
Abandoned she-wolf

Getting abused everyday is a common thing for Chyzel Santander, daughter of the former alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. When her parents died and her pack was conquered by the White Mist Pack when she was 8 years old, everything and everyone changed from then on. She was blamed by her parents' death. Even her bestfriend turned her back from her. Now, the only thing that keep her from giving up is her mate. Can she she prove her innocence to her pack? Who is her mate? Will he love her? Or will he abandon her too, just like her pack abandoned her?

Bloody_tree · Fantasy
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It was a sunny day. The weather is great. I can feel my hair floating in the wind and my dress is ruffling as I play in the meadow, trying to catch a butterfly. It was Saturday, meaning its fanily day. My parents are sitting in a mat not far from me.

" Chyzel, honey, don't go too far!" mom shouted at me.

" Yes mom!" I shouted back. Actually, I am not worried if I stray too far from them. Our pack, Blue Moon Pack, is safe, my parents, the alpa and luna of the pack, are known for their gentle, diplomatic and kind nature, it is the reason why our and our neighboring packs are at peace and no wars has ever happened ever since my parents became the alpha and luna of our pack. That's why I, Chyzel Santander, the daughter of the Alpha and luna, am very confident thhat nothing would go wrong.

The meadow where my parents chose to have a family picnic is a small clearing in the woods not too far from the pack village. Enough for us to have a family time and at the same time, my parents can still see what is happening in the pack village.

As I continue to catch the butterfly, I did not notice that I ventured too deep in the forest and I notice how abonormally quite my surroundings are. Usually, you can hear the small sound the insects made, but I can't hear anything, even with my werewolf hearing, which frightened me more.

That's when I smell something awful, like a dog that really needed a bath, and then it hits me. Rogue!

I ran back as fast as I can I felt like floating. I didn't call my parents as it can only alert the rogues. As I get to the clearing, I saw my parents happily to each other. If this is some other times, I wouldn't want to disturb them but this is inportant. When I am only an arm length from them, I whispered.


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