
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

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The discussion between Lin Feng and Vivienne about whether "Mr. Nangong" was a demon hunter, a fraudster, or just a delusional bystander (although the latter possibility was unlikely), lasted quite a long time.

Vivienne claimed to have a special sensitivity to demon hunters due to an injury in the past. However, she also admitted that this innate ability was unreliable and couldn't be considered reliable evidence. As for Muyun, she had never encountered a demon hunter before and was more clueless than a child in Vivienne's eyes. She probably wouldn't even be able to react if she were confronted by a demon hunter.

According to Vivienne, demon hunters are "half-human, half-monster." They unleash various superhuman powers during battles, and in some cases, their bodies even mutate. However, in ordinary times, they appear completely normal, without any noticeable traits that could be used for identification (this "secrecy" is also one of the demon hunters' trump cards in dealing with anomalies). Mr. Nangong's behavior, in Vivienne's view, didn't resemble that of a demon hunter at all. Especially his initiative in striking up conversations and flaunting his identity was quite different from Vivienne's memories of her archenemies. However, this alone couldn't rule out the possibility that he was the "real deal." After all, even the vampire girl hadn't seen a demon hunter in many years, and even the few she had encountered were just a small part of the demon hunter community. Her knowledge was limited, her memory was blurry, and most importantly, she was unlucky—a person who couldn't even be sure if she would share Vivienne's misfortune just by going out the door and running into a "genuine article."

So, Lin Feng was still quite uneasy.

The three of them were not faring well in this unfamiliar place. Although the language barrier had been solved, the journey was tiring. Even Muyun was too lazy to move, and the three of them returned to their rooms after eating. Muyun was now lying on the sofa in the center of the living room, flipping through channels on the TV, although she couldn't understand a word, she seemed quite entertained. Vivienne, on the other hand, was doing something very meaningful beside her: she had taken out all the cash she had prepared for this trip and was counting it over and over again...

Lin Feng sat next to Vivienne, extremely vigilant, trying to maintain the closest distance possible to her. He kept his eyes fixed on Vivienne's slender, pale hands, afraid that if he blinked, her bad luck aura would erupt, causing the stack of banknotes to disappear in an instant. He had realized that Vivienne's terrible luck was far beyond the simple word "misfortune." It was like the will of the universe, a passive effect at the level of law, making every encounter with money an extreme psychological sport for her.

Vivienne counted the money with great enthusiasm, occasionally sighing, "Oh... this is truly a rare moment of luxury in my life... so this is what it feels like to count money... living with the landlord really brings good times... hey, landlord, don't be so nervous, okay?"

"I've said you can just call me Lin Feng outside." Lin Feng looked at Vivienne with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Besides, I have a reason to be nervous. I swear, if I don't keep an eye on you for even a moment, you'll manage to spend all our funds. And could you have a little dignity? When you took out all the money from my wallet, I thought you were up to something, but it turns out you're just counting money for fun?"

"Can you understand the devastation in my heart after being poor for thousands of years?" Vivienne sighed poetically, "Ah, the last time counting money was this enjoyable was during the Republic of China period, carrying a sack to buy rice, spending half an hour counting silver dollars at the grain store... But that time didn't feel as good as this. After all, those things are like waste paper, nowhere near as real as pounds. Hey hey, this stack is counted, let me count it again... Hey Lin Feng, don't be like this, let me count it again!"

Lin Feng decisively put away the money, placing it securely close to him, and then said earnestly, "My vampire young lady, if you want to count money, how about we go to Zimbabwe later and let you count as much as you want? For now, why don't you behave a little normally? We were discussing the demon hunter earlier, why the sudden change in demeanor? Don't you find it odd?"

"After experiencing so much hardship, how long do you expect me to be nervous about such trivial matters?" Vivienne looked at where Lin Feng had put away the money with reluctance, then turned her gaze away disdainfully, "Do you know what a real demon hunter should be like?"

Lin Feng became very interested, "What should they be like?"

"In my experience, they like to wear black clothes when they're on the move. They used to wear hunting gear, but later they switched to tight suits. The demon hunters in the East also wear kung fu suits. In any case, they're very rigid in their appearance and behavior. They're usually a bit gloomy, difficult to talk to, and extremely low-key. They always try to hide their identities in ordinary times, fearing that they will attract our attention and alert the prey. They wouldn't even reveal their identities to others, let alone boast about their exorcism business like Mr. Nangong. However, this doesn't completely rule out the possibility that he's the real deal. After all, even vampire girls like me haven't seen demon hunters for many years, and even those I've encountered are just a small part of the demon hunter community. My knowledge is limited, my memory is blurry, and most importantly, I'm unlucky—so unlucky that even you, Lin Feng, can't be sure you won't share my misfortune and run into a 'genuine article' the first day you go out."

So Lin Feng listened attentively, nodding repeatedly, "Hmm, makes sense. Shall we just relax completely then?"

"We still need to be cautious." Vivienne shook her head, "He doesn't seem like a genuine demon hunter, but he's almost certainly been exposed to that world. He knows the history of demon hunters, and when he talks about 'work,' he knows what he's talking about. So, I guess he might be a henchman of a real demon hunter. Those cunning guys occasionally do such things. So, we should be careful not to let Mr. Nangong notice anything too unusual. Other than that, he probably isn't a threat. After all, our goal is just to find someone, not to get into a fight."

Lin Feng nodded, and the discussion about "Mr. Nangong" ended here.

At this point, Muyun had already flipped through the channels several times on the TV, completely unable to understand what was being shown. The werewolf girl seemed a bit bored. She tossed the remote control to the side and scratched Lin Feng's back with her claws, "Landlord, talk to Crow12345 and ask her to prepare a data terminal for each of us. In the future, you might

 have to host people from abroad, and it would be embarrassing if you couldn't understand them."

Lin Feng chuckled, amazed that this silly werewolf could also use her brain. Her reason for wanting the terminal to watch foreign programs was so well-argued. But just as he was about to explain the organizational system to Muyun, a word that caught his attention suddenly came from the TV beside them: "...Yorkford Castle near Brussels has recently attracted many enthusiasts of the paranormal..."

Lin Feng immediately perked up and turned his head to see a TV interview program. A blonde, blue-eyed foreign woman was holding a microphone standing next to a broadcasting van, and behind her was a rugged wilderness with almost completely collapsed ruins in the distance. Standing next to the female host was a short, fat man in a white T-shirt. He was obviously not a TV station staff member. His face was full of beard, slightly balding, and his clothes were a bit old-fashioned, making him look like an ordinary local farmer who was being interviewed.

"...What we see now is Yorkford Castle. Obviously, it has completely collapsed, and we can no longer see its original scale because there are no roads here, and the broadcasting van can only stop here. Later, I will walk to the castle on foot to show everyone its appearance up close." The female host introduced the current situation and then gestured to the short, fat man beside her, "This is Mr. Angus, who first discovered the paranormal events at the castle..."