
A Note.

My name is Ikkeanu Reanivu, a scientist onboard on Ikelugua science vessel. We mainly scan sector across the stars in our galaxy to compile data on ancient galactic civilization that predate us. The captain of the ship strongly advise us not to leak our discovery to the masses because doing so will surely cause mass panic as most of ancient civilization that we encountered had gone into a tragic end.

This compiled note is what i have written on our journey across the galaxy. Most instances of our finding are about an apocalyptic ending of an ancient civilization but i also compile some instances about strange anomaly that the HQ had ordered us to investigate.

If what we have encountered so far were true and mostly were, than our time is near on its end. We might be wipe out by an ancient plague like that of jehuvaian species or how a leviatan devour the rebeuian's entire home system or the dimmensional horror that consume everything on its path or an ancient god's wrath that turned peragian home planet into an unhabitable strangely shrouded planet. We may never know.