



Hastily opening the door, Gerelda saw one of the maids.

/"My mistress wishes to see you in the morning-room,/" she said. /"I have brought you some breakfast. You are to partake of this first; but my mistress hopes you will not be long./"

Gerelda swallowed a roll and drank the tea and hastened to the morning-room. Here Gerelda found not only Mrs. Varrick, but every man and woman who lived beneath the roof of the Varrick mansion.

For a moment Gerelda hesitated.

Had some one discovered that she was in disguise, and informed Mrs. Varrick? She trembled violently from head to foot.

Mrs. Varrick broke in upon her confused thoughts.

/"Pardon my somewhat abrupt summons, Miss Duncan,/" she said, motioning her to a chair, /"but something has occurred which renders it imperative that I should speak collectively to every member of this household.