
Abandoned Villainess: Forgotten Princess

"Ah, did I die?" Medea Pandora de Viotto blinked the drowsiness from her blurry vision. Her white eyelashes fluttered in confusion at the familiar prison that had confined her since childhood. "Wasn't this my room from before that vixen came into the palace? God truly did not abandon me after all." A villainess condoned by all when all she wanted was the slightest familial affection sent back thirteen years before her execution. "Well then, should I exact my revenge or let it go? Perhaps I should just be as heartless to them as they were to me?" ================================= Oneodore, a world of fantasy. One where the influence of the Goddess of life and the God of Death reign supreme, a certain girl deemed as a villain by everyone suddenly gets a second chance to redeem herself. Will she follow her original charted destiny or leave the world to burn in the destruction of her deeds? Would she choose to salvage the home that eventually betrayed her in the end or leave it to crumble? []===========[] This story will most likely have a realistic ending. The female lead is pretty overpowed and there will be minimal romance with no male lead for those that just need a breather like me! ^^ Also, the goal is pain. Beware because this novel is full of angst. This novel is mainly for me so expect infrequent updates.

chaosgoddess · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Kill her!" A aggrieved voice called out, it sounded like it was from one of the high elves.

"Such a traitor does not deserve to live!" A human nobility this time, the same species as the one currently being forced to kneel and listen to the insults thrown at her.

"To think that such a heartless criminal was...." Ah, she would recognized this voice even if decades passed. It was the voice of Credell Agustus de Viotto, her father(if he could even be called one).

'Ow' The so called criminal flinched when a hard object hit her face and shattered. The foul stench drifting to her nostrils almost made her gag. No, she refused to show weakness now. She, Medea Pandora de Viotto refused to lose her dignity infront of a bunch of cowards. Cowards, a befitting word to describe such insolent fools. The commoners she once showed kindness to, the nobles and high elves she once thought were her friends, even her father the emperor, the one that stands above all other humans...Yes, they were all just cowards.

Pandora chuckled darkly, the previously glistening silver hair that had now diminished to a dull gray hid her maniac expression filled with rage and hatred. She would kill them all, yes...Make them all pay for her sufferings with their blood. Pandora's ruby eyes glimmered with unbidden ruthlessness as she glared at certain vixen, the 'golden haired priestess', the 'kind goddess', the 'prophesied one'. The golden hair beauty that stood beside the crown princes of both the human and eleven nation. The 'villainess's' sudden unrestrained laughter resounded throughout the hall, sending chills down the spine of anyone who heard it.

Pandora finally showed a flaw in her high-and-mighty facade. The one who had previously been expressionless glared at the priestess, the hatred on her face shaking the hearts if whoever saw it.

"All of you will pay!" Pandora's voice echoed through the halls into the open air. Her face contorted into glee when she saw the darkening expression of Agustus.

"QUICK, RESTRAIN HER!" The emperor's voice reverted out, reaching the ears of all the magic casters and knights as well as nobles who had long frozen in fear. The walls of the luxurious halls shook, cracks instantly appearing in its foundation. Everyone at present who had practiced magic knew what was happening...

Medea Pandora de Viotto was self-destructiing her own mana core as well as using her own soul as a boost, and it didn't take a god to know that the girl already held a monstrous amount of mana to begin with. She was just never able to ustalize it due to her physique. However, self destruction didn't need one to control their mana.

Pandora smiled, the rugged appearance from prison did not diminish the cruelty reflected in her blood colored eyes. Everyone fled in terror, afraid to get caught up in the aftermath of a core explosion.

"Don't panic everyone!" That oh-so annoying voice of the 'holy maiden' called out. The 'angelic' sound immediately calmed the rising waves of panic and instilled peace into the stirred hearts of all present. "Mea, do you need to do this?"

Pandora scoffed, the priestess is just as much as a hypocrite as ever huh? "HAHA! OFCOURSE-" Blood.

Blood suddenly flowed out of Pandora's mouth as if it was a broken fountain. She widened her eyes in shock, "How-"

Emperor Credell breathed a sigh of relief while the vixen Lilith looked at the former royal princess in pity. "I'm sorry Mea, I didn't want to do this-" Lilith choked on her words, more tears flowed our of her eyes than the amount of blood that currently sprayed from Pandora's mouth.

"Detain her." Agustus looked towards Pandora in disgust, it was as if she wasn't his daughter but a vile piece of trash even a beggar would throw away in disdain. "Thankfully the Priestess was here otherwise the casualties would be unimaginable, we would've surely lost the war if we suddenly lost so many people. Commoners and nobility alike, everyone has their own part to play. Let us quickly behead the traitor and celebrate in the upcoming defeat of the demon and beastmen race!"

Pandora let her tears fall, why? Why her, she didn't do anything wrong...Or was it wrong to want the affections of her father? But why, because she was female? Because her physique made it so that she couldn't utilize her mana? Pandora's eyes turned empty as they dragged her and roughly slammed her head into place for slaughter. She didn't even have the energy to scream when the executioner hacked at her neck with a dull axe. God, she wanted to scream. Anything to stop the pain, to stop what she was currently feeling.

Pandora blanked and memories flashed in her head, making the pain far worse. That moment, Pandora could barely think straight. The pain prevented her from doing so, but she swore...She would never let them off. If there was a second chance, a next life, she would never be so foolish to pine after inefutual affections again. Emotions, what a useless thing. It would only ever serve as a hindrance to her...


"Do you want to live?"


"Wake up, don't you want to live?"

'Does it even matter anymore?'

"It is not your time for you to die yet child, that girl is not of this world. Her fate was yours, go reclaim it."

'Who are you, what are you talking about?'


A young girl woke up gasping for air, tears streaked down her face and highlight her youthful features that showed her being no more than five. Her silver hair glittered in the light, the red eyes made the girl look like the gem they were colored after. A shining ruby.

Pandora continued to gasp for air, the adrenaline still hadn't quite died down making her hyper focused and unable to think properly. The intense pain of her neck being hacked at was still fresh in her brain and she wanted to scream, so she did. Pandora screamed until her throat was coarse, before finally calming down. She then laughed, her maniacal laughter soon turning into quiet sobs.

Pandora recognized the lackluster and somewhat plain room she was in. It was her room, her room in the Lunar Palace. The palace originally intended for concubines who were out of favor. This entire palace was completely abandoned and only housed the singular Princess Medea Pandora de Viotto.

Although Pandora didn't know how she was alive, but she was grateful that she was. She herself knew best the consequences of the spell she used afterall. Pandora smiled, her current body looked around five years old. She had gone back in time thirteen years before her execution. Pandora's ruby eyes turned empty at the thought, she had gone back but now what? The 'villainess' then realized something. 'What do I want?'

She, a villainess condoned by all when all she wanted was the slightest familial affection sent back thirteen years before her execution.

"Well then, should I exact my revenge or let it go? Perhaps I should just be as heartless to them as they were to me?"

Okay, this first chapter is kind of a test to see if this novel will do well. I'll give it a month as I wrote as this novel for me because I got tired of reading the same villainess tropes again and again. I'll most likely publish 3 chapters and see how they do and if people like them, great. If not, I'll continue to write casually as this is originally intended for me. I just thought: "Why not publish it?" Anyway, leave a comment on whether or not you guys want to continue to read this book.

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