
Chapter 4

Iblis and Beelzebub snicker as they walk down the hallway of the dorm. They had just finished terrorizing some of the students there and it was so much fun. Although Beelzebub can be a bit of a blubbering idiot, he can be competent when they] get down to business. "Hehe. That was pretty refreshing ya know? Seeing their faces." Says Iblis with a sadistic smirk in place. 

"Is that so?" 

The two Demon Kings stopped in their tracks. The last thing they wanted was to bump into their older brother Samael or any of the other Demon Kings. But alas, the Demon King of Time was right behind them with their three brothers. 

"What are you doing here?!" Iblis snarled. Mephisto folds his arms. "Same question we ought to ask you given your meddling." He says in a stern tone. Beelzebub cowers in fear. Shit. I hope he does not know the truth!!

"H-Hey….d-don't ya think you are taking things outta context?" says Beelzebub in his usual cowardly manner. Amaimon glares at him. "Those wounds inflicted on Kirigakure….surely that can't be any of our minions or familiars. Those seem to be your handiwork. Or are we lying?" Astaroth says as he scrutinizes his brothers. Wherever those two bumbling idiots go, there is always some form of mischief involved.

"Tch!! What's the big deal over that anyways?" says Iblis. "To you, it may not be a big deal but you do know that I am the Headmaster of this school and if anything happens to the staff, I would be the first suspect due to my demonic heritage." Says Mephisto as he squints at his brothers who simply keep quiet.

"Ah Mr. Pheles, fancy seeing…." Yukio stops in his tracks as soon as he sees Mephisto and their other brothers. He figured that sooner or later the Headmaster would figure out their wicked game. However, he can still manipulate things for a while until the jig is up. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, using his acting skills to feign innocence despite being the one that brought the duo there.

Mephisto simply shakes his head with a fake smile in place. He had always been suspicious of Yukio for a while and would need to keep a close watch on the boy just to see what mischief he gets up to. That is if his theory on the boy turns out to be true.

"Oh just saw these two miscreants here and was having a chat is all." He said. Yukio nods. "Ah well if you excuse me, I have a couple of errands to run." With that, he walks off. Once Yukio was out of earshot, Mephisto then turns to his brothers. "You both better leave these premises or else.." With that, he and the other two Demon Kings walk off.

"That was close." Says Iblis, heaving with a sigh of relief. "You both were not smart." They whip around in shock to see Yukio standing there, arms folded. "B-But you said you had errands to run…" says Beelzebub, earning a knock in the head from Iblis. Yukio simply rolls his eyes. "I am shocked that Mephisto did not see through my deception or magic. So-Called King of Time manipulation." He says. He then smirks. "But no matter. This will make our game even more fun…"

Meanwhile, Rin, Paku and Izumo were in the limo on their way to Mephisto's mansion. "So what next Rin?" Paku asked. Rin raises an eyebrow. "You mean like whether I would continue with Exorcist stuff right?" Paku nods. Izumo leans forward, waiting for his reply.

Rin then sighs. "To be honest with you. Even I don't know. Part of me wants to continue and another part of me wants to take a different path. The question now is which path." 

"Do not rush yourself. You will figure it out eventually." Says Izumo. Rin then smiles softly. "You know Izumo. I prefer people like you because at least you are honest about shit unlike the other pussies in that class."

Izumo chuckles. "Me? Oh, come on. Sometimes it isn't nice to be brutally honest." She says. "But sometimes it is necessary." Says Paku. 

"Depends on some people. Back then, I used to think that it was better to be nice but now I learned the hard way that niceness does not help anyone. One needs a thick skin to survive in this world." Says Rin. 

Izumo then turns to him. "Heard that you had a rough childhood." Rin nods. "Yeah. Was called a demon even before finding out that I was one." Izumo then looks down. "I can relate since I got bullied as a child not just because of my eyebrows. But also because I was able to see spirits from a young age. Curse of being a descendant of shrine maidens. Plus having some demonic blood too. Paku knows this too because she is also part demon as well." Paku nods. "I do not know who my dad is but he clearly is a demon that had a one-night stand with mu and well....impregnanted her." says Paku with a sigh.

Rin then looks at her, a sad expression on his face. No wonder she is often a bitch to others. I guessed as much. "I understand that feeling well. This world is so cruel at times. No matter what good one does, people would shit on your efforts like there's no tomorrow."

As soon as he says those words, Mephisto and the other Demon Kings arrive. "So anything?" Rin asked. "Nothing yet though we still have our suspects who so happen to be the other Demon Kings." Says Astaroth. "Except Lucifer. Lucifer has his own separate agenda but Iblis and Beelzebub like to mess around at times so they are the main suspects."

"But why Mrs Kirigakure?" says Paku. "There is no way those two would attack her unless….someone who hates her struck a deal with them." Says Izumo. "Someone like Yukio." The others stare at him. "Why do you think it is your brother?" Izumo asked.

Rin lets out a mirthless laugh. "I know that fool like the back of my head. You see, the two of us have always been rivals right from day one and always tried to upstage each other. My biggest mistake was ever showing that boy mercy. Now, I am no longer the merciful Rin that I used to be."

A devilish smirk appears on the older Okumura twin's face, something that scares the girls a bit. "I miss being the bad boy that I once was." He then begins pacing around. "Now we agreed to not attend the funeral. However, there is only way to truly confirm my suspicions about Yukio and his possible meddling and I believe you can help me here Mephisto."

Mephisto raises an eyebrow. "How so?" Rin's smirk broadens. "Oh it's that simple but Izumo and Paku might not like what I am about to suggest…"

Weeks later, Shura's funeral is held at True Cross Academy and Rin, Izumo and Paku kept their word and chose not to attend the funeral, a move that did not sit down well with the other Exwires. "So he actually made good on his promise, that good for nothing bastard!!" Bon yells angrily. A couple Exorcists glare angrily at them. "Hey keep it down. We are at a funeral. No need to act disrespectful." Konekomaru warns him. Shiemi meanwhile keeps on sobbing. Yukio who was next to her, holds her close and pretends to comfort her.

Hmmmph….the foolish girl. She would be the perfect pawn for my game. Just need the right opportunity.

Mephisto attended and keeps a close eye on Yukio. So far, nothing out of the ordinary unless said boy was just being very cautious and if he is, then he is truly smarter than they would give him credit for. But probably not as smart as Rin actually is when he decides to drop the sweet act and actually shows his true colours.

Will have to check in on that boy later.

Once the funeral was over, Shiemi prepares to take her leave when Yukio calls out to her. "Ah Yuki." She says in a soft tone, a sad smile on her face. Yukio plasters his signature friendly smile. "Say, mind coming over to my house for some tea? You look like you could do with some company." He says. "O-Oh…yeah sure." She stutters as she runs over to him and follows him to the dorm.

Meanwhile in Gehenna, Rin and Mephisto arrive in Hell. Satan who was seated on his black throne stares at them in amusement. "Oooh…..what's this? You brought Rin here?" Mephisto smirks. "Actually Father, Rin wishes to speak to you."

"Really? What a change in character." The King of Gehenna says as he carefully watches his son. He is aware of the animosity between the twins and the chaos that unfolded following Rin's heritage getting exposed. What baffles him was how Rin bore the brunt of the hate and Yukio never once got heat for that.

Rin steps forward, all the demons staring at the boy cautiously in order to see what the boy would do next. The boy stops in front of his father's throne. "How much do you know about Yukio?"

Satan then nods. Of course, the child would ask him that and he deserves to know. "Enough to know that he is a menace to all." He then raises from his seat, his imposing height looming over his son's. "I am aware of the nefarious activities of that boy alongside Iblis and Beelzebub."

"Just as I suspected." Says Mephisto. Rin simply glares at his father. "I thought that the fool came to you for powers." Satan scoffs at that. "Him? Come to me? Bah!! That boy already had powers ever since he was a baby and had always been good at deception right from birth. He had been manipulating not just you but also your earthly father too."

As soon as Rin heard this, he clenched his fist. This is what happens when you become too trusting of others and allow them to manipulate you. "That bastard will pay for this!!" Satan raises an eyebrow. "And what do you intend to do son? That boy might turn True Cross into an actual army and wage a war against us at Gehenna."

Rin simply smirks. "Simple. We fight fire for fire and also prepare ourselves should he be planning what I believe it is he could be planning."