
A Year With Super Stars

Synopsis: It was the first day of school. I hated Mondays, I always have. I was seventeen and was hoping to make my first friends in this new town I was in. My mom called just when I was walking through the hallway. It was awkward as my ringing tone was a cat meows. A girl looked at me weirdly and sighed. "Hey, baby, guess what?" Mom's high pitched voice asked. "What?" I asked, less enthusiastic. "Stray Kids! They're going to be admitted to your school. I knew it that's why I enrolled you there". Of course I didn't believe her. What was she on now? "Mom, I gotta go, bye" I said and was about hanging up. "No, baby, I'm being serious. I'd send you the post from JYPE. Not all of them, but 2000 line. Wait" she hung up. I sighed, I wanted to hang up first. I walked slowly to my new class. Not everyone was in class yet. I wanted to walk up to a pretty girl sitting at the back when a notification came in. And my notification sound was a dog barks. Yes, I am that crazy about animals. I hurriedly check the message while the pretty girl placed her bag on the chair besides her making sure I didn't sit besides her. I frowned, if it was my mom I was so going to be mad. My annoyance turned to confusion and then happiness. I literally screamed. JYPE just confirmed. Stray Kids 2000 and 2001 line was to be admitted to my school. The hyung line was admitted to a nearby university. I screamed again. This year was going to be crazy!

Princess_Treasure · Teen
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18 Chs

14. Texts

I reflected on the members attitude with Felix. Basically he was supposed to be scolded for;

 Scaling a protected fence (yes, he scaled it. His taekwondo didn't go to waste), 

Playing with school's properties (the poultry belong to the school), 

And making his members worry. Not to add that I had 'limped' to find him. 

 But Chan just reflected on him finding something that made him happy and lightly said that he shouldn't disappear like that again. Without his phone. 

 Well, Nikki had said she wouldn't mind them dropping her off at her dad's workplace so I was dropped off first. 

 I felt Chan wanted to say something to me privately, with the kids. I guess it was something about my family and didn't really wanna talk about it. 

 "Bye. Thanks for the ride" I bowed before walking into the house. I remembered to limp a bit. 

 "Take care and you can skip school tomorrow" Minho said.

 I thought they had driven away already. 

 I turned back and gasped, "I could never but I'd take care of myself" I bowed again. 

 Hyunjin closed the door and they drove away. I waved till they were out of sight. 

 I felt rather off with Hyunjin's attitude. He was usually on phone all day. With his ear piece. And he only spoke when spoken to. 

 Not to add that he expressed his anger, surprise, disgust and happiness quite obviously. 

As Stays was young, the boys hadn't shown much of themselves yet so I concluded that maybe Hyunjin was an introvert who was very honest with his feelings. 

 I walked in, without expecting mom, and she wasn't there. 

 I freshened up and me lunch of fried eggs and some toast. My usual schedule was check out for any Stray Kids info but I felt bored since I knew they were safe, with me. 

 I still checked for their upcoming invents and streamed Hellevator and Fancy (by Twice). 

 After few minutes of awwing and gushing at the members pics on Pinterest, I texted Nikki to ask if she was home. 

Nikki: yay! You won't believe what happened. When you left Chan asked me if I've met your family. 

I knew he'd ask. 

Me: You haven't 😅

Nikki: and I said just that but then Minho asked for your phone number. The members were surprised but didn't show it. 

I gave it to him. I don't know why but expect a text or something from Stray Kids' Main dancer Minho! 

I could tell Nikki was literally wheezing. Well, so was I. Minho asked for my phone number?! Maybe I worried him too much. Once again I cursed myself for I and Nikki's prank. 

Nikki: Girl, are you still alive? 😏

Me: I can't die now. 😌😁

Nikki: well, ttyl. I gotta go now. Oh, and take care of ya leg 😉

Me: I am regretting the prank. They worry a lot. 

Nikki: me too. Kinda. But act better. And I really love my orange juice. Bye. 

I chuckled at Nikki's last text which also reminded me that I had uneaten chocolate and milk. I rushed to my school bag and spent the rest of the day munching. 


 I waved to Seungnim from across the hallway. Bad move cos as soon as he waved back, girls began glaring at me.

 I brought my hands down and looked down. 

I felt a hand on my shoulders, "So how'd ya like the chocolate? How's your leg?". It was Han. I wanted to wiggle out of his hold but my body froze and I just went along with it. 

 "It did it's work surely" I said with a nervous chuckle. 

 His lips went up in a smirk but he nodded. So maybe they knew chocolate and milk don't heal wounds but I'm glad they're playing along. 

 "Leave her. We have French class now" Seungnim said as Han sat besides me at class.

 Han pouted but his eyes widened later, "French? There's a French class? I want to learn French" he jumped from the seat and ran off.

 Seungnim clenched his fists in annoyance and took the seat besides him. 

 "He won't be so annoying, don't worry" I tried to console him. Even though I knew having a class with Han could be distracting. 

 "You think" was all Seungnim said. He might have said more but Han came back dragging him away. 

 I chuckled. But then I realized the weight of eyes around me. There were just about sixteen students in class; twelve girls and the rest boys. 

 The boys weren't glaring at me but the girls were creating holes in me. 

 I shifted uncomfortably in my seats. Yeah, I was befriending Korean idols but atleast I wasn't among those who hurt animals. That's a bigger crime, isn't? 

 One girl, who I noticed as the school's queen bee, sat crossing her legs on Seungnim's table. I brought out my book and started drawing on it. 

 "I am Irene" she introduced. 


 "Are you Korean?". 

 I smiled at her next question. Did I look Korean or she's trying to joke. 

 I looked up to get, "No, I'm not Kor…". 

 "So far I knew, those boys came here for a reason. Not to be bothered by rats scampering about…". 

 "Rats" I interrupted with clenched fists, "You called me a rat..?". 

 But I was interrupted also by someone tearing my book out of my hands and shredding it. The pieces were thrown on me. 

 "Don't talk while Irene talks" it was a blonde girl with a thick smoky eyeliner that made her look scary. Irene minion one. 

 I looked at the shredded book in defeat. Okay, so I was being bullied. 

 "I don't think you wanna get on my bad side. Not that the boys would fight for you. They're idols supposed to gather fans to increase their money and popularity. So they should be with people capable of increasing their popularity. Not with scums like you with daddy issues". 

 My eyes watered, "Leave my dad out of this" I mumbled. Did she do a background check on me or something? 

 "I will. Leave the boys alone. It's nauseating. Or your mom would lose her job. Believe me" she flashed a card in front of me. 

 It was an exclusive VVIP card for executives at my mom's new work place. Mom told me about it two days ago and how that job was basically made for her. 

 "Irene's dad own that company. And believe me when I say, talk to those boys, she'd talk to her dad. Your mom won't stay employed after that talk" the blonde girl added. 

 Irene brushed off strands on her auburn hair and glared at me, "Pass this message to the other rat, Nikki. I talked to her before but I guess she has retention problems". 

 She left the class later with all the other girls, making me realize that she had more than ten minions. Those who stayed kept cautious eyes at me.