
A year in a cave and I finally get my system

For a year yes a total of 365 days I have been in a dark cave without food or water. But how have I survived so long you ask? Simple I learn cultivation and used the energy of the earth to survive. But now you might ask why have I not left well that is also simple when I arrived to this world and was trapped in this cave I gained a system. But it has been a year and today it has finally loaded up and I can finally leave this place. (I'll write once and a while so don't expect constant updates)

Endlessdragon · Urban
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


As the sunset on the horizon odin entered his newly rented apartment it was small but was just what he needed for the time being. He had also gotten a job in a mom and pop noodle shop as a cook even if he had ten thousand dollars that wouldn't last long.

Odin organized the few items he bought at the store and then sat on the floor he turned on the radio and closed his eyes to cultivate as the hard rock music played. Odin steadily cultivated bringing the energy around him into his core and then strengthening his body.

The sun once again rose warming the earth and Odin heard a loud beeping from his phone. Looking at it he notice it was his alarm quickly showering and clothing himself he left for the noodle shop. He soon arrived at a small stall and put on his apron before joining the old man in opening up the stall.

The shop was called ju's noodle stall it was run by an old man and woman and at times when their children had a break from college, they would come help. since Odin was young they naturally hired him to move the tables and chairs and cook the noodles.

Soon an old man and a ten year old boy arrived at the stall and ordered some dumpling noodles. The old man told Odin to make the noodles wanting to see if Odin's bragging was just arrogance or actual skill. After a few minutes Odin delivered, a bowl of fragrant noodles was served to the old man and child.

Even old Ju wondered if Odin had teleported to a high end restaurant and bought the noodles but he clearly watched him cook the noodles. Either way he was happy to have a good cook in his stall better food meant more people which meant more money.

'An old man in the soul forming realm and a child in the peak of the foundation realm hmm not bad.' Odin thought as he looked at the two customers.

Soon noon arrived and Odin took his break eating a bow of noodles he had made for himself. Soon a group of teens arrived and sat near Odin.

"Hey old hag come take our orders we're in a hurry!" one of the teens yelled a he slapped the table.

"Kid you should respect your elders." Odin said as he ate the noodles.

"And who the fuck are you huh?" the teen looked at Odin with a sneer.

"I'm a worker here and since they pay me ill defend them now either fuck off or quiet down." Odin continued to eat his noodles not bothering to look at the group.

The group got up and surrounded Odin two of the people grabbed his arms and threw him on his back. Odin sighed before he quickly got up and got into a boxing stance.

He already knew he would win other than having ten times the strength of a normal man he had immense combat experience from his many lives. Odin took the initiative to attack first and quickly sent a jab at the nearest person to him.

Odin's fist hit the boy's jaw and quickly knocked him out before he went to the next target. In just five minutes the seven teens were unconscious and Odin picked up the chair and sat down and finished his noodles. Old ju looked at the scene before walking to Odin and sitting opposite of him.

"You're a warrior aren't you why did you decide to work here?" he asked as he looked at Odin warily.

"To be honest I wanted a different pace of living don't worry I won't bring trouble to you and your shop I promise." Odin said as he took the bowl and returned to work.

Old Ju called a patrolling guard and had the teen taken to the hospital before business resumed. Soon night arrived at the stall closed and Odin left back to his apartment.

Arriving home he laid on his improvised bed and opened his status panel.

[Name:odin fiske


Species: human

Special point:13

System level: 1 (30/1000)

Cultivation: qi gathering sixth level (120/1000)








(humans avg 10)


Eternal level:

Star of twilight 1/100 (1/10,000)

Steps till twilight 1/100 (1/10,000)

Gravitational punch 3/100 (284/1,000,000)

Abyss absorption 5/100 (10,010/100 million)

Mortal level:

Cooking 10/100 (100/10,000)

Boxing 5/100 (149/1000)








6,873 dollars]

Odin looked at the skill points and decided to test how they worked he clicked on his cultivation to see if he could add to it and he could he then moved to his combat arts and it worked as well. He also found out it worked on his strength and other stats.

He then went to his equipment and tapped on the phone and was met with a new screen.



Type: electronic

Common cheap phone no special skills

Upgrades available:

CPU: 1sp

Storage: 1sp

Battery: 1sp

Ram: 1sp

Full upgrade: 10sp]

Seeing this Odin figure he can put the point into anything. this was a basic upgrade system but why was it named celestial System maybe to make it seem more better than it was.

Odin decided to study how the upgrading works and went back to his cultivation.

[cultivation: sixth level qi gathering realm

Next level: seventh level qi gathering realm

Upgrade available

1 level: 10sp

Max level: 40 sp ]

"So I'll just go up a level I'm guessing the next realm will cost more per level so ill save it for now as I can reach foundation by tomorrow." Odin said aloud as he then went to his techniques.

[star of twilight level 1

Eternal level technique

A fighting technique used by twilight the slayer of gods allows the user to use the power of the beings he has killed.

Upgrade available

1 level 1000 sp

Max level 1 centillion sp ]

"The same as the rest I guess this is more for me to speed up my progress in the end ill have to do everything myself." Odin said as he grabbed the machete and opened the upgrade.

"I'll need a good weapon so ill upgrade you."


Durability: 89/100

Type: weapon

Grade: low mortal

Upgrades available:

Sharpness: 1sp

Increased durability: 1sp

Increase level: 10sp ]

Odin picked the level increase and the weapon shined with a blue light and reformed into a new weapon.


Durability: 1000/1000

Type: weapon

Grade: mid spirit

Upgrades available:

Upgrade: passives 100sp

Upgrade: actives 100sp

Sharpness: 10sp

Increased durability: 10sp

Increase level: 1000sp ]

The machete had now turned into a black falcata that emitted a red mist.

From what he knew spirit weapons were categorized by the number of skills they had a low spirit weapon had 1-3 a mid had 4-6 and a high had 7-10 skills. Of course, the number of active skills was different for each weapon and some high-grade spirit weapons only had passive abilities.

Odin bonded the weapon to his soul and soon received the skills the weapon had.

The falcata had four skills two passive ones and two active ones. The first passive enhanced his qi attacks by 10% and the other made him more hidden at night. The two active skills were nightfall which allowed him to throw two back streaks of qi and if they hit would blind the target for two seconds. the other was called guard pierce which allowed the sword to ignore armor for a second.

Odin was satisfied with his upgrade and placed the sword near the bed before starting his cultivation again.