
Able mind

Synopsis Kai, a shy and bullied high school student, finds his passion and talent for acting and martial arts. With the encouragement of his drama teacher, Mrs. Ndlovu, he auditions for the school play and lands the lead role. As he delves deeper into his training, he discovers he has a remarkable talent for memory and becomes a formidable fighter. Through his journey, Kai gains confidence, focus, and determination, transforming from a target for bullies to a true able mind, unstoppable in pursuing his dreams.

Emarshall_Bosman · Fantasy
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21 Chs

1 The struggle

Kai trudged through the school gates, eyes fixed on the ground. Another day, another struggle. He was in grade 11, stuck in the same class with the same bullies. They seemed to take pleasure in making his life miserable.

Kai lived in Soweto, South Africa, where life was tough and school was no exception. He was a skinny boy with a shy demeanor, an easy target for bullies. They called him names, pushed him around, and stole his lunch money. Kai felt like he was walking on eggshells, never knowing when the next attack would come.

He noticed a group of popular students staring at him, and felt a pang of jealousy. Why couldn't he be like them? Confident, popular, and liked by everyone? He wondered what it would be like to escape the cycle of bullying and loneliness. To have friends who cared about him, to be part of a group, to be accepted.

Kai opened his locker and grabbed his books, trying to shake off the feeling of inadequacy. He noticed a poster on the bulletin board: "School Play Auditions - Sign up now!" He loved acting, but never thought he was good enough to try out. Besides, the bullies would never let him hear the end of it if he failed.

But something inside of him stirred. Maybe this was his chance to prove himself. Maybe this was his chance to show everyone that he was more than just a target for bullies. He thought about his parents, who always encouraged him to pursue his passions. They had always told him he was special, that he had a gift. He thought about his own dreams and strengths. He loved acting, loved performing, loved making people laugh.

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