
sect's destruction

It was a silent midnight and everyone was deep asleep in the sect. In the woods, a huge army filled with ferocious warriors and cultivators was silently awaiting for a signal.

Two arrows swiftly struck into the throats of the guards who were at the Sect's entrance.

Kevin's army entered the sect through the entrance and took out all the guards with arrows, one of the guards noticed this and alerted others, he quickly created a shield with his spiritual energy and blocked their attacks.

The scout whistled and the entire army budged in and started killing people all around, corpses were left everywhere they passed by. The elders of the sect came out and started retaliating, the pushed everyone back with their spiritual energy and lighted the warning signal.

A black robed cultivator from Kevin's army pointed his hand towards the elder and clenched his fists, the elder's body exploded like a volcano into millions of pieces.

Soon the inner sect disciples have started attacking Kevin's army.

The army's morale boosted and attacked the sect members even fiercely, some jumped on them and cut off their heads and some others digged out nerves from their bodies, ripping apart anyone they see, drowning in that blood and making insane screams they laughed like devils.

Then the core disciples came forward and joined together creating a large energy ball and threw it in the middle of the army


The entire area was covered in dust. Slowly dust began clear and they saw only a few people of the army got affected with the attack.

But the core disciples became weak, as they used all their energy to make that attack. Then they saw a horde of beasts coming in to attack them. Everyone started to flee, but got swallowed by the beasts one by one.

The warden took all the kids in the outer and inner sect with him and was trying to escape from there with the help of few other elders.

Outside, a big war is going on, as all the sect people were trying their best to stop Kevin's army with their spiritual powers, but their powers are too low in front of the army.

Entire sect was filled with blood and dead bodies and as some lost their body parts.

Nazir came into the field using his powers he hit one beast on to the other and lifted up a beast and crashed it to the ground and punched a hole on its stomach and it was blasted off. He caught a big beast's tail and threw it on to the army.

He took his sword and begin to attack everyone, with each slash many cultivators fell. He threw his sword at them it went off from 5 bodies through their hearts.

A cultivator was on his knees grabbing his injured arm, Nazir placed his hand on his head and gripped tight with his hand, the cultivators head blasted like a water melon into many pieces

Nazir's heart was on fire watching the dead bodies of his sect members.

Then the army made way in the middle of them, as they moved aside, 5 black robed experts came forward and using their spiritual power they made an attack on nazir

Nazir felt a wave on his chest, he flew away clashing through two walls and fell on the ground

He slowly stood up while couching in blood, he then used his spiritual energy and lifted himself up. He grabbed the nearby dead bodies and threw them on those 5 members and in a lightning speed he threw another sword straight into the heart of one of them

Remaining 4 members started punching nazir from each side, he then used his sipritual energy and created a spritual blast and made the 4 members fly away. All of them were filled with rage and they ganged on him together, lifted him into the air with their spiritual energy and made him hit the ground with super-speed and jumped on him with their elbows hitting his back.

Nazir died couching blood

Inside the forest, kids were running with the warden to save their lives but some beasts and the army kept chasing them.

While they are silently moving through one way, a beast suddenly jumped infront of them and it chewed away two kids. The other kids were terrified and screamed.

Listening to the screams the remaining beasts and army came at them.

The elders used their powers and killed a beast in front of them. They hurried the kids to run and but they were not able to escape from them. They finally reached the entrance of a scret tunnel. The army even kept chasing them inside the tunnel.

Then an elder stopped running and started using his spiritual energy to block the way and said, "Leave me here I'll try to stop them for some time, you people start running and save your lives. Go! Hurry up!"

They didn't want to leave the elder, but had no other choice, so they all left him there and started running, thanking him with tears in their eyes.

He started blocking the way but the beasts made a way through it and come towards him, he then made a shield with his powers and tried to stop them. Then the army reached them and broke his shield. He fell on the ground, a wild beast slowly came up to him and the whole force rounded him.

He then looked them with a smile on his face, he used his remaining spiritual energy to self-destruct. The ceiling crumbled and many died under the rubles.

Warden opened a door in the secret tunnel, it was too dark inside there were no lamps. Then an elder made a fire in his hands and all they begin following the path of the tunnel. After some time, an elder sensed something, they stopped moving and were curious about what was happening. In just seconds, they feel the ground shaking and heard some foot sounds. A beast was coming closer to them and soon they saw something.

It was Kevin's army riding upon beasts, they killed elders and the warden. Everyone began running back, but they can't see anything in that darkness and they were falling one upon another and the army is chasing them, killing everyone on their way

In the end, only Aakhya and another elder got out from the tunnel and closed its door. They began running, then suddenly the elder fell down. When Aakhya looked at him, he saw an arrow pierced into his head.

Aakhya sat there in fear and crying.

Then he saw a person like a shadow, pointing his archery at him and shot the arrow right into his eyes.

Aakhya was looking towards the arrow and everything surrounding him was blurred. In his eyes, there was nothing except the arrow. He could feel the arrow tip touching his eye and then suddenly everything blacked out.


Aakhya opened his eyes shouting "Mom!" loudly. He then touched his entire body, there were no injuries. Also he looked around and found himself in the wooden cabin, with all his room-mates sleeping and snoring.

It was all a dream....

Read Raws at - "Aakhya RAW"

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