
Abandoned Kingdom's Online

Ryan Nao after hearing about a new VRMMORPG couldnt hold his exitement as he was a avid gamer and with the entertainment businesses focusing for on competitive gameing nowadays was all to eager to get in on the action. ******************************************************* little did he know the decision he made on that day was a decision that would change his life. Ryan Nao is a 5"10', 18 year old boy with pale ivory colored skin, his black hair that was neither to long or to short and eyes that looked like a deap sea blue Ryan Nao's Abandoned Kingdom's Online Character 5"10', With pale ivory colored skin, Black hair that reach his shoulder blades. and Silver eyes that resemble the moon. ******************************************************* Time in game is 1 day = 12 hours Real time. 6pm to 12am & 6am to 12pm = Day time in game 12am to 6am & 12pm to 6pm = Night time in game When in game time will be said in this way and when out of game time will flow normally. Time out of game 1 day = 24 hours Real time

Sylvius_Rhomkey · Action
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Memories Part 1


Opening his eyes Silver could see himself siting in a tavern with 4 people. There was a young lady that looked to be in her early 20s. She wasnt standing so he wasnt sure but her hight was about 5"9' if he had to guess. She had Black flowing Hair that reached her waist right above her medium sized Butt. If you could steal your eyes from her beautiful emerald eyes you could see she had C sized Breast. Her clothing was cloth with a few furs to help keep the cold away.

The little Girl sitting next to her looked almost the same but a smaller version. She was small but her smile could melt glaciers so when she looked at him with her hazel eyes and smiled he unconsciously smiled back. She couldnt of been older than 6 and stood at 3"7' her Black hair was tied into pigtales.

The last one that he could see properly was a beast man. He had golden hair that was trimmed finely to the point you could think the one that did the triming was meticulous. He easly stood at 6"2'. On top of his head was 2 pairs of large cheetah like ears. His eyes were a light brown and when you looked at them you could feel confidence radiating off him.

Looking at his body you would see fine detailed muscles and a tail that would swish from time to time showing he was excited. Other than the clear animal he looked rather human. His clothing also consisted of cloth but he didnt have any furs. He had leather instead and was sporting what looked like a biker jacket.

The final one at the table was wearing a cloak and hid his face with a mask. As they all looked at him he started to speak.

"I welcome you all to your initiation but I will tell you the moment you start there is no turning back. If you succeeded then your in, but if you fail then only death awaits you." Not stoping he continues after noticing no change in their deminor

"The mission you have is to kill a soon to be noble. He if going to be marrying Elnu Roffilet and will become the next head of the family. You are to kill him before they marry, that is your dead line. We dont have much on him so you will need to gather your own information but that shouldnt be too hard." Setting down a envelope infront of them he looks at them one more time before standing up speaking his farewell.

"Enjoy the announcement party."

[Quest acquired (Brotherhood Initiation)]

Watching him walk away they all looked at each other before speaking one at a time.

The beast man was the first to speak.

"Well I guess we will be partners from this point on. The names Zovac!"

The young lady was next to speak mainly looking at Silver. "My name is Rianna. I hope we can be friends." After her was the litte girl. "I'm Miao!"

Finally it was his turn. Looking at them he was fine with the two girls but got a weird feeling from the beast man. Not sure if it was the imagination or not he decided to tell them his name was Shadow. The game claimed it's his last name but it sounded like a first name and not a last name in his opinion. it wasnt like he was lieing but just telling them his other name instead.

Thinking this he decided he would use it as his alias. It did seem like he would be joining a group that liked to hide based on the man he just recived a quest from.

"My names Shadow and I'm fine with being Friends with you." Looking at Rianna as he spoke he could feel something while looking in her eyes. It was faint but after trying to follow it he could tell it was happiness.

It was a feeling he could pinpoint with ease. The fact he could do this startled him a little but thinking it must be a part of one of his skills he wrote it off as just that.

Turning his head to the envelop that none of them touched. He reached over and while grabbing it he noticed it was rather light. Opening it while letting the others watch, they could see 4 invitations to what seemed to be a engagement party.

Looking at the people around him and then looking at himself. He was wearing common cloth clothing but nothing elts. his weapon was a thin and long dagger about the same size of a short sword but with obvious differences.

"Well if we are going to a party then what are we waiting for!" Getting up Zovac spoke in a exited tone.

Rianna looked at Zovac annoyed and then looked at him.

"So what should we do?"

Wondering why she was asking him he looked at the time on the invitation. it was set for that night at 8pm. Estimating it was 3 hours away he decided they would need some clothing. It was clear that this was a good opportunity to get information but Silver had another idea while Looking at Zovac.

"First we need to get some clothing for the party. Let's go see what we can find." Makeing the executive decision he got up but before he could leave he heard Miao speak.

"But we dont have money."

Looking at her he wasnt sure if he should tell her what he had in mind to fix that but Rianna could tell it wasnt legal so she spoke up.

"It's ok Miao I'll go get some money so you can hang with Shadow till I get back." Rianna spoke.

"If thats ok with you Shadow?" Continueing she wanted confirmation it was ok to which she could see him nod.

Walking off he could see her pass a fairly wealthy looking man and noticed he was missing his coin bag. Baffled at how good she was he questioned if he would even be able to leave the inn before she was done.