
Sports day

Early in the morning Smitha woke up and did her chores...She took a bath and went to Elice house....

upon reaching her place she found she was getting ready...Smitha was invited in and waited for Elice to tie up everything...

The two girls started to go on foot to the stadium were the sports were held..it took after an hour for them to reach at the sports center...

Smitha got ready in her sports attire and went to the school team..The sports started and Smitha participated in a long ran ,on the race Smitha felt dizzy and fainted... People came to her aid.When she woke up she couldn't understand what was going on but kept it cool..

Elice took Smitha to a mall immediately the inter-schools had finished and she had something to eat...

After that the two girls along with the other classmates went home..