

Warning; Mature Content (r18) If you are given the option to choose between being comforted by a lie or being hurt by the truth, which would you pick? Remember, one lie has the power to taint a thousand truths. ---------------- Abigail Woods, Abby for short, is a beautiful and strong-willed girl born out of wedlock to a poor and struggling mother. From a young age, she craved the genuine love of a father. However, life plays a cruel game on her when she ends up with a pedophile stepfather and a heartless stepsister. After years of enduring abuse, Abby flees her past life on her twenty-first birthday and starts a new life in a faraway countryside as Stella Peterson. For one whole year, Abby, now Stella, adopted the fake identity of a local farm girl and worked for the Dawsons as a vine dresser. Everything was perfect for Stella until she crosses paths with two wealthy and handsome gentlemen, who are both rivals in the same line of business. Both young men are tenacious and want Stella as a wife. But Stella's falsehoods and past are out to hunt her. How far is Stella willing to go, to keep her real identity a secret? Would she succeed in her mission or would karma come calling? ********* #Betrayal #Love triangle #Revenge #Weak to strong #Dark #Survival ********** Welcome! Thanks for choosing this book. This is my third book and I am thrilled to share it with you all. It is dedicated to all my fateful old and new readers who love a good face slapping novel. Note: This is a slow burn romance novel. Please add this book to your collection list, drop a review, and vote. The book cover does not belong to me. Kudos to the talented designer. Do not forget to check out my first book; A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Tres_Aguila · Urban
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260 Chs

Mistaken Identity

Adrian Dawson arrived at his serene country home of Rosaltan Ville just in time for the first day of harvest.

Although he was partially thrilled at the thought of taking some time off the stress of work, his mind kept bugging him that his parents were up to something.

Ever since Adrian was made the CEO of the Arnold Dawson Treasure Wine; the top leading wine industry in the country capital of Kenjoviz, he barely had time for any other aspect of his life aside from work.

Due to his extremely busy and workaholic lifestyle, his social life was non-existent. He would work from Sunday to Sunday, giving himself rest only at night.

This made his parents worried and they decided having a family of his own would help relieve him of stress.

However, when his parents brought up the issue of settling down, Adrian shied away from it.

Due to his lack of trust in women and the heartbreak he suffered two years ago, Adrian decided to remain single.

Everything in Adrian life continued in an organised fashion until he grand parent invited him for the harvest season celebration.

Unknown to Adrian, his parents, and grandparents were already setting up a coup to get him a wife.

When Adrian's car pulled into the Dawson country home mansion, almost every member of the large family came out to welcome him as if he were a prodigal son.

"You this silly little grandson of mine, come to your Mina," Adrian's grandmother, Perla Dawson, pushed everyone aside and pulled her favorite grandson into her arms.

"Mina, I'm a grown man," Adrian complained as the bulky old gray-haired woman tried to lift him off the ground.

"Nonsense! You remain my little rascal minio even when you get married and have children of your own, okay?" Perla released her tight hold on Adrian and playfully plucked his nose.

"Definitely, Mina," Adrian smiled and opened up his arms to his mum who was already running into them for a hug.

"Sweetheart, I've missed you so much!" Adrian's mum, Camelia Dawson, embraced him warmly.

"I've missed you too, Mum," Adrian kissed her on the forehead. "Although we spoke just yesterday evening."

"Talking over the phone and having my son in my arms are two different things," Camelia pouted. "It has been a while since the last time you visited."

Adrian had barely responded to his mother's statement when three of his cousin sisters jumped on him and almost choked him with hugs and never-ending questions.

"Women, can you please give the young man some breathing space and allow him to come inside the house?" George Dawson, Adrian's father came to his rescue.

"Thanks, Dad," Adrian freed himself from the ladies and walked over to his dad, to greet him.

"You're welcome home, son, it's good to have you around." George proudly tapped his son on the shoulder and led him into the magnificent mansion.

"What about Granddad?" Adrian enquired as he took a seat close to his grandma, who forcefully snatched him away from his dad.

"You know the old man," Perla hissed, "such an annoying workaholic. He has been at the winery since morning. I keep telling him to leave the work for your father but he wouldn't listen. He practically ate his breakfast there. Maybe you'll be able to drag him home for lunch."

Seeing this as an opportunity to run out of the mansion and free himself from his family's overwhelming attention, Adrian told his grandma that he would quickly go to his bedroom freshen up and visit the winery, to get his granddad.

"Go right ahead, son!" Perla beamed as she watched Adrian leave.

After a cool shower, Adrian decided to visit the vineyard first before stopping by the winery.

Growing up, Adrian always loved visiting the vineyard every harvest season to pluck and eat some succulent grapes. This habit became a culture in him and over time, he discovered where the ripest and sweetest of grapes grew.

So, when he arrived at the vineyard, dressed in a simple farm shirt, jeans, and boots, one could easily mistaken him for one of the workers. Aside from Alfred who knew his actual identity, most workers on the farm had no idea who he was and this made Adrian easily blend in.

Just like his last visit to the farm, he easily maneuvered his way to the far East end of the vineyard, where the juicy and succulent grapes grew.

He was excited when he observed that the field worker hadn't gotten to his favorite part. So he got himself busy, plucking and eating delicious grapes.

Adrian was in the middle of enjoying his grape when the sweetest but feisty voice he had ever heard in his life yelled at him.

When he turned around to look in the direction of the authoritative voice while munching on his grape, his gaze fell on the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes he had ever seen.

She was dressed in a white tank crop top, a fashionable long blue skirt, and a pair of stylish leather boots.

Her long silky brown her was held in place by a frilly hair band and her sinfully curvy body was so captivating that Adrian lost his manner by shamelessly gawking.

Just when he got back his senses and was about to reply her question, the pretty lady walked up to him and slapped the grapes he was eating right out of his hands.



"I will make sure your today's wages is deducted for this crime. No one steals from Dawson's vineyard and goes scot-free." Stella sneered and grabbed the devilishly handsome man by the wrist. She began to pull him like a common criminal towards Alfred, who was speaking to someone on the third row.

Although she expected the young man to plead with her and save himself from possible punishment, she was surprised by his reaction. The enchanting smile dancing at the corner of his hypnotic blue eyes and his cheerful expression didn't show any sign of remorse.

"Aren't you going to beg me and save yourself from punishment?" Stella stopped halfway as her conscience began to prick her.

"I'm so sorry for stealing those grapes and eating them Miss..." The young man stared at Stella who seemed to have been caught under his charming spell.

"Stella," Alfred's eyes widened in horror. "what the..."

Alfred, who had been looking for Adrian was surprised to see Stella pulling him by the arm like a nobody. He was about to call Stella to order but the young master silenced him instantly.


DISCLAIMER: This novel is written exclusively on the Webnovel platform. The author, Tres_Aguila has no bearing with any other platform. Beware of pirates. Thanks.]


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