
ABDUCTION - A New Language in Love

Fidgeting with my fingers, I tried my best to stand straight without falling back and embarrassing myself in the presence of all these men I have no idea who the hell are. “Sign it” he ordered one more time pushing the papers to me. I stood still unable to get what he wants from me. “Rule No 1, Never ever try defying my orders” his hands instantly gripped my neck in a dangerous hold and he put his Gun on my forehead, his finger very close to the Trigger. Looking at the Gun in his hand, a relieved smile made to my lips. After all, he is going to gift me eternal liberty. “Why the hell are you smiling, do you think this is some joke Iril Ranallo?” he growled. Realization dawned upon me, hearing him speak. How the hell am I supposed to say that they have kidnapped me than my sister? “Speak up Goddammit” He screamed scaring the shit out of me. I sucked on my lips as my throat turned dry, moving my fingers towards my throat I signaled him that I was mute. His eyebrows turned into a thin line and immense shock was evident when he shrieked… “What the Fu…….” ********* Life is tough for ladies in Mafia families and it is nothing less than sheer torture for specially abled. Born in one of the influential and powerful Mafia families, I had every materialistic thing the world could not even dream of. But being lost my voice in the horrendous incident, I was the ignored piece. Unlike my sister Iril who manages most of the business and stuff, I am confined to my room and the world outside is just a dream for me. All I prayed for 23 years is an escape from this prison and finally, when my prayers are answered, I was kidnapped by some men. I was taken to some strange place in the middle of a deep ocean, almost like a stranded island. Men looking nothing less than beasts and the one they call Boss stares at me with despise. I am forced to sign some papers, of which I have no idea about but all I knew is the liberation I seek from one Prison has stranded me up in some unwanted prison of which I knew nothing about!! Careful of What you wish for, lest it come true! And now, I have realized that in return for dreams, I received a Nightmare!!!

Marvellous_mistake · Urban
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188 Chs


Irene's PoV

I live like a ghost in this beautiful room, what do I lack here? I get food at regular intervals, I have a person to do my chores, I even get medical treatment. I lack nothing but I lack everything.

I seep through walls in plain daylight and stand alone. The house I live in is a museum of Egos and pride preserved like delicate artifacts, where hearts have no empathy.

I was caped with ignorance, I live in a recurring casualty of a collision from years ago, awaiting cremation. My insides are long dead.

Curling up like a ball I wept, one disability and you were considered good for nothing. Even my sobs have no voice. I lied back, pulling my knees up to my chest.

I can't stop but compare myself with Iril. I know that she is protected a lot due to the possible threats surrounding her as she kind of has a hold over half of Ranallo Mafia Empire and is hailed as Beauty with Brains and here I am not even allowed to step out from my room.

They have even built my room underground so that none except our closest kin have any idea about me.

Not one day goes without wishing for freedom, I just don't want to be here anymore. I want to go away from this beautiful prison.

Hey Almighty, please help me. I may not be perfect or great or any other; but I am a human and I have a lot to say and speak yet no one to hear. Please liberate me from this hell.

Hearing a tap on the door, I got out of the bed and opened the door, and Shelly walked in with her famous fake smile plastered on her lips.

"Here's your lunch and medicines. The Doctor prescribed them to heal your wound. Do you need something more?" she asked serving me dinner on the table.

I nodded my head in negative.

"Ring the bell, once you are done with the lunch," she muttered in her polite tone.

She left as I nodded assertively.

Not even a morsel went down my throat, I know how much pampered Iril would be. Dad didn't even come to wish me and Mom has ignored wishing even when I stood in front of her.

Unable to stand the drama that will unfold in case of me skipping the lunch, I gulped it down my throat and took the tablets.

Once done with the lunch, Shelly came and did her chores. I looked at the Kalanchoe plant, there is no way for sunlight to seep into my room and no natural ventilation, so there is no way any plant can grow here exception of the ones that doesn't need sunlight.

Nothing… I have absolutely nothing to do the whole day, whole life. This is how I live every day. My education is limited, I know the world outside has progressed a lot, I don't even know how to handle those mobiles and all. I sometimes wonder why am I still alive?

Maybe because I am even scared to attempt suicide. I live in this constructed paradise talking to my soft toys, who are just mute like me.

"Irene" hearing Shelly call, I looked up.

Yes, that's how I asked her to call me; I hate those suffixes and fake greetings.

"You have a message from your parents," she muttered

'What?' I asked in sign language.

"They want you to attend the dinner tonight and…" she looked at the door and ordered, "Come in"

There walked two men dressed in blue, carrying something wrapped in white sheets.

They left my room and Shelly removed the sheets only to reveal a Crimson red coloured gown.

Shelly picked the straps of the gown in her hands and displayed it to me.

"You need to wear this, beauticians will do your hair and makeup. The dinner is also the extended family gathering" Shelly informed me.

I nodded hearing her, though I know I was just a prop for my parents in the background, I am still a bit happy that I will get time to spend with my cousins and other.

Shelly rushed me to take a bath, and today she put lavender foam, reserved only for the days I come out. The attendee walked in and waxed my legs and visible body parts.

Maintaining a certain standard of beauty is must for ladies of the house. Or to be honest every lady I met. There clearly exists competition of who looks the best.

Several liquids were quoted on my face and neck, my hair was half tied into a bun and there have taken a quite lot of time to put some eye shadow, I think they are giving competition to painters.

Once done, Shelly zipped the frock for me, and to be honest, I looked good. Exception of the few pairs of clothes I wear on daily basis, this looks so gorgeous and it made me look beautiful too; credit to the expert staff.

I was trained to walk, behave, and other, they call special etiquettes, and wearing the heels, I stood opposite the life-sized mirror in my room. The thin straps on my shoulders held the whole weight of the frock, that ended near my toes. It fit me perfectly, after all, they know my size. All my curves, which I don't think I have are highlighted.

With the pushup bra, even my little breasts are looking full. I hope my mother feels satisfied.

"Irene, time to go" Shelly knocked on my door when the time is past 7 in the evening, holding the edges of my gown, I walked upstairs.

Carefully taking each step I walked all the way inside the hallway only to see the lounge filled with people, their chats, and laughter. I smiled at people I know and a few returned some made-up smiles.

"Irene" my Mother pulled me aside.

"Listen, this is a family gathering happening after years and it's also for the success celebrations of Iril, so don't you do any drama by tearing up in the middle or other. Just behave" my mother ordered.

'Why do you even want me here?' I asked in sign language.

"Oh God, where did this Shelly go? How am I supposed to understand you" my mother hissed irritated.

I nodded my head in negative and shrugged my hands, saying it's not important.

"Behave Irene" hissing one more time, she walked away.