
Abandoned Martial Library (Alt. Title: Abandoned Dojo)

"Way Of The Hermit? Crane Style? Three-Sword Style? Notes of the Greatest Swordsman? Six Powers? What kind of library is this?!" This is an idea that came to me all of a sudden. The premise is that an Abandoned Dojo holds all the knowledge of various Anime martial arts. I would do games too but, sadly I know only a few cool ones. I would also like to note that due to a forgetful mind this is not a crossover story. This all takes place in a world where the supernatural exists though. Also, anyone is free to use this idea. I know full well I can't bring it to it's full potential. So, if you think you could do better be my guest. I should also note that P.O.V. is everywhere. I honestly never did third person successfully before.

GamingReadingLong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Dew's Fading, An Attempt At World Building, and Recovery Process

Dew's conciousness faded in and out. First, He saw his parents, frantically looking him over. Their mouths were moving, probably to call an ambulance since Dad immediately moved from his vision. It then cut. Like one you would see in movies from the patient's P.O.V. He then saw men in uniform hauling him on a stretcher. It wasn't as comfortable as he thought it would. The moving from point A to point B, in this case from the house's interior to the Ambulance. It was bumpy. Another cut. He then saw white quickly moving, the ceiling. Probs the hospital's. Pretty disorienting, especially with his mind all jumbled up. He looked down to alleviate it. There he saw his family looking worryingly at him. He didn't like that, especially since Drop had tears coming out her eyes like a fountain. He smiled at them, hopefully alleviating the stress he inflicted. They just looked even more paniked. *Sigh* Those worry worts will make them ugly. Hehe. Ow, it hurts to laugh. Cut.

-One day has passed-


'Ugh, cut the racket'. Dew bleary opened his eyes. 'Ugh, unclear eyes suck'. Everything...is...slowly...getting clearer...there. He can see, thank god. Those Rat bastards didn't take his sight. *whew* Bullet dodged. Though maybe he shouldn't celebrate too early. Who knows what they took instead. Maybe, his liver. They hit that a lot after he....huh? What did he do again to get a severe beating? Eh, it will come in due time. Dew rested a bit more, the pain was still there afterall. He should be making a recovery resting.


'God, this is boring' Dew thought. 'Let's try something else. Move a bit, so I don't aggravate my injuries to bad.' Dew slightly raised his right arm, slowly...up....up...ow. Okay, this is good. He could raise his arm enough to press the emergency button. Also, the pain wasn't so bad. It reminded him of muscle cramps, he could still move through those. Okay, left arm. *Sharp inhale* Ow, ow, ow. Ugh, they must of hit it harder. He could feel pain on his shoulder, upper arm, and elbow. At that moment a man in blue came in followed by a doctor. 'A policeman, no other uniform has that color. Besides plumbers...and some bug extermination companies'. At that thought Dew smirked. If the man noticed he didn't show it. Instead he immediately went down to questioning Dew of the events that occured to put him in such a sorry state. Dew just used a single name, as if it should explain enough "Goliath". The man visibly pauses. He looked at Dew with pity, as if to say he must be one unlucky bastard. Dew knew he was indeed one unlucky bastard. After what came on to the television. "Goliath Rampage in Sendai" It was there in big bold lettering. No wonder his name felt familiar, Japan has Five Villains(Not counting the littler names) with immense infamy to their name. They are known as X, Quinn, Blank, Little Tony, and lastly, the guy whose thugs did him in, Goliath.

'Ugh, this sucks. I had to run into the one guy that is said to go against Gold in a one v one'. Yup, you read right. Where there are villains there are also heroes. Japan has Four Heroes with great reputation(Again not counting the little names. Which there are few). They are Gold, Elytra, Goo-N, and Helios. They do a good job, but it's never enough. They are actually planning to open an organization of Heroes to combat the ever increasing threat of Villains. Dew wishes them success, Those villains have been increasing their presence lately. "Is that all officer?" Dew asked. "Yes, that is all. Avoid trouble next time, you hear?" He advised. "Kinda hard since my house is on the periphery of the abandoned zone." Dew stated. The cop gave a shake of his head, wondering about his circumstances. He then left, leaving due with the doctor that was checking the equipment.

Dew looked up, his mind going elsewhere for a bit. He then asked the doctor. "How long will I be here?". The doctor gave a "Hmm". He picked up a clipboard. "It says here, you are expected to recover in a month." Dew raised his eyebrows. 'Man, a month. What is he going to do during that time.' As if reading his mind, the doctor put something in his right hand. Dew raised it to see what was put there. 'A rubix cube?' At his confused look the doctor explained. "It keeps the mind sharp." The doctor then left. Dew decided to use it anyway, never really solved one before, but he guessed it wouldn't hurt.

"DEW!!!" A shrill scream blasted through the room, and before Dew could get his bearings a blur slammed right on top of him. *Gufugh* Ugh, He knows perfectly what slammed onto him. "Drop, What I say about dropping onto to me." Dew looked at his little sister, rebukingly yet kindly. "But, but" Drop looked down. "No Butts, Butts are for pooping" Dew joked again. Drop giggled, the clouds above her head parting. "For goodness sake Drop, your brother is recovering leave him be." Momma Li stated from the door. "Mom, I.." Dew looked guilty "Ah, ah, ah. Forget it, rest for now." Momma Li said understandly. "Come now, Drop" "Aww~, Okay" Drop leaned and whispered into her brothers ear "Here's some "Get Well" chocalates. Momma said not to give you any, but I'm doing it anyway." "Thanks Drop, I'll definitely get well faster thanks to these." Dew said smilingly.

Meanwhile, outside the room. "What's the situation doc? Will he get better?" Father Ping asked worrying for his son's health. The doctor just waved him off. "You shouldn't worry so much, your son is hardier than he looks. He's recovering faster than normal. All he needs is rest." Father Ping still looked unsure, the doctor just pointed at his son. He can see him laughing with Drop, as if Dew didn't suffer multiple injuries. 'Hoo, maybe I am worrying too much.' Ping thought. At this time Momma Li and Drop came out. They came to stand by his side. Dew looked at them, smiled, and waved. They waved back, then left.