
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs


A young teenage boy with light skin and deep blue eyes with a blonde hair that reaches is waist, sat at his door front with distant expression on his face, having lost is job today Vincent was cursing is self for being so unfortunate.

since his mother and father are late and as the only son...he was managing his life and working has a baker in a bakery industry earning penny that's enough only for feeding is self..only to get their today for the bakery manager, to tell him that he want to shut the shop that is bones are getting old ."boy I'm going to spend my remaining years resting at home and taking care of my grandkids so at least they will have loving memories of me when am gone". the old man said with a smile.

Vincent came from a happy family, though they were not rich they are happy.. Vincent father is a forger, he buys beast crystal from lone elementalist who are not affiliated with any clan or sect and use it to make beast weapon that he is going to sell for a higher price__though not having ability he stills manage to take care of his family one could tell he is a hard working man just from that feat alone.

Vincent father died when he was at the age of seven _the mother and son duo was waiting for father/husband to come and back from is journey and celebrates is only son's birthday when an unfortunate accident befell him, he died as a result of after_effect of two supremes elementalist involved in a battle..as expected of what happened to most earth mothers after losing their partner... Not being able to bear the heart shattering news the misery of her husband death led her to an early demise after seven years.

Vincent is alone...well,for now.

That incident served as a stark reminder of the phrase "the strengths rules the weak obeys".

In a world where they revered the strong and dispose of the weak like trash that's a normal occurrence.

"perhaps I am cursed, ever since i was given birth to, nothing good has ever occured in my life..just from one misfortune to another". Vincent thought.

"maybe if I was never given birth to __ Ahhh..shooking his head head Vincent did not want to entertain those strange thought".

After sulking and wallowing in self pity for Gods knows how many hours he finally decided to accept is fate.

"mhm...if I had ability my life won't have been like this". Vincent muttered while fantasizing about himself being a mythical elementalist with beauties all around him while my munching on food with the most expensive wine by his side.

"sure life would have been fun". Vincent thought with a wild grin on his face.

knowing is eye lid is already getting heavy, Vincent stand up from his door front heading to bed knowing he is going to succumb to drowsiness, it couldn't be help after all the emotional rollercoaster the young man has gone through he need to take a nap.

"if I'm a mc character my novel sure would be an interesting one". Vincent thought to himself.

with that last thought in mind, Vincent finally fall into deep slumber.

Unbeknownst to him that's affinity seed is blooming, finally Vincent will be able to wield Ability!!!