
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Ace thug

The demon hunters haven't pursued us for the moment, but it's universally understood that lingering here is unwise. Although Vivian has magically erased our group's presence, demon hunters are renowned for their hound-like pursuit and unyielding patience. Unless thoroughly shaken off, they'll track their prey relentlessly until life or death is decided. Clearly, they haven't reached the point of giving up yet.

However, Lin Feng and the others must rest briefly in this desolate land to recover their strength and heal their injuries.

Eoin Aiben barely escaped with his life, looking so wretched when brought out that he resembled a corpse. Kasa Aiben hasn't fully dispelled the anti-demonic power from his body yet. Vivian hasn't suffered much physically, but her stamina has been greatly depleted. As for Lin Feng, he needs to wait for his shield to recharge fully. In summary, except for the eccentrically cheerful Muyun, the rest of them need time to recuperate; otherwise, continuing to run would only waste energy, and they might inadvertently leave traces for the demon hunters to find.

"Cough... I don't think I've been this severely injured in over a hundred years," Eoin Aiben lay pale-faced on the ground, self-deprecatingly chuckling. Though his burns and frostbite still looked horrifying, they were merely dead skin now, with new skin slowly growing beneath those scorched marks. The terrifying wound piercing his abdomen had also stopped bleeding, with muscles and blood vessels near the wound trembling as they knit together. Complete recovery seemed only a matter of time. "The last time someone made a hole in me was in 1943. You told me human sniper rifles weren't powerful... cough, and then you deceived me by saying vampire doppelgängers had low combat capabilities..."

"You got that hole from the demon hunters this time," Kasa Aiben rolled his eyes, "And besides, last time, how was I supposed to know you'd stick the barrel of the gun in your mouth? I told you to 'taste the bullets,' not swallow them."

"If it weren't for getting injured so badly while fighting that doppelgänger, why would I let the measly demon hunters shoot me against the wall?" Eoin smirked, "Damn it, I'm so hungry now, very, very hungry. I've probably burned through three days' worth of fat reserves. I feel like I could even eat a rock right now..."

Muyun, finishing sharpening her claws, happened to overhear this. Without missing a beat, she casually picked up a nearby rock and handed it over. "Here, a rock for you."

Kasa and Eoin stared at each other, then both closed their eyes in exasperation. "For the love of... just for the sake of this mentally ill kid!"

Lin Feng watched the two werewolves bicker with great interest, realizing Eoin was likely trying to divert attention from his wounds. He found these two werewolves, whom he had just met, weren't as vicious as he initially imagined. While they had "abducted" Muyun, their actions seemed more impulsive than malevolent. Besides that, after hostilities ceased, he found these two quite amusing.

However, on the other side, Vivian clearly preferred to keep her distance from the werewolves. The vampire girl stood sentinel on a nearby mound, showing no interest in the conversation between the two werewolves. Yet Lin Feng could also discern that she didn't harbor much animosity toward them; there was simply a natural barrier between them.

"Why have all the demon hunters gathered here?" Kasa Aiben still couldn't comprehend the situation. "They rarely operate in groups, but this time they've assembled a team. Tut-tut, it's puzzling."

"Could they be specifically ambushing us?" Eoin Aiben struggled to sit up, "Hiss—almost healed now. Did you inadvertently reveal our whereabouts during your daytime activities?"

"Doesn't seem likely. These people probably just passed through," Kasa shook his head. "From their equipment, they didn't bring holy water or relics specifically used against vampires. This indicates they're unaware of the presence of a vampire in this city. If they were here to ambush us, they would have struck in the morning, when just the two of us plus this girl wouldn't have been able to escape. Also, have you noticed their weapons are all temporarily enchanted? So I guess these folks are just passing through. Coincidentally, when they passed through, we and the vampire got into a scuffle, which attracted these troublemakers, and the ambush was set during that short period. Demon hunters are skilled at setting traps unnoticed."

Lin Feng's understanding of demon hunters was limited, so he listened carefully to Kasa's analysis. He hadn't realized demon hunters had so many tricks up their sleeves. After hearing this, he felt this knowledge would be useful in the future. Who would have thought the situation would come to this: an official employee hired by a goddess, inadvertently becoming a member of the monster camp, and now having to find a way to fight against human guardians... Lin Feng was sure Raven12345 had long known about this situation.

"You're definitely one of the clever ones among the werewolves," Vivian's voice suddenly came from nearby. She had approached without notice, "Werewolves in my impression rarely analyze situations like you do."

Kasa Aiben grinned, "Of course, I'm the sage among werewolves..."

Vivian cut him off, thinking that werewolves' intelligence probably stopped at this level.

"How long do you plan to rest?" Vivian looked into the distance, confirming the demon hunters hadn't caught up, "Continuing to delay here might cause problems. It's better to part ways now. You guys find a way to report the situation to your family. We have a ace fighter and a powerful backer here. We're not afraid of demon hunters."

"That makes sense. Splitting up has its advantages." Kasa looked at his now mostly healed arm and nodded in agreement, "Then let's part ways here. I'll convey the Countess's message to the elders of the clan."

Lin Feng also stood up, patting himself down. His brow furrowed slightly, "Why do I feel like I forgot something?"

"Did you leave something in the warehouse over there?" Vivian stretched her wings and patted Lin Feng's shoulder, "Was it your wallet?"

"You think everyone's like you," Lin Feng swatted Vivian's wing down, "Even if I lost my wallet, I still have enough money to support you guys... I remember I threw something away back then..."

Just as Lin Feng was about to finish his sentence, a sharp whistling sound approached from a distance: "You idiot, you threw your terminal out!"

The data terminal emitted a blue light, behaving like a runaway UFO as it swiftly spun through the air, hurtling toward Lin Feng's forehead. Finally, with a loud bang, it collided with his rigid shield: "Do you use your PDA like this?! Remember those first few days when you handled it so carefully to avoid scratches? Now you're treating it like a brick?"

"What in the world is this thing..." Kasa and Eoin were dumbfounded, both exclaiming in unison. During the chaos earlier, they had seen Lin Feng toss out something shiny and intimidating, but at the time, they hadn't had the chance to get a good look at what it was. Like the scarred woman, they instinctively assumed the data terminal was some kind of hidden weapon. Now, seeing that it could fly, jump, and even speak, and now return to its owner from afar, they were utterly astonished. Eoin slapped his forehead in disbelief, "Has human technology advanced to this level already? Is this the iPhone 66 or the Xiaomi 79?"

Feeling embarrassed, Lin Feng hastily stuffed the data terminal back into his pocket. "Uh, hehe, this is my personal weapon, my personal weapon... just behave in there! No jumping around! No turning! No overheating! And don't start playing 'The Legend of Lady Dou' in my head!"

The two werewolves stared blankly at the scene before them, likely never having seen a weapon that could fight its owner.

Just then, a booming and genial voice sounded from nearby, "Ah, so here you all are, everything alright?"

Following the voice, Lin Feng's eyes widened in delight. It was none other than the familiar towering figure, the familiar bald head, the face that could earn you a fifteen-day administrative detention just by walking down the street! It was Isaac!

Instantly, he knew that even if those demon hunters resurrected and swarmed them, there was no need to worry. The person standing before them was a monster-level powerhouse who could single-handedly crush a city with a meteorite plucked from the Kuiper Belt. Optimistically speaking, the demon hunters combined might just equate to three of Isaac's sneezes...

Muyun and Vivian went up to greet Isaac, while the two werewolves exchanged astonished glances. Unable to contain his curiosity, Eoin spoke up, "Is this... the ace fighter you mentioned? Who is he exactly? I didn't even sense his presence just now!"

Kasa replied, "Of course not. That's because you've been knocked silly by the demon hunters."

"Oh, I see."

"I think I understand the situation now," Isaac said, after exchanging pleasantries with Muyun and the others. With a hearty (alarming) smile, he approached Lin Feng, "I found your 'weapon.' You ran into demon hunters, didn't you? Is that the guy standing over there?" Isaac pointed his finger, and Lin Feng followed his gaze, only to be stunned: the leader of the demon hunters had somehow appeared a hundred meters away!