
Aahva's trio

Aahva's life is full of adventure. She met a lot of people. Every time her luck fail to get perfect loved one. She always feel lack of love. She met nik and prans. Both are in love with her. Will she get into love or will she into a huge trouble? Will her life get some turning point?

EktaMehta · Urban
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52 Chs

chapter -43

doctor knocks on the door.

Doctor "Mr. Nik i prescribe some medicines please take all in time. you must take a rest otherwise your injury worsen. don't think too much because it will increase your blood pressure and there's chance to blood clot in your head. so be careful. You must take rest for a week. Don't do any hard activities and exercises. You can go home. Your assistant completed your formalities."

Nik nodded and try to stand up. on the time Ruhi comes in the room after completing all formalities. She watch Nik and go to help him. Mihika watching them but her mind was not stable now. Mihika has mixed feelings.

She don't want to devote herself now. she stand there. Nik watch her and his heartache.

Nik" Mihika let's go. we will discuss it at home. someone is waiting there for you."

Mihika went out with them but didn't reply anything.

out of the hospital

Ruhi help Nik to sit in his car.

Nik" Ruhi you go in second car send Mihika with me."

Ruhi tell Mihika to go with Mr. Nik and left.

Mihika go with unconscious mind. She didn't even saw anything in the car. atmosphere in the car is totally silent. Even Nik not speak any word in the fear to lose her. Yes Nik fell in love with her.