
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Gods fights (2)

In the boundless celestial starry expanse, where celestial energy is flowing rampant, an intense battle is going on... The battle going on here today is going to remain in the annals of history_perhaps this battle is going to change the whole of humanity.


"Space God" teleported from where he is with a punch heading straight to fire God, "fire God" deflected the punch by hitting it to the side... Quickly moving to the left side of fire God.."space God" gave him a lightning fast Punch on the chest that sent him skidding across the hard ground 1000meters away.

"Ugh.. you think you can defeat me with that petty trick..then try harder", fire God said with a sharp groan escaping is mouth and faint trickle of blood down his mouth that healed instantly.

Picking himself from the floor fire God shot up straight with his entire aura changing..red flaming hair and cloth and eyes that if any mortal look into could Incinerate their soul with a tsunami of raging fire all around him.

Admist the chaos, space God also as decided to take thing seriously_around him space is bending,twisting and shattering like glass the atmosphere of celestial realm look like as if apocalypse as befell it_ a deep black hole is forming at the top of the sky that if one fall in your asges wouldn't be found.

Moving with a speed of light the two Gods met their self with a punch and there was a

BOOM sound!!

Knowing they could not defeat their selves with tactics they are going for mutual destruction.

Fire God move with lightning speed and throw balls of raging fire that incinerated space God left hand__space God compressed space and make it burst blowing fire God hands into pieces.. quickly making use of that advantage that fire God is momentarily stunned of his detached hands, space God gave him a axe kick that sent him flying and hitting the hard floor making him burrow a hole that collapse and bury him.

In another expanse of the celestial world an intense fighting is going on.

Dark God shot a beam of dark pulse at light God, seeing the beam coming at him light God set a purifying barrier to block that paint the sky a shade of grey after the dark pulse collided with the barrier.

The God's fought for decades with no clear winner.

At the end with no one willing to surrender and no clear winner they ended up killing their selves after using up all their celestial energy that leave them defenseless, they power up one last attack that ended up in them killing themselves.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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