
Chapter 8

Iris stood over a rooftop, watching the boy and the older woman leave into a distance. She kept looking down until she vanished from her view. "Ahh.. how can I lose control like this?" She was very disappointed in herself today. That was just a kid, that she ended up hurting inadvertently. All she had wanted, was to scare the boy a little so that he doesn't leak the matter about Felix and herself today. But she ended up losing control of her emotion and hurt him instead. This was unacceptable. That's not why she was living her life as an adventurer.

Though, there was something that managed to surprise her about this incident. The boy was somewhat special. At his level, it would have been perfectly normal to piss his pants over her display. Instead, during his interaction with her, he looked straight in her eyes, his gaze never cowering and for a passing moment, she was certain that she saw the rage in his clear eyes. That's not normal behavior. That's not how people react when they are pressed under the thumb of a massive powerhouse compared to them. What was even more amazing was as soon as the rage showed up, he instantly hid it with a wry smile. 'What great willpower at such a young age!' Thinking till there she vanished from the spot.


Rick reached home and saw Roksy running towards him from the distance. She fascinatingly watched her grandmother carrying her big brother on her back. She was picked up by him and placed on Eliza's back ahead of him, as she walked towards their house. "How was your day, big brother?" She was very excited to ask him that. All her previous hesitation was gone and she spoke like she had known him for ages. "Outstanding, little girl. What about you? Did you help out your mum?" She was glad to have a talking buddy and kept chatting with him until their grandmother had brought both of them inside the house.

Most of the pain from the joint had subsided now, thanks to Freya, so Rick was back in his jovial mood. Bella brought him his lunch while Eliza took her to leave to wash herself up. He had previously mentioned that he requires three meals a day instead of two. Later in the day, he retired to his room for a short nap. After which he began his training on the lawn outside.

An hour went by when Rick had been relaxing, he saw Bella walk out of the house. He found her making her way to the back of the house. Curious, he followed her to find her putting out the fooder in the pig's enclosure. He walked right next to her and held her by her waist. "What are you doing, aunt?" He lightly bit her neck while his hands kneaded her breasts. "Exactly what you see me doing, feeding the animals." *Grunt* *Grunt* The animals crowded around as soon as she threw in some leftovers.

Rick saw the pigs huddled together, and he was reminded of Roksy's statement from yesterday. 'Did they really fucked around with the animals?' He knew it to be the case in the cities but no matter how hard he tried scanning his memory, he can't find anything about the practice of bestiality in this town. "Aunt, do you guys have sex with the animals too, on this farm?" There was no other way than to just ask the involved party directly. Sure enough, he got a positive response, as he had expected. "Yeah, it's very common. That's how we can extract their semen for consumption. Mostly we do it once in a week."

"Ohh!" Rick had no other response for her answer. Bella saw the stupefied face of the boy and chuckled. "Is it the first time you have heard of it? Well, we try not to do it in front of kids after all hehe... So? Are you interested in watching how we do that?" 'Hell yeah!' His mind screamed at once. "Yeah, why not?" She might have anticipated his answer and untied her dress to leave herself completely naked. Safely keeping her clothes to the side she walked in the opposite direction. "Come, I will show you." Rick turns around with her to find a large enclosure with a single hog in it. The bull was massive, easily twice the size of the pregnant woman. There was a heavy muddy stench in the air and the hog was similarly covered in gross sludge.

Passing him a beaming smile she opened the latch to the wooden enclosure. Clipping her hair behind her head and walked closer to the sleeping animal. "How are you, my baby?" The hog opened its eyes to take a look at her before grunting to show his acknowledgment. Bella put her hands in its wide back and began rubbing the large scarps of dried-up mud from its pelt. "You love getting dirty, don't you?" Slowly her hands moved downwards until it rested on its belly. *Oink* *Oink* She began scratching him there and from the reaction, it was clear that the guy was loving it.

Rick watched with rapt attention. This was the first time he was going to see a human-animal sexual encounter. Last time, the session between lady Elmir and her dog was only seen through the link he shared with Freya since technically the fairy was the only true witness. A minute passed when the large hog turned on its back to show its belly to Bella, who diligently kept rubbing him off. Gradually, her hands reached in the lower section with a projection. "Can you bring me some water, Rick? This guy is covered in dirt." She pointed him to the pen with stored drinking water. He moved and brought a bucket full of water for her to clean the guy.

*Grunt* "Try not to startle him!" She commented. Rick slowed his steps and cautiously passed her the bucket. He moved to the cleaner part of the barn and stood there with his hands folded, awaiting the show to begin, with an expectant smile. On the other side, Bella began washing the half a foot-long projection with a generous amount of water. Once it was squeaky clean she began stroking it until a strong smell spread in the air and a very thin appendage revealed itself to the world outside.

*Oink* *Oink* Bella pointed the shriveled dick towards Rick, presenting him the fruit of her hard work. "Hehe.. isn't it cute?" She used her fingers to probe the soft-skinned organ. The pink protrusion kept getting longer and longer, reaching more than a foot in length. Compared to its length, there was a minimal increase in the girth. It's base only as thick as a normal human penis of this world. Bella swooped down and wrapped her lips around the twitching end of the non-human penis. She sucked the whole appendage like spaghetti, all the way up to the skinny sheathed that housed the organ. Rick found her gag a bit since the protrusion might have reached her throat. Her lips were attached to the sheath as she moved back and forth on the long cock.

She must be massaging the thing with her insides as Rick found her throat muscles working in conjunction with her sucking. He can feel his cock grow to its maximum length, so much so that he had to pull it out of his pants. Bella saw the erection she had induced and chuckled. She deliberately pulled out the long cock from her mouth, just to show it to her nephew who was left amazed with how long the appendage had expanded. She kept pulling it out and once it was entirely out of her throat, it was more than 2 feet in length. It might even be 3 feet.

'Dammit.. did that thing reach into her stomach?' It might be longer than her complete esophagus. It made sense why she would gag despite all the experience she had. Dexterity can't really help you when you had such a long rope to suck onto. She held the cock between her palms and began rubbing it. Reaching the end she placed it back in her mouth and with a deep breath, sucked it all inside in a single try. Rick stared in amazement at the exceptionally long cock disappear in an instant, swallowed by his aunt with relative ease. The scene made him want to try his long cock in her mouth. With his multiple feet long cock, he wondered how deep inside her digestive tract can he drill? Definitely something to try once.

The excitement made him stroke his cock. He wanted to ravage the woman, right now. However, he was curious as to how it all ended. Alas, it wasn't much longer before the pig began grunting, in pleasure. Bella got the signal and reached out for the mug. Pulling out the appendage from her mouth, she directed its end into the container after which spurts of white jizz were blasted into it. She was careful enough not to spill even a single drop. Once it was done the hog fell in the mud while its cock was sucked back into its skin sheath.

Bella slapped its butt and happily walked towards Rick, showing him the half a mug full frothy jizz that she collected. "Did you like it?" She wiped off the last vestiges of the animal cum from the corners of her lips. "Yup, it was exciting. I had thought you would let the poor boy fuck your cunt hehe.." Bella didn't mind his crude words as she gargled her throat with clean water. "Yeah, we do that too. Sometimes, they are too horny and a simple suck doesn't seem to work. During those days we might need to get down and dirty with them." They closed the enclosure and walked back towards the house.

"So you mean, grandma too handles these guys?" "Yup, she is the only one who could handle the horses. I can only work on the pigs and the bulls." "Ohh..!" Rick directed his gaze towards the semen she was carrying back with her. "Are you going to drink that?" Why else will she collect it so carefully? "Yeah, it's the most nutritional part of the animal. Human meat is out of reach for us. This is the next best thing." Rick had a very bad feeling about it suddenly. "Don't tell me uncle Tom also drinks it?" Bella began giggling when he mentioned that. "Well, he doesn't like it but he has to make him eat it from time to time." She caught the disturbing look in Rick's eyes.

"Haha.. it might feel disgusting to you people from the cities, but this is the lifestyle here. Don't worry, we won't force you to eat it." Rick sighed in relief. He might as well commit suicide than drink that thing. "Then there is no conflict. Anyhow, it's not as bad as eating shit. The ladies in the city do that on a regular basis, that too not only of the human males but of soul beast too." Bella looked intrigued. "Hmm? I had heard about it that women can gather soul power from digesting male feces but this is the first time I heard something about soul beast."

"It's the same reason. They can collect soul power from the droppings of some powerful soul beasts." He had some small talks with Hina's husband while he was present for their marriage. One of their jobs included collecting the rare droppings of some legendary soul beasts. It usually fetches them a great price. "Ohh.. then we might not be the ones with the short end of the stick. The cultivators have it extra bad."

"Who has it bad?" They heard Eliza's voice from inside the house. Entering the house they found his grandmother and Roksy in the living room. "Nothing, mother. I was just showing our boy how we milk the pigs hehe.." The redhead responded with a knowing smile while Roksy cutely scrunched her nose to smell the odor in the air. "Is that from mister piggy? His is the worst, it smells like spoiled meat."

Bella pinched her daughter's nose. "Nagging won't save you. You will be eating it with dinner tonight, I don't need any questions." Roksy puffed up her cheeks and fell back on the couch. Once her mother was like this, nothing works on her. Between a spanking and mister piggy's cum, she might as well go with the latter. Rick came forward and picked up the girl into his lap. "Don't worry, tonight big brother will give you something delicious to eat. I guess that will balance it out." Immediately the girl's eyes sparkled while Eliza's face revealed a smile. "What is it, big brother? Please tell me. Did you bring candies for me?" He only squeezed her puffed cheeks. "That's a secret!" Roksy did argue with him, only nodding with a toothy grin.


In one of the central areas of the town, there was a family who owned a tavern. A boy walked in once the sun had fallen over the horizon. Entering from the front he saw a woman cleaning the tables with a mop. It must have been time to close up the shop. As soon as the woman saw him walk in she came forward. "Hello, Quint! Are you here for Ira?" The boy came to a halt and replied. "Yes, aunt. Is she home?" The woman shook her head in return. "Nope. You just missed her by a few minutes, she just left."

The boy was disappointed but he didn't let it show on his face. "Ohh.. do you know where she went?" The mother was discontent as she answered him in a grumpy voice. "Huh.. who knows. This idiot girl refuses to tell me. I can't even ask you to wait, since I got no idea how long she would take to return. I would suggest you come tomorrow, or maybe I can inform her to meet you." The boy turned around to take his leave. "No need, aunt. Maybe I will visit tomorrow itself." The woman watched the boys move away with a bitter smile on her face.

Some distance away from the tavern, a girl walked in the street, making her way to a large mansion surrounded by large walls from all sides. She knocked on the massive iron gates when a few guards allowed her entry. Walking along the paved pathway she made her way inside the mansion, snaking her way through a web of corridors. Not her first time in here, she knew the way to her destination.

Reaching a room on the first floor, she knocked on the door. "Come in!" Sometime later a voice echoed from inside and she pushed the door open. Getting inside she closed it behind her and walked in. It was a large room with multiple smaller rooms attached to it. "I am in the bath, Ira. Come here." The dark-haired girl bidded her steps and made her way towards the curtains hiding the bath.

"Coming in!" She informed before entering the room. Inside she found a large fool filled with warm water and a naked boy relaxing in it. "You are late for today's lesson, Ira. Should I assume that you are losing interest?" At his words, the girl grew fearful and hurriedly waved her hands. "That is not it, Felix. Father is not at home these days, so I had to help mom out with some chores. That's why I got late today." The boy got up, wiped himself up, and walked out of the pool, approaching her and kissing her on her lips. The girl was reluctant but not for long, she knew there was no other way.

A dribble of saliva connected their lips as Felix pulled away. "Haha.. I was just messing with you. How could I not tell you dedication towards cultivation? Believe me, if you keep going like this, you can definitely carve out a way for yourself." He held onto her hand and brought her to his bedroom. Sitting on his bed he opened his legs for the girl, kneeled on the floor, and took his limp cock into her mouth. Her hands fondled his balls and felt his cock grow in size filing her entire mouth.

Felix swept her hair and held it behind her head, allowing her to focus on serving his hungry cock. This was another girl that he had captured for himself. She has a lover, and both of them love each other dearly. He had to manipulate her into getting in bed with himself. In all possibilities, she had not even fucked once with her boyfriend until now. He was the one who took her virginity. Not only that, he had done all kinds of things with her that her boyfriend can only dream of. "Take it in deeper, Ira." The girl between his legs nodded and began bobbing her head on his cock, sucking all of it in each gulp.

A few minutes later he made her undress and sit in his lap. His cock head probed for her vaginal slit. "Mhh.. Felix, can we.. I mean.. can we skip it today? You can cum in my mouth if you want." The boy didn't respond to her, pulling her up he began suckling on her small breasts. "You can't break your promise like this, Ira. I can't allow it. We had a deal and do you know how hard it is for me to sneak those books for you? The least you could do is to compensate with your body."

"I know. It's just.." She was unable to continue, her guilt accumulating. Felix bit on her nipples and suckled them one by one. "It's only traded between two willing individuals. Why do you feel bad? Don't you want to become successful in life?" That seems to have done the trick. She only hummed and let go of her resistance, following which the hard cock penetrated her vagina. "Mhhhh!! Ahhh.." Her fingers dug in his shoulders as she moaned in both pain and pleasure.

Felix pulled her into her is embrace, their chest crushing together. Placing both her legs on either side, he placed his hands on her buttocks and kneaded them in all shapes. His waist jerked to send his entire length inside her pussy. "Hhhhmm... Mhhh.. ahhh.." Ira had no idea when exactly did she fall so deep into the abyss. She didn't love this guy, but there was something about how he fucked her, that makes her lose her mind and slip deeper into the rabbit hole.