
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
110 Chs


It was already six o'clock, and Lin Feng quickly washed his face, washing away the fatigue from sleeping for more than ten hours, and then came to the ground floor restaurant with Vivian, who was full of grievances due to poor rest. Behind them trailed Mu Yun, who was wandering like a lost soul: the werewolf girl had been energetic since midnight last night and had finally reached her "nap time" now, looking as exhausted as a dead dog.

Lin Feng truly felt that a person's biological clock could be so powerful was a very miraculous thing.

"Landlord, I want to sleep... I also want to eat lunch, and I want to lie down on the ground..." Mu Yun muttered behind Lin Feng, her voice lacking energy, looking just like a dead dog unwilling to leave its owner's feet, though even Vivian didn't dare to say it outright at this moment: Mu Yun's pride as a "werewolf" was exceptionally strong, even in her current sleepwalking state, if you were to compare her to a domesticated dog, this girl would still jump up and bite you with a mouthful of teeth, even three layers of stab-proof vests wouldn't withstand her bite.

"At this hour, we should be eating breakfast." Lin Feng looked at the dawn outside the restaurant, which had not yet fully brightened. He reminded the confused werewolf next to him with some helplessness. London had already escaped the embarrassment of being an industrial foggy city, but the climate conditions of this area in the early morning were still foggy, with heavy clouds and variable weather. Today's weather was not very good. Although the sun had risen, the light outside still looked a bit gloomy, and for the next few hours, it would either be foggy or overcast.

"Look, over there." Vivian suddenly tugged at Lin Feng's sleeve, pointing to a conspicuous table outside the restaurant, "That 'Nangong,' he's quite punctual. I never expected this guy, who has something to do with demon hunters, to be so punctual."

Because Nangong might have some connection with demon hunters (there was even a one percent chance he was the real deal), Vivian instinctively disliked him. She didn't have outright hostility at the moment, but behind the scenes, she would definitely not be all smiles.

"After watching yesterday's TV, I suddenly feel that we don't need to go with this dangerous guy." Lin Feng hesitated a bit, "Joford Castle is now full of people, all looking for ghosts from the past. Do we still need a guide?"

"Why not?" Vivian gave Lin Feng a glance, "Do you know how to get from London to Brushal?"

Lin Feng was taken aback, he had actually forgotten about that.

At this time, Mr. Nangong had already seen Lin Feng's group of three, immediately waving and greeting them. He appeared friendly, and it was unrealistic for Lin Feng to leave at this point, so he could only lead Vivian and Mu Yun to greet him, "Good morning."

"Morning, you're not late either." Nangong smiled slightly, then looked somewhat puzzled at Mu Yun, who was closing her eyes and swaying behind Lin Feng, "Uh, what's wrong with this girl?"

"Jet lag hasn't been reversed, it's nap time now." Lin Feng shrugged helplessly, "Shall we set off now? Or eat here first and then leave?"

Nangong said there was no hurry, delaying for another ten or twenty minutes wouldn't miss the train, so Lin Feng decisively decided to fill his stomach first: the hotel provided a free buffet breakfast for each guest, and he had to make up for what he had eaten before checking out. Mu Yun was getting more and more tired at this time, looking like she was about to lose consciousness, but miraculously, the werewolf girl wouldn't delay her meal even in this state: Lin Feng followed Mu Yun's recipe and prepared a plate of food for her. Mu Yun ate everything with her eyes closed, relying on her sense of smell, not even leaving a scrap of food behind...

Nangong looked on in amazement, which made Lin Feng and Vivian nervous. They were afraid that this self-proclaimed demon hunter would see through Mu Yun's peculiar situation and discover her non-human nature. As a result, Nangong either was a fraud or was clueless—he exclaimed, never thinking that the "demon" he was hunting was sitting right next to him.

After breakfast, the group of them checked out at the front desk and left the hotel with their luggage. Lin Feng and his two companions didn't have much luggage, just one large travel bag altogether. In theory, such things should be carried by the man on the spot, but Vivian unceremoniously tied the large bag to Mu Yun: the latter suddenly had tens of kilograms of weight added to her in a half-asleep state, but she was still asleep! She was used by Vivian as a laborer, walking behind Lin Feng as if she were a hard-done-by wife, purely a psychological effect. Finally, Lin Feng couldn't help but step forward and switch the bag onto his own back: "Forget it, stop bullying her."

Mu Yun opened her eyes in a daze, and even knew what had happened, "Thank you, landlord, I'm not tired..."

Vivian snorted, "Men's weird thinking, after all these years, you haven't made any progress."

Lin Feng awkwardly laughed twice, looking at Nangong beside him. The tall, thin man who claimed to be a demon hunter had much more luggage than the three of them combined. He truly lived up to his reputation as a world-traveling professional. The luggage of just one person was even larger than the travel bag Lin Feng was carrying on his back: it was a large, sturdy, and heavy oversized travel suitcase. It made a thunderous noise when dragged on the concrete road. God knew what was inside.

"What's all this in your suitcase?" Vivian, being astute as she was (don't let her hear these four words), immediately put on an innocent, curious look and asked.

"It's all necessary for my 'work.'" Nangong dragged a huge suitcase, but still maintained his clean, neat, and dignified image, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. Even though he was dragging a suitcase half his height, he looked like a successful entrepreneur heading to a meeting, "I use them to fight against evil. This suitcase has subdued at least three digits of monsters and demons."

"A true demon hunter doesn't need so many tools." Vivian returned to Lin Feng's side and whispered, "They are their own weapons. It looks like we can rest assured."

At this moment, Lin Feng was thinking: why are all men like this, with such a disparity in appearance? Someone dragging such a large suitcase looked like a successful entrepreneur heading to a meeting, while he, carrying a travel bag, looked like he was walking to ask for wages...

And so, the two parties, each harboring their own secrets, set off on their journey to Brushal Town. In any case, having a professional who often travels and knows the way as a guide saved them a lot of trouble. With Nangong's help, Lin Feng and his companions finally did not get lost in the ancient and winding streets of London, and smoothly boarded the train

 to their destination.

The journey was quiet, with the four of them spending the whole day on the train.

Because there was a stranger by their side, Lin Feng and Vivian couldn't discuss too many confidential matters, so the journey seemed particularly dull. The only thing worth mentioning was that Mu Yun woke up halfway through her "nap" and then sat idly on the train seat for a long time. When the train was about to arrive at the station, she began to feel drowsy again—she was so excited before leaving, but after arriving in England, she was either sleeping or daydreaming. She barely had any free time and spent it all on the train.

When the train arrived at the Brushal small station, it was almost dusk. There were few people getting off here, indicating that not everyone was interested in causing trouble in such a remote and desolate place. Lin Feng arrived at the platform of the small station with the familiar announcement in his native language, only to find that this place was even more remote and desolate than he had imagined.

The scale of the train station was extremely small, with only two railway lines passing through it, one of which was abandoned. The area around this small station was basically barren land, filled with yellow-brown gravel and stones, and the only greenery was wild grass and shrubs that grew randomly in the wind. From the station, you could see the nearby town of Brushal, the buildings of which were already somewhat old, and the whole town was very small, almost like a village.

I don't know how this town was built, it actually sits in such a remote and desolate place, the feng shui of this place reminded Lin Feng of the Heaven Branch Office on Earth—also known as the mound.

Nangong sniffed the air and showed a look of interest on his face, "I smell the breath of a 'big guy.'"