
Abaria Comes Alive

'Abaria Flowersong' lives her humble life as an innkeeper, putting a bright smile on her face with every guest that comes along. Day in and day out, she administers the same tasks over and over — the same greetings, the same routine.. because she simply is fictitious; a construct from the hands of the game developers, created for the sake of the convenience of their players within the world of 'Fantasia Online'. Living comfortably within her own little bubble, Abaria strives to keep her routine to a tee. Never changing, never wavering. She would react the same way, give the same dialogue.. That was, until a man would enter her life. It was love at first sight. Abaria's entire being began to change, in ways unfamiliar to her, and her life had dove into a chaotic storm. Within a world as complicated and restrictive as hers, would she truly be able to convey her feelings to this one player? (Cover Art is drawn by me!)

Ireru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Prologue: My Being With You (1B)



[. . .]

"Hey, old man."

Chirp, chirp.. Step, step..

It was a lively day in Centralborne.

Being one of the 5 Major towns; surrounded by Northborne, Southborne, Eastborne, and Westborne, the town acted as a bustling hub for trade and goods, or a rest spot for travelers. It was as busy as ever, and there was usually never a place you could find quiet and serenity in this town.

Chatter, chatter, chatter. Various activities were carried out by the townspeople — carriages, dragged along the stony pavements — and villagers, shouting out to adventurers to sell their goods. Within the center of the town, a large, marble-carved marble fountain resided, spewing out water so clear it almost appeared like air.

"Hey! Wake up, already!"

A grumble as, slowly, the man's eyes fluttered open. He laid upon the sidewalk; a piece of cloth shielding him from the ground, and the man's eyes would look forth. He.. was frail.

An elder in his mid 60s, he donned extremely tattered clothing; his beard hastily shaven, and his eyes, as milky-white as they came. With his dirty feet exposed, he'd cough, slowly getting up.

"Whad.. Whad da hell do you want..?" Attempting to bare his teeth, he would soon realize that he had none left. The other figure sighed, then placed down what appeared to be a bag of food in front of him.

"Your daily."

The voice belonged to that of a young woman, who promptly stood up. The old man's eyes would warm with familiarity at the familiar mop of blonde hair, and tired eyes. As he smiled, he'd break into laughter.

"Y—Ya still won't lemme die, huh..?" He'd wince, "Just let it go already.. Life ain't worth livin'."

Sofia grumbled, "Eat your food or I'm taking it back. Starving still doesn't sound any pleasant, does it?"


With his overgrown fingernails, the filth-covered geezer began to dig into the bag; revealing potatoes and fruits. Chewing as loud as anyone possibly could, it drew the attention of the passerbys; their eyes squinting at him in disgust. 

"Good thing you still haven't completely lost your mind, old man." Sofia bantered, kneeling down with sympathy. "Now, if only you'd go to the inn—"

"I ain't.. going to no damn inn.." He'd lean back, letting out a burp much to the girl's annoyance. "There's.. nothin' left for me ta do thare.."

Her emerald eyes would slightly lose their glimmer, as a frown was plastered upon her pale face. After having cleaned most of the interior per her sister's request, it was routine for her to visit this particular old man; abandoned, and with nowhere to go back to. As staff of The Fair Lady, it was their jobs to offer hospitality to those in need.. but no matter what, he would never accept. The old man stuck out like a sore thumb, within the booming atmosphere of Centralborne.

She could never leave him without company.

"Look, you only think that.." She'd rise, placing her hand on her hip. "If you really wanted to die.. you would've gone somewhere quiet! As long as you let yourself stay here, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

". . ."

"Got it, geezer?" She'd raise an eyebrow, "I'm. Not. Letting You. Die! Come on, you're not even that old—"

[Good morning, you two.]


Both Sofia's, and the old man's eyes drifted towards the source of the noise; it being louder and closer than the ongoing chatter all around them. Her eyes would widen as the clanking of the figure's armor echoed within her mind, and the perpetrator behind the voice revealed themselves.

An adventurer. There was a group behind him; about 4 people, all appearing to be in the same party. They looked.. powerful, all chatting amongst themselves about trivial manners. The adventurer sported slicked back, blonde hair; his captivating blue eyes scanning Sofia and the old man in an affable manner.

His armor was knightly, compiled of white and gold colors that reeked of holy magic.



WAVE <--< p>




He'd wave towards her, smiling. [Hey, Ms. Sofia. You're here again, huh?]

"..Good day."

Who even was he? She'd cross her arms, glancing to the side. The adventurer would kneel down in front of the sat-down old man, who stared back at the blonde man in bewilderment.


TALK <--< p>



"Urgh.. Food.." Trying his best to avoid the sunlight, the old man covered his forehead. "Food..!"

[I know, Joseph. I know.]

"Please, adventurer.. Somethin' ta spare?" He'd clasp his wrinkly hands together, begging.



"B—By the Gods!" The old man gasped, his eyes widening. "Ya've shown me such kindness! I 'dunno how ta repay ya! Here, please.. a 'taken of my gratatude..!"

With a few quick motions, the old man had brought out something; Sofia eye'ing their interaction with shock as he gave him one single rat skin. The adventurer simply giggled, pocketing it.

[Thanks, Joseph. Uhm.. the developers did include an in-lore prayer for good fortune, right? Oh! It's—]


One of the adventurers behind 'Atlas' had called out to him; a black-haired adventurer, tied into a ponytail. Waving her arm behind him, he'd look on with a sigh, turning back to both of them.

WAVE <--< p>

[Byebye, you two.] Without a further word, the adventurer clad in holy armor began to follow his party of 4, moving further away.

. . .

Sofia simply sighed. It was relieving to see that other people were kind to the geezer other than her, and it surely lifted her mood. Donning a smirk, she'd point towards Joseph in a sly way, raising an eyebrow.

"So, you're playing favorites now, huh?" She'd inquire, "Refusing my food and quickly taking his.. Man, that kinda stings."

"..Whad da hell are 'ya talkin' about?"


The old man would furrow his eyebrows, staring at some storks within the distance. "'Yer the only one who tried to force feed me. No one else."

"What? But.."


[. . .]

"Huh. Maybe I'm the one going senile.." That was certainly a weird thought, but it was nothing to harp on. Sofia would once again kneel next to Joseph, chatting on and on as the time of day began to change. Soon, Centralborne would enter a state of temporary peace, as nightfall settled into the large, fantastical town..

 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

. . .

Her eyes solemnly gazed upon the full moon; twinkling stars, dancing within the night sky.

Centralborne held peculiar atmospherical anomalies during the night. Like washed-over paint, the skies held ranging hues of blue, black, and violet; its clouds, an array of pink. Sitting comfortably near her window, it was common for Abaria to stargaze within her quarters.

Even now, the town had various adventurers, and other folk running amok..

"Rough day today, huh?"

Snapping out of her trance, Abaria's eyes widened as she swiftly turned. A warm smile and chuckle followed, with Sofia's confident stride; the two sisters sitting side by side on her tattered bed.

Basking in the darkness of the night, Abaria nodded. "It doesn't seem like anybody will come for the slimes.. Sorry for getting your hopes up."

Sofia would raise an eyebrow, smiling. "Don't be sorry. A few silver coins spent on the quest board ain't nothing."

"Well, maybe not nothing.. but it's better than giving up and adopting those bouncy freaks."

"Pfft! So true!" Immediately reverting to her energetic self, Abaria chuckled, leaning back onto her bed. "I just wish this job wasn't so tedious. I'm more of an outdoors person, and.. being an innkeeper doesn't really allow that."

With an inquisitive look, the younger half-sister turned towards her; appearing.. understanding. As the moon rose every minute, their surroundings would slowly get closer, prompting Sofia to shut the window.

"I get it." She'd turn back, giving her an uncommon warm smile, "You always were a ray of sunshine."


"But, for now.." Walking past Abaria, whose eyes followed her every move, she'd clap her hands, now positioned in front of her door. "Bed time for both of us. You agree?"

Taking a second to process Sofia's rather cheerful demeanor, it wasn't everyday that she would see her assistant Innkeeper so lively. With light glimmering within Abaria's eyes, her smile widened; with a faint, subtle blush.

"Mhm! Tomorrow's a brand new day!"


"Goodnight.. Gotta buy some cabbages tomorrow." Letting out a yawn, the blonde lady would promptly exit Abaria's space, the thick, wooden door creaking as it closed.

And, with a wave —


"See you tomorrow!"