
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Assessment (9)

The day literally grew dark. The seedlings who were charging at him took a step back from the blinding darkness that encapsulated their vision. Sensing the danger, they activated their ability and fired out all sort of attacks.

Vincent, dodged their attacks but was still hit by a earth spike nonetheless. Losing balance and momentarily disoriented from the spike which hit him on his foot. One of the seedlings with an ability of super hardening gave him a punch to the gut that sent him flying up like a kite that lost its string, but he was still brought back to his former position by some force. Clearly, one of the seedling has an ability of telekinesis.

Vincent, regaining his bearing exploded out with a flurry of attacks throwing out darkness shaped crescent attacks. The seedling were shocked from the sudden explosion of attacks and were not expecting it leading some to gaining injuries on their shoulder.

"Teaming up to fight one lonesome boy, don't you have shame?" Vincent questioned with an expression of mockery.

"Hahaha....what? Don't try provoking your way out of this situation." One of the seedlings said amidst laughter.

"And besides, I didn't recall any rule saying not to team up." Another added with a snicker.

"You are dead!" Declared the telekinesis ability user.

The others nodded showing they are in support of the statement.

'i guess not everyone is as prideful as Dave.'

"Then, I guess I have no other choice." Vincent said using his sword to cut himself, blood was drawn and the sword light up red and blood coated its edge and it was solidify and mixed with it was is darkness ability which gave the sword an enchanting dark-redish color. The sword smells of bad vibe.

Vincent had discovered out that when using his blood to fight it boost his prowess, but there was one massive disadvantage; that's having to cut himself and using his own blood will weaken him in a long battle, but that is not the case when he is sure the battle wouldn't take long, right? And besides,my blood work better than others own.

'i don't like cutting myself it makes me feel like I am gradually becoming a masochist, but it is even more worst when you get beaten up just because you don't want to make use of useful material. Wait! Did I just call myself a material.'

He shook his head. Then, sighed.

Vincent flashed past a seedling making his vision go dark and his sword moved with terrifying speed and precision going straight for his neck, but the seedling was fast enough to dodge it but was wounded nonetheless.

The blood which have been collected now flows on the sword. Vincent closed his eye wanting to try something new, he could feel the blood moving on the sword..the sword was pointed upward and the blood flows down the sword touching his finger...he could feel the blood...more like have an ineffable connection with the blood. And trying very hard he move that connection he had with the blood...the blood started moving, the blood which had once been flowing downward moved up the sword and Vincent swung it the blood solidified midair and went straight for the seedling which blood was formerly on the sword cutting him into two. He dropped dead on the ground.

The others were terrified of this new ability of his which he had just demonstrated. For them, what they could see was him just raising is sword and swinging it and a thin line of red which left it seconds after.

"Thank you..." Vincent said to the body which had turned into a white sparks of light.

'...for the epiphany.' Vincent completed his articulated words in thought.'

The others could only hear him mumbling some type of words before he locked gaze with them. They subconsciously took a step back which left them deeply embarrassed and later transformed into anger.

The howling of wind and cacophony of battle cries and clangor of weapons rang out in hot sandy weather, thousands of ferocious beast run rampant with an expression of savagery and saliva dripping of their mouth attacking the seedlings with vicious ruthlessness, but the beast are either blown into pieces, turned into ice statue or cut down. From the fight one could tell the beast are no match for the seedlings. But are relentless, they keep coming and dying. Nevertheless, the seedlings are getting tired from the continuous assault and soon they would be quick to run out of essence. Though, individually the savage beast are no match for the seedlings their unending numbers and ferocious assault with no care for their lives make them a terrifying foe.

On Vincent end, out of the thirteen seedlings that came to battle him only eight are remaining, the others are eliminated.

The seedlings confident are dwindling seeing their comrades getting eliminated one by one. They started losing focus and being overly cautious making them more easy to battle.

And Vincent like the grim reaper he is take this as an opportunity to strike. By now the seedlings are already used to Vincent blood attacks after him using it to kill three of their comrades, so they keep a short distance from him to tackle it.

Using the opportunity to strike he manifested his darkness ability which makes their vision go dark for a moment, and before they could manoeuvre their way out he swiped is sword the blood coating it left it and mixed in with the darkness giving it a darkish-red color swirling around it like a mist. The blood hardened and chained down their limbs holding them in place, but it was clear from the way they were shaking it won't hold them down for long. But that's how long Vincent needed.

Flashing past the darkness was his sword going for heads and blood roling off. The sequence continued on like that with Vincent appearing like the grim reaper. The seedlings were not able to see much in the darkness and with the blood chains holding them down they are nothing but a fish in a chopping board.

Realizing this cold truth the seedlings tried every attempt to escape even resorting to them charging up all their essence and blowing it off so that they could die together, but unfortunately were a tad bit late as the grim reaper had already hacked off their heads from neck before they could even carry out their plan.

Walking in the chilling darkness was Vincent with his sword scraping the ground leaving in its wake sword marks on the ground. In the darkness that could now be called an execution ground was him standing mere inches away from a kneeling seedling in the hot sandy ground. The seedling appear to be begging and pleading for his life to be spared even resorting to buying his way out with money and all sort of invaluable items, but Vincent appear indifferent not even batting an eye lid to his proposition.

"Y..Young..lord please spare my life." The seedling continued on with his pleas seeing Vincent not interested in any of his bribe. He thought him not showing interest means he can just plead his way out, right? Or so he thought until he heard what Vincent had to say.

"Why would I want treasure when you are one?" Vincent said staring into the distance; like he wasn't questioning the seedling.

In truth, Vincent was not questioning the seedling, it was more like a retheorical question. The only reason he bothered entertaining the seedling was to rest for some minute from his aching head. Manipupating blood takes mental effort than he perceived. And it also requires clarity and precision.

"You are a treasure as in point!" Vincent shouted and his sword flashed through the air.

The boy wasn't even given the time to answer before his head also got hacked off from his neck like that of his brethren. The head rolled off the side, the expression on his face was that of surprise and anger.

The head disintegrated into sparks of light.

Vincent heaved a sigh of relief and dispelled his ability. His chest pushing up and down from exhaustion.

Then, gazed at the ongoing chaos ready to participate and earn points.