
A Zombie With A Level Up System?

It is the year 2420, modern technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, humanity having reached such heights, was able to create the most realistic VRMMORPG of all time, DOMINANCE. Follow the story of our main character, Silvannis Greyheart. As he embarks in unforseen tales, facing demons, dragons and humans who wish to hunt him down!? See has he thwarts and vanquishes his foes with unforseen cunningness and cold and logical ideas! "You wish to kill me? Fine let me use the monster's scent attractor to finish you all off. Have you forgotten I am a rotting corpse? Fools!"

HouseHoldLandlord · Games
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I'm a Zombie?!?

It is the year 2420, humanity has advanced by leaps and bounds in all fields, from medecine all the way to video-games. After the great war from 200 years ago, which almost anhilated all humans, the few remaining world leaders, made an unanimous decision. Create one single super nation which would help them re-build from the ashes of the ancient civilisation, and help all humans reconnect with less hatred and have better relationships.

Thus this nation was named Pangea.


5th of January 11 pm

In a secret room, in one of the best protected places on Pangea, ten shadows of different shapes and sizes surrounding a long oval table were staring at a globe. Some had looks of avarice others of greed and others of hatred. This globe was indeed the reason why the war broke out 200 years ago. The hooded figure sat at the end of the table made a low cough, to bring everyone's attention before resuming. 'As said before, we all have a reason to be in this room right now, we have exactly 10 years before "they" arrive. As you all know this globe is our only hope. However, we realised long ago that, the only way to use the energy inside it, is to connect it to a high leveled coding to break and unlock the protection around it--, before this voice could finish, another raspy and sick sounding voice spoke out, "we all already received this information in our report, can you tell us the real reason why you called us in?" The hooded person took a look at who spoke out and said, 'I do not know how things work in your sector, but the next time you decide to interrupt me, N.3, I will not be this lenient." Hearing this response N.3 forehead started to trickle a bit of sweat and decided not to interrupt again, knowing how dangerous of a man N.1 was." As I was saying, we need to find a way to utilise this energy before it's too late, that is why I have called someone who can help us with this. Come in!"

The doors made a buzzing sound before opening, a man dressed in an Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals walked in. With his loud and boisterous voice he said," Ladies and Gentleman, I salute you all, you must be wondering why I was invited and you have reason to, knowing all your backgrounds you are all pretty busy people. So let me get straight to the point", saying that the man took something out of his pocket.

A Black Cube.


Year 2421 March the 15th midnight

In a rural street illuminated by the dimmest of lights, the sound of puffing and hissing, followed by multiple footsteps could be heard.

A young man, could be seen running at full speed from some men in suits, hot in his pursuit. If you looked closely, you could see that this young man had cuts and bruises all over his torso which, was exposed thanks to his tattered black shirt. Blood was slowly seeping from his wounds, hence the hissing which in term was being released from his lips thanks to the pain.

Being 6ft1, with a good athletic build, brown skin with curly hair as dark as night, eyes the colour of honey, this young man was none other then Silvannis. Which in turn started cursing under his breath, 'Fuck, how was I supposed to know that the energy reduction defribilator was so well protected!! I swear if I survive this, I will punch the shiiit out of Wesley!'

I am sure you are all wondering how our Mc got himself in this mess. For that we have to go back 3 days to when he heard one of the most shocking news that will change his world forever.

Being born in an impoverished family, Silvannis had to learn to grow up quick,

His father to nourish the family had to work the whole week before being able to come home, so in that sense he had to take care of all his siblings being the oldest. Silvannis was part of a family of 5, his father John, his sister Amaya, his twin brother and sister Lloyd and Janice.

God decided to take his mother Joyce when their youngest siblings were born. After this incident his dad instead of wallowing in despair in front of his children, showed a strong front and always gave them a lot of love and compassion. Only Silvannis knew how much pain his dad was in. Knowing full well how hard it was to take care of a family of five, he saw on one occasion his dad break down in secret, seeing this Silvannis joined him and brought a cup of lemon tea, being the man's favourite drink.

His dad looked at him, took the cup and said while wiping his tears, "Silvannis, listen my son, no matter how hard life gets, how many hardships you go through, remember that all of it, is a way to forge your character and make you someone, who can hold their head high." These words made Silvannis finally break down. That night, he shed tears of sorrow.


5 Years Later

Jolly City, Greg Department

6:30 am July the 13th

'Amaya, I left the chicken in the fridge it should have defrosted by now, when you get back from college, remember to cook it in the oven and leave a portion to dad when he gets home from work, yeah? Oh and don't forget to make sure that Lloyd and Janice have their school books this time please.'

' Yes bro, I knowww!' Said Amaya sounding annoyed. ' Alright, I'm leaving see you at 9!' Silvannis replied knowing how his sister gets in the morning.

As a super nation was created, cities replaced countries and departments, replaced cities. Jolly City being one of the most populated ones, had all types of living classes such as, the rich, which in this city could do litterally anything they desired, from buying slaves to doing the most of the extreme drugs. Middle-class citizens, who lived regular but very hardworking lives. And then there were the poor, who were treated worse than garbage and worked the worst kind of jobs, from corpse disposal to cleaning the sewers. Luckily Silvannis family was just a bit above that class, so he was able to find a job in a convenience store, where he made sure to do more work than necessary to not be disposed of. Since it was a regular occurrence in their society nowadays.

However today, is the day that his regular mundane life will change forever.

Hey, guys. First time writing anything ever so, if you see small errors please be brutally honest and let me know. For now this is a hobby on the side but depending on how good the feedback is for the story I might go full time. Always loved to read stories concerning video game environments and character building it has helps me in my life, so I hope it will help yours. Anyways I wrote too much already. I will let you guys get back to it. Nice to meet you all


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