made one doubt its lethality. Nangong carefully placed the crossbow next to him. Then, he took out a black cloth strip tied with many silver small arrows from the suitcase and wrapped it around his waist. Finally, he took out a single eyeglass from the compartment of the suitcase, resembling a prop from a movie, and put it on his face, indicating he was prepared for something.

The Indian monk beside him took out a small pot containing spices from his colorful robe and continuously sprinkled some on himself and the surrounding ground, his expression solemn, murmuring words, completely unlike the restless and ridiculous enthusiasts around him. Even from the calmness of his facial expressions and demeanor, this thin Indian monk seemed more like a genuine demon hunter than Nangong. Lin Feng's gaze almost entirely focused on this monk, sensing a subtle aura of a master from him.

However, this kind of aura was obviously not something everyone could sense. Next to the Indian monk were a group of Europeans who were picnicking. They saw the thin old man carrying spices and immediately sent a representative over to buy a box of spices from him... to sprinkle on their barbecue...

Lin Feng immediately lost any hope he had for these "professional ghost-catchers."

Are they all here to die?!

"Look at those two." Lin Feng pointed in the direction of Nangong and the Indian monk. His suddenly altered eyes were now useful; he could see everything clearly, every move they made. "They really seem to be the real deal, different from the others around them."

"Yes, they seem to have some substance." Vivian frowned. "I originally thought Nangong was just a pure scammer, but it turns out he really knows his stuff. Those silver arrows are not only made of silver, but they also contain special demon-repelling ingredients. Look at the moonlight shining on the arrowheads, refracting a light with a light blue hue. And that Indian monk's spices make me very uncomfortable... even from this distance."

Lin Feng was suddenly shocked: this high-ranking vampire, almost resembling a living fossil, actually felt uncomfortable with the spices the Indian monk was sprinkling on himself?

Could this suddenly appearing Indian monk really be the hidden true master?!

"I don't like curry." Vivian frowned. "Eating curry in India gave me a bad stomachache for a long time."

Lin Feng: "..."

Just then, Lin Feng noticed the moonlight next to him dimming suddenly. Looking up, he saw that the thick clouds had finally completely blocked the moon.

Whether it was an illusion or not, when the moonlight was blocked, Lin Feng vaguely heard a low, sobbing-like howl from the surrounding wind.

"There's movement at the castle!" Muyun's tail suddenly stood up, her golden eyes exceptionally bright. "There's light!"

Even without Muyun's reminder, Lin Feng saw the movement in

 the direction of the castle. Almost as soon as the moonlight was blocked in the sky, several faint lights appeared in the completely collapsed ruins of the castle. These lights lasted for a few seconds before gradually disappearing, but moments later, they appeared elsewhere in the castle. At the same time, the sound of howling wind came from the castle ruins—yet there was no wind nearby at all!

Lin Feng swallowed hard. "Damn... there really are ghosts!"