
Chapter 007: Bai's Old Master Invites You

The Bai Family were indeed lacking money now, Bai Ruozhu's words had moved Bai Yihong. After thinking for a while, he finally rewrapped the fresh soup powder and stood up, saying, "I am going to ask Dr. Li to take a look at it. If there are no issues, then we will decide what to do."

Bai Ruozhu, craning her neck, watched her father's retreating figure and couldn't help shouting, "Don't throw it away, Dad. It might be quite valuable."

Soon, Bai Yihong returned. Bai Ruozhu asked eagerly, "How did it go, Dad?" She was desperate, hoping Dr. Li recognized what a possible treasure they might have in their hands.

Bai Yihong came back with a smile on his face and said, "Dr. Li said there is no problem. It's fresh soup powder made from sundried, ground aquatic produce. Judging from its color, it appears to be quite fresh."

Bai Ruozhu was too excited, "Then should we use some to make a soup for tonight?"

This time Lin Ping did not object. Apparently, Dr. Li's word was very convincing among the people in Back Mountain Village.

The soup was made by Lin Ping later. Only a little fresh soup powder was added, and it tasted exceptionally good. The family enjoyed a pot of leafy soup without any hint of greasiness, and emptied it quickly.

Feeling like the timing was right, Bai Ruozhu proposed an idea to her mother: "Mom, I will accompany you to the market in a few days. We can try to sell this fresh soup powder."

"The fresh soup powder tastes really good. How about having it kept for you to stimulate your appetite?" said Lin Ping in a somewhat hesitant tone, noticing that her daughter had not been eating well recently.

Bai Ruozhu shook her head, "We should still sell it. Giving birth will cost money, and I've figured out the ingredients of this soup powder. We can make it ourselves in the future."

Finally Lin Ping did not object to selling the soup powder. She felt it was Bai Ruozhu's decision as it was her finding in the first place.

Two days later, after the busiest time on the farm had passed, and the cut on Bai Ruozhu's forehead was gradually healing and scabbing over. Yet, the area around the scab became a bit itchy. She fought the itch to prevent scarring, which she knew wouldn't look good.

Just on the eve of Bai Ruozhu's planned trip to the market with Lin Ping, callers from the old mansion of Bai suddenly appeared.

The old mansion referred to the place where Bai Yihong's parents lived. Bai Yihong and his family had moved out a few years ago. His parents had chosen to live with his older brother, and Bai Yihong had been sending them two hundred wen each month for their expenses.

The visitor today was Bai Yihong's elder brother Bai Yibo. As soon as he appeared, Bai Ruozhu felt that he was different from the other village folks. On closer inspection, she realized that unlike other villagers who wore simple and rough clothes, especially in such hot weather, Bai Yibo was dressed in a somewhat new blue gown. With such attire, he should have looked superior to the others in this rural place. Strangely, however, Bai Ruozhu felt that his neatly dressed appearance looked out of place in the summer village environment.

In her previous memories, her uncle was only a primary school student, failing to become even a scholar. Bai Ruozhu's grandfather, Bai Fu, had made some money doing business outside and returned to his hometown intending to educate his children. Bai Fu, his eldest son, had studied for several years and became a scholar. Even though he couldn't make further progress later, being a scholar was already an impressive achievement in a remote rural area.

The biggest regret in Bai Fu's life was failing to become an official. He thus placed his hopes on educating his sons. However, due to the family's financial constraints, only his eldest son, Bai Yibo, was able to receive proper education. Unfortunately, Bai Yibo didn't perform as well as his father. He couldn't even pass the scholar examination despite his advanced age. Furthermore, he was reluctant to work in the fields and was not helpful with household chores. Despite the image, he cultivated, he was neither competent in literature nor in martial arts.

With a chin propped up by a tuft of goatee, Bai Yibo almost looked down his nose at Bai Yihong. With a voice filled with disdain, he said, "Second brother, Dad wants you to come over."

Bai Yihong seemed used to his manner and did not show any sign of displeasure, "What does Dad need, big brother?" He asked.

"Why not go find out for yourself? Oh, and bring that girl Ruozhu with you." Bai Yibo's tone turned even more derogatory when he mentioned Ruozhu.

Bai Yihong and Lin Ping quickly exchanged uneasy glances.

Bai Ruozhu could hear the disdain in Bai Yibo's voice and understood that the issues that will be addressed were most likely about her. She sighed inwardly, "When will I finish sorting out the mess her previous life had left for me to deal with?"

"Alright, we will tidy up and go over soon," responded Bai Yihong after pondering for a moment.

"Second brother, don't blame me for not reminding you. The issues at your home are causing quite a stir. Don't further provoke Dad and make him angry. He's getting old and his health isn't as good as before." Bai Yibo's tone turned suddenly earnest. If it had not been for his earlier haughty tone, Bai Ruozhu might have mistaken him for a caring older brother who was looking out for his younger sibling.

"Alright, I got it," Bai Yihong responded, a bit gloomily.

Bai Yibo smacked his bottom and left, causing Bai Ruozhu to become increasingly annoyed by the sight of his blue gown. Her second elder brother Bai Yihong was also a student, but he didn't act so annoyingly, did he?

Unable to suppress her disdain, Lin Ping snorted and murmured, "What's there to gloat about? My son was also a student just like him. His social status is no worse than his."


"Don't bother with him, older brother has always been like this," sighed Bai Yihong. He then turned to Bai Ruozhu and said, "My daughter, don't take to heart whatever grandpa says later. Given his old age, he might not be clear about certain things."

Bai Ruozhu let out a small, amused smile, isn't her father basically suggesting that grandpa was becoming senile?

"Don't worry, Dad. I won't take it to heart. Whatever he says will go in one ear and out the other." Bai Ruozhu responded with a smile. Since she didn't regard these people as relatives, why would she bother about their opinions?

This reassured Bai Yihong somewhat, he then headed towards the old Bai Mansion with his family. However, he had no idea that his old father's rage had far exceeded his expectations.

The old patriarch Bai stood in the yard waving a rattan stick. His increasingly dull eyes glared straight at the incoming Bai Yihong and his family. The apparent lines on his forehead, from frequently frowning, had formed into a noticeable pattern, which reflected his ongoing displeasure. With his sight set on Bai Ruozhu and her family, he began to wield his rattan stick.

"Ruozhu, come over here. I must discipline you with family law today!" Although old, Bai's patriarch commanded quite a presence. If he wasn't afraid of the neighbors overhearing, he would be shouting at the top of his lungs.

Bai Ruozhu foresaw that Bai Fu would target her, but she wasn't expecting him to enforce the family law. She was not a person to take punishment without cause. Besides, she was pregnant. What if the baby was harmed by an improper blow?

"Dad, what is this about? Ruozhu hasn't committed any wrongdoing. Why would you want to hit her?" Bai Yihong stood in front of Bai Ruozhu, doing his best to maintain a calm tone, fearing that any further provocation may incense his father even more.

Old Bai, however, showed no mercy or kindness. He lashed out with his rattan stick, which Bai Yihong did not dodge. The stick struck him at the corner of his forehead, immediately leaving a fiery red welt on his face.

"Oh, dear! Why didn't you dodge it!" Lin Ping rushed over, grabbing onto Bai Yihong, with tears welling in her eyes from worry.