
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Come on, you're a werewolf

Muyun swiftly darted behind the sofa, transforming into her werewolf form before doing so.

She crouched behind the sofa, cautiously poking out half of her head. Her silver long hair cascaded to the floor, and her furry silver-white ears twitched sensitively, giving her the appearance of being ready to battle at any moment. Lin Feng, observing this mysterious being, noticed that she still had half a piece of noodle and some vegetables in her mouth, which somewhat diminished her "dignity." However, what disrupted her dignity even more was Muyun's next action: she nervously pointed at the black and white cat at Lin Feng's feet with her chopsticks, almost on the verge of tears, and exclaimed, "Cat... cat!"

"Meow?" The black and white cat curiously tilted its head to glance at the unexpected guest in the house. This single meow made Muyun shiver twice, but the cat then elegantly ignored Muyun, as only a true feline could.

Lin Feng, dumbfounded by the scene, finally mustered the words to ask the bewildered Muyun, "Are you... afraid of cats?"

"I... I'm not afraid of cats!" Muyun defiantly raised her head, as if she were a proud fighting dog. "I am just... startled."

"Isn't that the same thing?" Lin Feng felt not only that his worldview was inadequate but also that his mind was insufficient. He even, regardless of her being a werewolf and a newly acquainted one at that, pointed at Muyun in exasperation, "Come on! Aren't you a werewolf?!"

"I am a werewolf!" Muyun seemed to finally realize that her current reaction was a bit embarrassing. It could also be that Lin Feng's gaze and words had somehow affected the young werewolf. In any case, she bravely slipped out from behind the sofa, pretending to return to the dining table but actually tiptoeing along the living room wall, circling around to the other end of the living room. "Are you sure this cat is safe?"

"What's unsafe about it?" Lin Feng casually picked up the black and white cat. "I've never seen such an easygoing cat. Isn't that right, Roll?"

The black and white cat immediately let out a soft meow, displaying extreme docility. Lin Feng was delighted by this and went to fetch the cat's feeding bowl, filling it and placing it by the table—this was the designated dining area for his pet. He then pointed at Muyun, introducing her to his feline companion, "Her name is Liu Muyun, she is a werewolf... well, that probably doesn't mean much to you. Just know that she's our new tenant. Your future meals depend on how much rent she pays, so show some respect to your benefactor, okay?"

The black and white cat seemed to understand human speech, raising its head to acknowledge the wary Muyun nearby before continuing to eat its meal.

Muyun seemed to have confirmed the safety of the black and white cat. She cautiously returned to the dining table but still held her noodles at a safe distance from the cat. Then, as if suddenly remembering something, she asked, "What did you call this cat earlier?"

"Roll." Lin Feng glanced at his only "family member" at the moment. "It's called Roll, with the radical for 'water' in 'Roll.'"

Muyun's silver hair and wolf ears receded as her emotions calmed (Lin Feng felt somewhat regretful), and she looked surprised. "Why such a strange name?"

"The cat came to my house last year." Lin Feng chuckled, explaining the origin of his pet's name. "I don't even know its breed. This place is desolate and remote, overrun by stray cats and dogs. Occasionally, one or two sneak into people's homes when they're not paying attention. But this cat came and never left. I tried to chase it away a few times, but it didn't work..."

"So you named it 'Roll' hoping it would roll out soon?" Muyun asked, wide-eyed.

"No, it likes to suddenly jump on the bed when I'm watching TV. Every time, I shout 'Roll' to drive it away. It was effective at first, but over time, when I shouted 'Roll,' it would come over all spirited—thinking it was being called 'Roll.' And so, it became Roll."

Muyun listened intently, then quietly ate her food. After a moment, she muttered, "Feels like I've come to a very strange place."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes to the heavens. Was there anything stranger in this house than her? A young lady werewolf who completely overturned common sense!

By the time they finished eating, it was already past nine o'clock. Roll's active hours had arrived, and the black and white kitten confidently ran upstairs to patrol its territory. Lin Feng threw the dishes into the kitchen sink to soak for washing tomorrow. He then lit a cigarette and sat in the living room, lost in thought—reflecting on his experiences of the day, and marveling at his strong acceptance.

Meanwhile, the werewolf was energetically exploring her new home, behaving almost rudely, but with the familiarity of a friend. Every now and then, she would sniff the air at a spot, as if remembering the scent. Though she was currently in human form, Lin Feng couldn't help but imagine her with pointed ears and a wagging tail. Normally, if a tenant behaved so familiarly and wandered around, he would say something, but now he didn't want to say anything: after all, it was normal for wolves to establish their territory in a new place. He just hoped that this werewolf could combine her territorial instincts with human common sense, always remembering that this was someone else's home and she was just a tenant. Considering Muyun's current demeanor, this shouldn't be too difficult.

Regardless of what happened, Lin Feng was confident that he couldn't defeat this werewolf.

Was it right or wrong to invite such a seemingly non-human high-combat creature into his home?

When he calmed down again, Lin Feng couldn't help but ponder this question. However, in the end, he felt that his choice was not wrong. And to be honest... he was quite looking forward to what would happen next.

This was a rather reckless attitude, as a normal person should learn to seek benefits and avoid harm, rather than rashly engage with a mysterious new world that could potentially cost their life. But Lin Feng had lived his dull life for long enough.

He enjoyed reading novels, watching TV, and indulging in various fantastical stories. This was a state of life almost inevitable for a young man who was unemployed, unmarried, and living alone without any worries about food. Although he was not delusional and did not find his boring days difficult to bear, even if a dialog box suddenly popped up on his computer saying "yes" or "ok," his first reaction would definitely be to unplug the power. However, none of this could prevent him from feeling excited when faced with certain "new stimuli." This was the most common human curiosity at play. When some people's curiosity is satisfied, they retreat like Yegor with a dragon, but others...

Would probably react like Lin Feng.

And no matter what, he still had to

 beware of that strange and dangerous giant bat. Although he didn't know why he was targeted by such a weird creature, now that it had happened, all he could do was move forward. Lin Feng was not someone who would evade reality; he would actively try to increase his safety: for example, by keeping the werewolf, who seemed to have a strong combat capability and seemed to be reasonable, by his side.

"Here's the rent, landlord!" Muyun had been running up and down the stairs several times (meeting "Roll" in a narrow passage twice, both times resulting in screams), finally remembering her current identity. With a cheerful and bouncy spirit, she went back to her room to get her wallet and counted out the rent, stuffing it into Lin Feng's hand. "As you wrote in the advertisement, three months' rent in advance. How much for meals?"

"Oh, forget about the meal fees." Lin Feng noticed Muyun's frown when she smelled smoke (a dog's nose is really useful), so he conscientiously put out his cigarette. "It won't make much difference to have one more person. Also, don't keep calling me 'landlord.' I have a name; just call me Lin Feng."

"Got it, landlord."

"Call me Lin Feng..."

"Okay, landlord."

"...Forget it, I'm going back to sleep. You're free to do as you please, but don't go into the locked rooms. Everything else is fair game." Lin Feng sighed and got up to return to his room, while Muyun also turned to leave. However, halfway there, she brought up a new topic, "By the way, landlord, you're not going to sneak up on me at night, right? It's just the two of us in this house, and this is the first time I've rented a room from a single male landlord..."

Lin Feng almost fell to the ground, then turned to glare at the annoying werewolf, "For the sake of my own safety, I absolutely will not sneak up on you at night. You can rest assured!"