
Able mind

Synopsis Kai, a shy and bullied high school student, finds his passion and talent for acting and martial arts. With the encouragement of his drama teacher, Mrs. Ndlovu, he auditions for the school play and lands the lead role. As he delves deeper into his training, he discovers he has a remarkable talent for memory and becomes a formidable fighter. Through his journey, Kai gains confidence, focus, and determination, transforming from a target for bullies to a true able mind, unstoppable in pursuing his dreams.

Emarshall_Bosman · Fantasy
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21 Chs

6 The Dark Past

Kai's acting career was taking off, with role after role falling into his lap. He was living his dream, but the spotlight came with a price. Paparazzi followed him everywhere, and the constant scrutiny was suffocating.

One night, as he was walking home from a premiere, Kai noticed a strange car following him. The windows were tinted, and he couldn't see the driver's face. A chill ran down his spine as the car pulled up beside him.

The window rolled down, revealing a figure from his past - a bully from his school days. Kai's heart raced as the man sneered at him, taunting him about his success.

"You think you're better than us, don't you, Kai?" the man spat. "But we know the real you. And we'll make sure the world knows too."

Kai tried to brush it off as a prank, but the encounter left him shaken. The darkness of his past was creeping back, threatening to destroy everything he had worked for.

He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, and the constant stress began to affect his performances. His agent and publicist noticed a change in him, but Kai couldn't bring himself to open up about his past.

The pressure was building, and Kai felt like he was on the verge of a breakdown. He knew he needed help, but he didn't know where to turn.

kai has a past and it's dark

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