
Ability Devourer

Ability Users are the privileged class in a complex world where society tries to balance the lopsided abilities of ability users with ordinary people. Adrian Miles, son of an industrial scion, has failed to awaken any ability going to his third and final year of high school and a target of vicious bullying. Things change when Adrian steps into a quagmire web of intricate plots in the criminal underbelly that somehow involves a vast conspiracy and fills him with a sense of urgency to be able to defend himself from unforeseen circumstances. Yet, having failed to awaken at an age approaching eighteen, his hope to ever awaken an ability is dwindling and along with it a growing sense of vulnerability, until a crisis brings him closer to death than ever before...

Epicurian · Urban
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31 Chs

An Unexpected Conclusion

Cody was no longer Cody. He was no longer human either. Trix, who was trying to sustain the illusion attack holding him in place finally lost the battle, as Cody's entire body turned scaly and the shape of his face changed dramatically, resembling one closer to that of a reptile. His canines expanded dramatically and his entire body stretched out, shattering all the shackles around him, as his body began to heal in a speed that was visible to the human eye.

"What... just what is that?" Cran screamed as he slid down the vertical tower carrying bottles of Nucleus Potions from Adrian's apartment, using his slippery ability in a complicated manner to slide vertically, yet occassionally stop slipping as a form of braking, before he arrived beside Adrian.

"That..." replied Janice, "used to be the blue haired brat. He's turned into some kind of reptile. My vibrations can't penetrate his scales."

Trix was heaving, sweat pouring off her face. "His mind is too chaotic right now, attacking him with a mental attack is causing a reverberating backlash to my own mind."

Cran quickly injected all the nutrition potions into Adrian and observed that his pulse stabilized. "He's stabilized for now, but we still have no support? Lear, didn't you call for help? What about the school's teachers and principal?"

Lear shrugged. "I already pinged for help. We can only stall. Girls, step back, this is going to get rough."

Lear waved his hand and several underground water pipelines burst apart, causing the water to rise up the the surface in a jetstream. Under Lear's control, the tidal wave of water turned into a terrifyingly chaotic and turbulent pillar, blasting toward the azure colored reptilian creature.

The creature gave out a devastating roar, that sent shockwaves, shattering windows in a radial distance of several miles, momentarily halting the water column mid air. The true intent of the roar, however, was to mentally stun the four fighters trying to stall Cody's rampaging path.

Trix coughed out blood, the shocking roar damaging her mind as she desperately managed to divert the mental stun effect from others towards her own mind.

The reptile jumped headfirst towards the water pillar hurtling towards him, but failed to sustain momentum against the impact of the water. Spiralling force slamming into his scaly chest like a drill, blasting the reptilian creature away. In the air, the reptile's finally formed tail sprung into action, piercing into the asphalt, using friction to stop itself from being pushed backwards.

Cody, the now completely transformed monster, stomped its feet and bolted towards Lear who remained unfazed. He quickly diverted the water, turning them into tiny bullets that showered powerfully and viciously into the monster's back, causing large bullet holes and deep red blood to flow out.

Janice suddenly appeared on top of the monster after jumping across the walls of buildings in the vicinity, using her arms to push in tremendously powerful vibrations through its body, causing its outer scales to tremble violently and its eyes to turn bloody red in pain.

At that moment, Wheeler, who had been knocked unconscious had suddenly reappeared and grabbed the roaring monster in a chokehold, not at all letting go, while also bearing the brunt of the terrifying vibrations being emitted by Janice.

Lear then manipulated the water to form chains thay grabbed the reptilian beast's hands and tried to tear them apart viciously. The reptilian monster was extremely resilient, yet the combined attack of the three put it under enormous strain and pain. Angered and humiliated, it let out a gut wrenching roar that threatened to wipe away the consciousness of anyone in the vicinity.

"What a terrible spirit attack!" Cran cried out as he watched the scene helplessly. For the first time in a long time, he felt useless with his ability in the current situation. The powerful sonic roar caused sharp pin prick like pain in his mind, as he felt his vision turn darker. He desperately turned towards Trix, the only capable mental user in their group, who had been terribly battered in course of diverting the previous mental attack for help, only to see her gritting her teeth as a grey aura seeped out of her, colliding with the terrifying spirit vibrations emitting from the cornered monster.

The situation was in a terrifying deadlock. The entire student council had spent all its forces restraining and hurting Cody, who had turned into a monster, while the monster was letting out a final roar of unwillingness that threatened to destroy the brains of the student council members, if not for Trix's desperate head on mental counterattack.

Lear, who was struggling to control the water chains and desperately try to tear the monster apart into two halves by pulling its arms apart forcefully, felt blood trickle out of his lips amd his vision blue. Janice, who was floating in the air with the aid of repellant vibrations was also flailing as she tried her best to maintain the vibrations that roiled the monsters insides.

Wheeler, whose body was pierced by hundreds of azure scales, had already lost the mental will to hold on. His choke hold over Cody, which was the primary restraining force in this deadlock, loosened and Cody swung his tail in desperation, blasting Wheeler away into a dumpster in the distance.

However, the next moment, an unexpected event occurred. Terrifying bolts of electricity surged through Cody's monstrous body, combined with the water surrounding him, turning him into a gigantic voltage fluctuation. The terrifying roar suddenly stopped and the student council members could breathe, however the piercing sound of electrocution and acrid burnt flesh hung in the air.

Lear looked on in surprise, as the spirit attack threatening to turn him into a husk of flush stopped and he observed that the reptilian monster was burnt beyond consideration, falling headfirst into the ground, with a shocked expression frozen into place. Blood splattered everywhere.

Behind the falling body of the monstrous creature, Adrian with a large hole in his abdomen that seemed to show signs of healing as flesh was growing back, held a thick power cable in his hand that had been sliced open in the course of the battle earlier.

"Looks like he is finally dead." Adrian whispered in a dry croaking voice as his eyeballs turned upwards and he fell backwards, cable in hand - unconscious.