
Exchange Credits

Editor: Exodus Tales

The next task was to create enough ball shape exploding devices. Abel decided to call these things super exploding balls.

Abel threw out another one of them and hurried into the portal.

Another huge explosion had occurred, but this time Abel did not go and take a look at the result. His main task right now was to make super exploding balls to fill up his just emptied out personal storage space with it.

Abel carefully put the other half of the meteorite he had not used away. He was very hurt by the fact that he was turning these top quality materials into single-use exploding devices. But still, it's power was undeniable, so Abel believed it was worth the sacrifice.

These delicate super exploding balls did not take much much space in his personal storage space. It only took up 1 slot, and there were 48 slots. Abel decided to divide the half of his meteorite into 12 pieces.