
Aaron Nova A monster covered with an innocent kid's skin

In this cruel world where not everything is fair, a hero sacrifices himself to save the world, but he discovers the Gods have played him dirty when he gets another shot at life. The Gods he once worshiped stole the credit from his work and claimed it as their own! When he reincarnates into the same world, he expects blessings upon him, but he's rather ordinary. If anything, he has it worse than everyone else; his powers are gone, and his crew has died off. Nobody remembers his name! The name of the person who saved them all! Aaron Nova! Not only did the Gods take credit for everything, but they also made sure he respawned with as little chance of surviving as possible as they threw him into a war-torn state, a state ridden with violence from civil war. This is the story of that man, a wolf disguised in a child's body, a warrior who wants retribution, the world he reincarnated to wasn't what he fought for! This world riddled with inequality, oppression, and slavery wasn't what he died for! Had he fought in vain? Was the Demon King actually right about humanity? Were humans too stupid to be trusted?! Did it always have to end like a mess?

Misa_Nakamura · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The ruler of death

[Requirements met, player: Aaron Nova has upgraded their title "Human Killer" to "Human Slayer." Tabbo level has increased from level five to level seven.]

Aaron controlled himself for a minute after reading the new message as he regained a little sense of his being. What was he doing? He thought to himself as the dragon he had summoned continued to lose the battle against the powered-up Angel.

"What have I done? Why do I have this power? When did I lose control of it?! I don't even remember what I AHHHHG!!"

The burning boy fell to one knee as his true sentimental self tried to take over his mind again, yet he knew he couldn't let his emotions control him, or he would cause more unnecessary damage. General Kevlar noticed the boys' struggle, so he took the opportunity to rush toward him!

"Ahhhh!! For Silvet! Die, you demon!" As he was rushing through, the Angel they had been powering up suddenly vanished after dealing the final blow to the dragon. They had beaten the dragon, but the dragon also exhausted every single mage almost to death.

The sudden change in ambiance lets Aaron notice the old guy coming toward him, and without more self-control, he lets himself go again just in time to stop the old guy's swinging sword mid-air.

"Nice try, now burn!"

"At least I'll die to a legend. I'm okay with that." Aaron suddenly stopped his hand from reaching the man as he processed what he had said.

"What did you just say?" Asked the now crying Aaron as his right burning hand cooled off.

"You're Aaron Nova, the demon slayer! I know you! I know you are the demon slayer!" Aaron's face filled with tears as he fought himself again, letting the man lose after backing up.

"If you knew who I was, then why did you keep trying to kill me?!"

"I was following orders!" Kevlar was not stupid; he knew something was wrong with the kid, so he kept buying time; maybe he could win his trust and stab him in the back. Yet, Aaron was the one who was playing with him.

"I'm sorry! I did not mean to kill your men!" Said Aaron after turning his self-burning cursed flame off. Aaron pretended to fall for Kevlar's manipulation and acted as if he was friendly out of nowhere, so much so that he convinced Kevlar to lower his guard.

"You and I can become the greatest allies, kid! We can conquer many lands! You and me!" kevlar gripped his pocket knife tighter behind his left hand as he cautiously approached the kid for a "hug."

"I'm sorry! I don't know what's going on! Please! I don't want to go to jail!"

Kevlar was buying Aaron to act entirely as he kept approaching, ready to stab the kid to death. For a moment, Kevlar got a good grip on Aaron and prepared to stab him in the back of the neck as Aaron kept selling his innocent kid act.

The older man then began to have questionable desires as he looked at Aaron's nude body, yet this hesitation would be the end of Kevlar. The boy took advantage of a distracted Kevlar and punished his stupidity by stabbing him with his own sword, a deep stab right in his balls up his torso.

"Ahahaha! AHAHAHA! Oh, how dumb could you be?"

Aaron's eyes changed from his usual blue eyes to his unusual red eyes as he twisted the sword inside Kevlar's body even more. {Gasps of air from Kevlar as his pierced lungs fail to give him enough air to scream}

"What's wrong, Oji-san? You have about fifteen seconds before you die. I hope those Gods you pray to don't abandon you as they abandoned me. That's right! Remember everything now! Illumina! I'm coming for you! I'm going to kill you and your PANTHEON! You betrayed me!"

As Aaron had predicted, Kevlar fell on his side death fifteen seconds later. He had perished, and with his death, Aaron got even more EXP. The burning kid stole the man's shirt and put it on. It looked more like a girl's dress on him, but it was better than remaining naked in the cold weather.

It was then time to address the surviving mages trying to escape from the area. They were no more than more free EXP to Aaron, so knowing they were all out of stamina, he slowly disposed of them.

The kid took his time with every single one, making sure they felt as much pain as possible before they died. Surah, the god in charge of the failing mission, retreated to the headquarters with a humiliating defeat under his belt. How would the god explain his loss to Illlumina?! He would for sure beat him!

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Dam it! Illumina can't know about this!"

"You lost Surah; now come back for your judgment. I'm very disappointed in you." Illumina spoke directly to the god's mind. Surah was never seen again afterward.

Aaron continued to kill the mages and enjoyed himself with the last one. Letting him think that he was free to go, Aaron waited and waited until he was just in range of a hatchet throw, then he shot him death in the back of the skull! Bullseye!

[Experience has reached the required level; player "Aaron Nova" has increased his level from level Eighty-nine to level ninety.]

"Check status confirmed kills," Aaron exclaimed as he looted the mage's cape to put it on himself; he liked its heroic design, so he wanted to wear it.

[Player Aaron Nova has (505) confirmed human kills. Zero monster kills yet.]

Aaron had a blood bath with the people he killed, which helped him recover a lot of experience, but it felt like nothing compared to his previous powers. Before the system came to being, you only measured energy, so he wouldn't know what level he was back then, but he was still far from the limit.

For a human, he had already become an unbeatable beast. Many legendary soldiers only managed to kill around twenty others before dying, so nobody was close to level ninety. The simple journey of achieving level fifty could take you a lifetime!