

This is a reincarnation story with a gacha system featuring SCPs. Worlds will be decided by either the readers or me. SCPs will be decided through an SCP generator and will not be cherry-picked by me at all. Most of the characters featured in this fanfic are NOT mine except for the mc. All rights to the other characters go to their respective author. .... A scientist named Felix died through an unfortunate event, but silence doesn't last for long until he wakes up to the sounds of wailing. He receives a system given by ?????. Worlds: 1. Akame Ga Kill ??? P.S. There will be murders of loved ones by the mc. Multiple times. Sorry if this is not for you!

W1nt3rB3rry · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Intent to Kill

In an arena, people sat around in the circular building. Staring at the battlefield and in front of the stone battlefield, sat General Esdeath in her chair with a young blond man standing by her side. The Tournament had just begun!


Several matches had already finished, with the latest one being a disappointment. Although it may have been one of the worst matches in history, it gave Masaru an idea.

'We can use weapons... in a martial arts tournament? Interesting... Oh, I'm up.'


Staring at the two contenders, one looked like a man with an ox for a head while the other was covered in some sort of dark liquid that's constantly moving. Something called out from the man who didn't even look like a man to Esdeath. They seemed... familiar. The instinct to kill the man right there and then is.. strange but not foreign. Last feeling this in the cold caverns when she met another man in the midst of killing his opponent. Shaking the feeling off, she quietly watched with little interest.

Run, the man next to Esdeath noticed her subtle actions.

"Is something wrong commander?"

"It's nothing."

"...So this is the last match, any contenders for an Imperial arm?"

"So far, none but this match... I have a feeling... Nevermind."


"This next match is the last match. On the east side... Kalbi the butcher! And on the west side... Masaru the blacksmith!"

Kalbi, standing with arms crossed suddenly spoke, "Using weapons? What are you a coward?"

Masaru, looking up at Kalbi's eyes, dropped Masamune. When his last finger left Masamune's touch, so did his shadows. Esdeath immediately got up from her seat, her sudden outburst had Run questioning if she had met Masaru. Esdeath was about to walk down the steps to kill Masaru, but she couldn't. No steps were made. She may have stopped herself or something else did, but steps to walk forward can't be made while steps back to her chair are allowed. Sitting back down in her chair, she waited.


Kalbi sent his fist towards Masaru's stomach. It landed. The next second, a crack. Masaru may be holding back, but breaking Kalbi's arm in many ways was a sight to behold. Masaru threw a left hook into Kalbi's right side, causing the giant to fall down on his right knee. With him getting down, gave the perfect opportunity. Masaru threw a right hook towards Kalbi's jaw. It went flying. Blood was dripping from the missing lower half. The referee, Wave stood there. He couldn't stop Masaru from continuing to murder Kalbi as he was afraid of Masaru going after him next. Masaru starts striking Kalbi in every vital sport, every blow shattering Kalbi's bone. Each blow with the intent to kill, like how a combo should be.

Wave looked towards Esdeath for help, but all he saw were her eyes shining. Looking at Run next, Run only sighed and shook his head. With nothing left to do, he stood there and waited for Masaru to finish.

Kalbi had bones protruding through every part of his body. Kalbi was dead and Masaru stood there in the arena. Everyone had left except for three people. Esdeath stood up and stepped down the stairs.

Happy Valentine's day! I hope you all have a valentine's! Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you read future chapters! I will probably be working on the next chapter for "Weather Report: There's a Risk of Rain" and then two chapters for this after so stay tuned!

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