
Aalayah’s beginning

Aalayah Moon that’s right she’s from the Moon family. You don’t mess with the Moons unless your seeking for blood. You mess with anyone they love and it will be bloodshed. Although most of the family has either gone into hiding or got killed by their own there are still two with Moon blood walking among Humans and the Supernatural. One uses magic constantly and one rarely uses it, because they know danger would be spread in the air. Aalayah Moon is on a mission to steal what her sister stole from her parents to destroy it before it destroys her. The Moons have lived longer than you can imagine their family tree goes way back, but Aalayah can’t help but question herself “will I be the last Moon?”. All she could think about is expanding her family tree the last thing on her list was love for another man, until she met him Greyson Morriti he’s not just an ordinary Human actually not human at all turns out he’s a Lycan made to kill and end wars. That’s what he thought until he met Aalayah his mate turns out he was made for her but how can she be made for him when she’s a godly creature what is she? will he go through with his destiny? Or will he leave Aalayah with her soul turn in two with all desires to continue there family bloodline gone? Only one way to find out, GET TO READING!

Lone_Hydra24 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Weird feeling in the pit of my stomach

Meredith's POV

The ice surrounded me and Aalayah like a shield from predators, "god damn it's cold" I whispered. I put my hands over Aalayah as I heard her screams echoing inside the cube we were in. "So ice, huh?" Her eyes shot open still screaming I could only see the color blue, no white "vesmotes verde" I whispered a pain calming chant. "It's alright Aalayah, it's almost over." I looked up at the blood red moon, the red started to fade away as she started to calm and her eyes closed. I rested my hands at my sides confident she has no use of me anymore.

Until she shot up eyes wide again along with the ice fading away, I looked at the moon again "shit! It's not gone yet, Aalayah lay down!" She growled "MATE!" and shoved me into what was left of the ice, I coughed as she sped to where I was assuming the direction of her mate "chalante eqtuse" she froze in place screaming angrily. I started to push myself up with wobbly hands, I stood up and walked near her cautiously. She flipped her head around with bloodlust. All of the sudden her hand was on my throat and I was gasping for air, "Aa-layah, no..." then it all went dark.

Greysons POV

As soon as I saw the dragon, it swiped its claws at me, luckily I dogged it "GUYS GET BACK! ALL OF YOU!" I spoke not taking my eyes of the dragon. Everyone expect for Lilac and Holden did as I said. The dragon swiped again for some reason still aiming at me, I heard bones cracking next to me and glanced only to see Lilac shifting into something white. Just as I looked back at the dragon it had swung its tail at me while I was distracted, nocking me into a tree. I coughed out some blood "shit" the dragon started to stalk closer to me as my sight became more hazy.

Strong wind blew passed me and I saw my mate had thrown the dragon, slamming it into multiple trees knocking them over by the force. My sight started to clear and my beast was at its surface ready to defend our mate. I stood up quickly and my arms were wobbling I looked at them and saw a few cuts and they instantly disappeared. I watched as my mate stalked towards the dragon swiftly, I was walking towards Holden and saw a tiger next to him hiding and cowering in fear. When I was about to pass him he put his hand on my chest causing me to stop "don't. The moon is still red, that's not Aalayah right now. If you go near her you'll end up hurt or dead"

I furrowed my brows as a horrifying scream of a man echoed through out the forest. I looked at my mate only to see Aalayah grabbing the man mid shift by the throat and slamming him into the ground. His guts splattered on everything around it leaving only his head unharmed, she picked up the head and stuck it through a branch. She turned around and looked at me her eyes only purple. I gulped as she ran towards me, scared she was gonna take my life like that stranger. I was surprised to feel her wrap her hands around my torso and sniff my chest as if she's realizing for the first time we were mates, Holden cleared his throat clearly uncomfortable about the scene.

"the moon's about to be its normal color, so no worries" she stopped sniffing me and loosened her grip. I lightly hugged her back feeling as if everything else on earth had disappeared, it was like I felt safe and at home for the first time. I pushed a piece of hair behind her ear as her beast purred, causing my beast to resurface. I heard running footsteps start to approach, and me and my mate growled in the direction. "What the hell, bitch!" I heard Meredith scream I growled again extending my claws at the repulsive name she called my mate.

"You made me loose consensus! And your not even apologizing!" She was next to us arms crossed. My mate gave of a proud aura "serves you right, mate was in trouble" she sniffed me again causing my beast to make me start to loose control. Then it hit me "I was not- wait are you back to normal yet? Not that I'm complaining..." I mumbled the last part. Holden started to laugh at me in amusement "you mean you haven't realized the change in power by now? Hahaha! oh my god this is amazing. Aalayah looks like you have a dimwit of a mate" his laugh lasted for a few seconds before Aalayah punched him in the face causing him to fall on his ass, now I was the one laughing

"looks like she didn't like your snarky comment or when you talk bad about me" I chuckled. Aalayah's head shot up and looked behind her ready to fight something, she let go leaving me feeling cold and wandered behind one of the trees. She came out and looked at us "we're almost there, just a few more trees out- Alex? Where's my Alex?" Her face soon turned to concern. "Can I get off now?" I heard Alex whine behind me, Aalayah instantly made her way to him. Lifting him up into her arms hugging him, "mommy your okay!" He squealed as he hugged her back. "Yeah I'm fine" she huffed with relief and pulled away with a smile.

"I'm sorry if I scared you guys, I forgot what today was so I wasn't prepared" she said looking around at everyone, Meredith scoffed next to me. "No duh! That's the whole reason why I was able to make it to you. How can you forget your own-" Aalayah cut her off clearing her throat "alright we should head out, it's almost 1:00 that's when the animals get more eager" she walked off me following behind her. I looked behind me realizing I didn't hear any footsteps. I nodded my head in the direction we were walking and the pack and everyone else began to follow soon after. Just as Aalayah had said we apparently made it to our destination, only after a few trees.

"So we have to swim into this hole thing, and on the other end is a cave?" She nodded at me and then smiled "well I couldn't exactly make the back entrance in plain sight, now could I?" She said smirking. I was about to respond but Lilac beat me to it. "Aalayah isn't Sasha and Chandler guarding that area?" Lilac asked looking at Aalayah worried. She paused and looked down "yeah, I'll be going first. I'll come back when it's okay to go, don't go any sooner or else you'll all be nothing but chum for the royal pets" I was about to protest before she started to undress.

I turned around and growled warning everyone to turn around, they instantly flipped around. Some blushed in embarrassment and some just rolled there eyes. I heard a splash behind me and I flipped around and saw that Aalayah was no longer in the place she was before. Nothing was left but her clothes, I scratched my neck. "Tyler shift" I said to my brother, he did as I said and I looked at him. "If she doesn't come out we're going in there" his jaw clenched "but she said-" I glared at him "alright, alright, whatever you say. Boss" I rolled my eyes at his joke, I wasn't in the mood.

I was pacing around with my hands on my head stressed. "It's been 20 minutes, I'm going in" I said heading to the water hole, right when I was about to get in Holden appeared sour of nowhere. "give it about ten more minutes, she hasn't seen them in years. Their probably having a huge reunion right now" he rolled his eyes at his last comment. While I started to think "yeah... maybe your right." I said but I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach. 'Somethings not right' my inner beast said, 'I know, I can feel it too. But we have to show mate she can trust us' he nodded in agreement 'whatever it is. It can't be good' he responded. I just stared at the water hoping she would come up.