
A Wyvern's World: The Seer of Truth

The elemental wyverns have lived on the island for centuries, a half-submerged land far away from any other island that the wyverns call home. Each wyvern has a purpose within their element and knows their place, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind, the elements that made up the island itself. But the island holds many secrets along with their leaders, the Majors, that hide devastating truths and treat the different elements poorly to no extent of equality. A hatchling is born alone, being forgotten and unwanted until he is uncovered to be a Water wyvern, thought to be extinct and dangerous. As the small wyvern learns of his past and what true extent of what his powers can do, a mysterious threat comes to the shore through the mist that reeks of blood and revenge and is coming for him and the island. Will the hatchling escape its chaos? Or stay and figure out who this mystery threat is that is hurting everything it can get its claws on? And try to find his own kind through the strange creature while it creates a devasting battle that no wyvern will forget but leaving him with more questions and lies than answers and truths?... {Book 1} This is a high fantasy, adventure novel and is a part of a series: The Seer of Truth COVER ART IS MINE, DO NOT STEAL, TRACE OR COPY! (Has watermark)- UPDATES ON CHAPTERS EVERY SATURDAY/SUNDAY- Depending! Stay tuned! Full current version on Wattpad- A Wyvern's World

Duckling_four · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch 2: A assured home

Waves...that's all he could hear. The splashes and the running water along wherever he was, Skygaze looked around but no one or thing was there, the water he could hear didn't have a source, nothing had a source. It was black, as black as the sky, but he could hear sounds, and many of them.

Suddenly, a wave of colour washed in, nothing was black anymore, everything had colour and he had an answer where all those sounds came from. His eyes were blurry, rubbing them with his wing he saw the true sight, water, the nice blue seas, and the summer sky everywhere, he was in the ocean with no land to see at all. He knew this was a dream but how? And why was he even here?

' Come here! Don't you want to play?' A voice called out, he turned and saw a smaller wyvern, almost his size playing in the water but it didn't seem like his size. It splashed and splashed as it had a ball that he thought was made of moss, it called out again but louder.

' You are always so boring! Why don't you want to play? It's fun! Or do you not know how to have fun' It teased diving back into the water, its wings folded back as it went it, he was confused. Floating in the water, he made small ripples throughout, he was calm but he didn't like it. He looked down at himself, his colour was... different and he was much larger than he was before, he looked at his wings and saw they weren't green, they were normal colour instead but maybe with a touch of dark blue and his talons weren't grey, they were pure pearl-like black.

This isn't me- who am I? Why am I here...for mockery! or for memories?...its something about my kind...Skygaze took a big gulp and put his head underwater, again, everything was blurry but eventually, it got clearer, it was fantastic, small fish swam and the deep blue sea was so large he even got a little scared by its intimidation, seaweed swayed by the currents that followed by, other wyverns were in the water too but all he could focus on was that smaller whereby to wanted to play. He never swam before but somehow he felt like he has been doing it for ages like it naturally came, therefore he swam down, folded his back his wings, and swiftly used his tail for guidance as he followed the mysterious water wyvern.

The wyvern was swift, dodging rocks and other structures hastily, it was hard for Skygaze to keep up, he even lost the wyvern for a second as he turned around speechless 'I never knew you were this out of whack! Why are you so slow? Is the ocean new to you or something' The dragon sneered dashing across? Actually yes, I am new to the ocean but don't like your tone, why am I even here, especially following you?  He wondered as he chased even more, the wyvern did another sharp turn except it turned somehow right behind him with a giggle, and small bubbles floated up 'What is wrong with you, Finn? You were always good at this but now... you're weird mainly! Why aren't you even talking to me? I'm your little sister! Remember? Viv! Viv and Finn, like it always was...' She questioned staring at 'Finn'.

' I'm Finn?' He asked, he was much more confused than before, I'm Skygaze? Not Finn...Her face crumbled with disappointment as she went closer to 'Finn' and replied 'I had enough of this Finn, you are acting so strange and I don't know why, hey, maybe getting back home will do you some good, and not be a total jerk of having the amnesia card you're pulling off' She puffed annoyingly, dark grey/black air bubbles were raised but quickly popped as she swam away drastically.

Amnesia card? Who is Finn? And why am I him? Still awfully confused all he could do was again, follow. Skygaze looked closer and saw she had tears in her eyes that were being swallowed up by the ocean water, he shook his head and continued to follow her.

He found it much harder to swim than to run, all the water was in his way as he tried to dig past while Viv swam perfectly, as she guided him through. He didn't know where he was going only purely relying on his 'little sister' as they head to their destination. It wasn't long before they arrive but longer than it would have been on foot, it was an old structure that rotted away and remains everywhere, old writings were carved into these stone walls as they swam past.

He looked closer and saw other wyverns in these walls and torn up wetted tapestries along with the large carvings. Debris littered the ocean floor with small items, some of clothing, and other mysterious objects laid bare, he swam closer to his 'sister' uneasy by the powerful sight, and asked 'What is this place?'

She turned back and kindly laughed replying 'The holiness, our saint, our savior, the monuments are all destroyed but he still lays here within all this ancient debris, come' She waved her wing as she continued, he carefully followed her, they went pass more and more findings; it was like the ancient monuments never stopped until she did 'Halt !' Viv yelled towards 'Finn' he stood back intrigued.

She brushed away some rubbish and sand from the floor, something shiny sparkled within the water but as she pulled back some old crap it revealed a horrifying feeling but her voice didn't change at all when she concluded with one simple word 'You' Smiling, what showed was a dead wyvern corpse all hallowed out with a jewel around its neck, it's blue old skin perished and it's jaw awkwardly open with its eye sockets withered away while she said it again 'You'.

What is this! Why is he dead? What happened Skygaze cried but she didn't listen or couldn't listen, her smile turned into a wretched face as she showed her fangs and continued 'You! You are our savior! May you sacrifice yourself! The final water wyvern has been born' She laughed again and again; by now he couldn't take anymore and started swimming, kicking his wings and legs with his tail swiftly moving but the more he swam away the more closer he got to her. It's all a dream, I don't know why this is happening but it is all a DREAM, he roared.

'Wow kid, are you ok? First night sleeping with someone or far away from the ocean? ' Flora asked, he woke up frantically looking around with wide eyes panicking, he stumbled over his legs as he looked at Flora with worry 'B...Bad!' He tried to speak.

She gave a comforting moan with a heavy puff of air as she laid down next to Skygaze 'Nightmare? I sometimes get them too, they don't mean anything young one,' she spoke in a soft voice as she slowly got up, stretched her flappy wings, and cracked her neck walking over to her door 'It's sad you had a nightmare on the first night! Hopefully, today will be better...you get to meet my sister finally, she was out busy when we arrived' she explained walking through the tunnels, each step she took made a loud thump all over.

Shaking his head he headed for the tunnel exit, What was that? Savior? Who was Finn...his mind was racing, too much especially for only a small hatchling, that much he didn't realise he was in the lounge area already with Flora, she sat comfortably curled up at the counter eating some fresh sheep.

But there was also another wyvern, a wyvern much larger than Flora was on the other side, the colour of her scales was lighter and didn't have a torn snout, her eyes were dulled brown and she had a unique necklace with what he guessed was another wyvern symbol, probably an earth wyvern. She pulled away from what she was doing and gave a loud grunt as she saw him.

' So this is the baby wyvern you found at the beach? He is quite small,' Her heavy eyes looked over the hatchling, she gave off a harsh scent, to begin with, but these stares made him uncomfortable. Flora stood by his side and replied 'Just because he is small, doesn't mean he isn't good. We will raise him well' Bombard only replied with a heavy cough and walked closer to him, her eyes still on him, it made his scales crawl with fear as she got closer and closer. 'H...hel..her' He muttered trying to say hi.

'Why is he saying that? What is he even saying' She waved her wing up, Flora stood up and explained once more 'He doesn't have that much speech yet but don't worry he will get better when we raise him' She smiled again, his tension eased through her nice stare, he turned to her older sister to see her reply, he wrapped his large wings around him waiting.

'Huh, I guess I get to teach him about this world and other wyverns...but 'mummy' duty is your area Flora, 'teacher' duty is where I come in, so you named him Skygaze? Funny name, I thought you would call him Waterboy or something among those lines as you usually do' She said dismissively with a glare across the room.

'Pah! Not like you could think of a better name, yes, his name is Skygaze and I hope you will take care of yourself as much as I shall. He hatched alone, he has to have a family and for now, we are all he has, don't be so crude towards him Bombard' She replied with a hiss flicking her tail.

' Indeed, I shall enjoy teaching the squirt you brought home' she sneered with a trail of smoke, her dulled eyes finally looked away and towards Flora, she hissed again defending Skygaze 'You better treat him well and treat him like he is one of us or so help you I will...' she trailed off into 'violent' ways.

Skygaze slowly went up to the sisters and complained 'N..n..fight, right?' Flora's eyes lit up while her sister's dulled brown eyes stayed, Flora went up right into Skygaze's face and squealed 'More words! Learning just by listening hey kid? And he is right, we shouldn't fight,' she exclaimed to her sister 'Eh, the hatchling will need to learn more words to get my attention and to learn any history about our kind. It is a mystery why he was even alone in the first place. Such a dragon would be guarded but maybe he was just a liability'

Bombard mocked with a jagged smile as she turned her attention to the baby wyvern.

Flora ignored her sister thinking it was no use to argue with such a wyvern and turned to Skygaze whispering 'Ignore her, yes I did say she is smart but so rude, you aren't a liability' He stood there confused, asking 'L..liab..ilibty?' Pronouncing it wrong, he didn't know what that meant but it felt like something bad.

She frowned and replied 'Don't worry, you don't need to know that or want to know that' She scowled. Skygaze was still muddled but decided not to bother to ask or even think of any more questions and just rested on the floor. Flora saw Skygaze Boredom and decided to teach him some more history of what she knew which, isn't much but at least something.

'Don't get sleepy already! Even though I am still a little, anyway, Skygaze come with me! I know Bombard can be REALLY rude and I think she doesn't want to teach you for now until 'HE GETS MORE SPEECH' but I know a little basic history of wyverns, mainly Earth sorry. We don't know much about water but we know mainly know the earth and our ally, fire wyverns!' She shouted indicating she wanted him to come with her, he didn't complain and followed with his stubby legs almost tripping him over. There are other types of wyverns? Water, earth, and she said fire? That sounds...dangerous, I wonder what else there is? I agree, her sister is mean but hopefully, she will get used to me and be nicer...I have Flora at least, I am truly thankful for her!

' I just realised how slow you are, that doesn't matter now can you finally come here?'

He quickly followed her and sat on the floor and listened. 'So, As I said before there are different types of wyverns. Four exactly showcasing the elements this island has to offer, Fire wyverns, Water wyverns, Earth wyverns, and Wind wyverns! We all lived side by side and were in peace until 'it' happened. You see we had an event that was held every year to celebrate the wyverns of all kinds called the Sun-fate,'

' You are always so boring! Why don't you want to play? It's fun! Or do you not know how to have fun' It teased diving back into the water, its wings folded back as it went it, he was confused. Floating in the water, he made small ripples throughout, he was calm but he didn't like it. He looked down at himself, his colour was... different and he was much larger than he was before, he looked at his wings and saw they weren't green, they were normal colour instead but maybe with a touch of dark blue and his talons weren't grey, they were pure pearl-like black.

This isn't me- who am I? Why am I here...for mockery! or for memories?...its something about my kind...Skygaze took a big gulp and put his head underwater, again, everything was blurry but eventually, it got clearer, it was fantastic, small fish swam and the deep blue sea was so large he even got a little scared by its intimidation, seaweed swayed by the currents that followed by, other wyverns were in the water too but all he could focus on was that smaller whereby to wanted to play. He never swam before but somehow he felt like he has been doing it for ages like it naturally came, therefore he swam down, folded his back his wings, and swiftly used his tail for guidance as he followed the mysterious water wyvern.

The wyvern was swift, dodging rocks and other structures hastily, it was hard for Skygaze to keep up, he even lost the wyvern for a second as he turned around speechless 'I never knew you were this out of whack! Why are you so slow? Is the ocean new to you or something' The dragon sneered dashing across? Actually yes, I am new to the ocean but don't like your tone, why am I even here, especially following you?  He wondered as he chased even more, the wyvern did another sharp turn except it turned somehow right behind him with a giggle, and small bubbles floated up 'What is wrong with you, Finn? You were always good at this but now... you're weird mainly! Why aren't you even talking to me? I'm your little sister! Remember? Viv! Viv and Finn, like it always was...' She questioned staring at 'Finn'.

' I'm Finn?' He asked, he was much more confused than before, I'm Skygaze? Not Finn...Her face crumbled with disappointment as she went closer to 'Finn' and replied 'I had enough of this Finn, you are acting so strange and I don't know why, hey, maybe getting back home will do you some good, and not be a total jerk of having the amnesia card you're pulling off' She puffed annoyingly, dark grey/black air bubbles were raised but quickly popped as she swam away drastically.

Amnesia card? Who is Finn? And why am I him? Still awfully confused all he could do was again, follow. Skygaze looked closer and saw she had tears in her eyes that were being swallowed up by the ocean water, he shook his head and continued to follow her.

He found it much harder to swim than to run, all the water was in his way as he tried to dig past while Viv swam perfectly, as she guided him through. He didn't know where he was going only purely relying on his 'little sister' as they head to their destination. It wasn't long before they arrive but longer than it would have been on foot, it was an old structure that rotted away and remains everywhere, old writings were carved into these stone walls as they swam past.

He looked closer and saw other wyverns in these walls and torn up wetted tapestries along with the large carvings. Debris littered the ocean floor with small items, some of clothing, and other mysterious objects laid bare, he swam closer to his 'sister' uneasy by the powerful sight, and asked 'What is this place?'

She turned back and kindly laughed replying 'The holiness, our saint, our savior, the monuments are all destroyed but he still lays here within all this ancient debris, come' She waved her wing as she continued, he carefully followed her, they went pass more and more findings; it was like the ancient monuments never stopped until she did 'Halt !' Viv yelled towards 'Finn' he stood back intrigued.

She brushed away some rubbish and sand from the floor, something shiny sparkled within the water but as she pulled back some old crap it revealed a horrifying feeling but her voice didn't change at all when she concluded with one simple word 'You' Smiling, what showed was a dead wyvern corpse all hallowed out with a jewel around its neck, it's blue old skin perished and it's jaw awkwardly open with its eye sockets withered away while she said it again 'You'.

'What is this! Why is he dead? What happened Skygaze cried but she didn't listen or couldn't listen, her smile turned into a wretched face as she showed her fangs and continued 'You! You are our savior! May you sacrifice yourself! The final water wyvern has been born' She laughed again and again; by now he couldn't take anymore and started swimming, kicking his wings and legs with his tail swiftly moving but the more he swam away the more closer he got to her. It's all a dream, I don't know why this is happening but it is all a DREAM, he roared.

'Wow kid, are you ok? First night sleeping with someone or far away from the ocean? ' Flora asked, he woke up frantically looking around with wide eyes panicking, he stumbled over his legs as he looked at Flora with worry 'B...Bad!' He tried to speak.

She gave a comforting moan with a heavy puff of air as she laid down next to Skygaze 'Nightmare? I sometimes get them too, they don't mean anything young one,' she spoke in a soft voice as she slowly got up, stretched her flappy wings, and cracked her neck walking over to her door 'It's sad you had a nightmare on the first night! Hopefully, today will be better...you get to meet my sister finally, she was out busy when we arrived' she explained walking through the tunnels, each step she took made a loud thump all over.

Shaking his head he headed for the tunnel exit, What was that? Savior? Who was Finn...his mind was racing, too much especially for only a small hatchling, that much he didn't realise he was in the lounge area already with Flora, she sat comfortably curled up at the counter eating some fresh sheep.

But there was also another wyvern, a wyvern much larger than Flora was on the other side, the colour of her scales was lighter and didn't have a torn snout, her eyes were dulled brown and she had a unique necklace with what he guessed was another wyvern symbol, probably an earth wyvern. She pulled away from what she was doing and gave a loud grunt as she saw him.

' So this is the baby wyvern you found at the beach? He is quite small,' Her heavy eyes looked over the hatchling, she gave off a harsh scent, to begin with, but these stares made him uncomfortable. Flora stood by his side and replied 'Just because he is small, doesn't mean he isn't good. We will raise him well' Bombard only replied with a heavy cough and walked closer to him, her eyes still on him, it made his scales crawl with fear as she got closer and closer. 'H...hel..her' He muttered trying to say hi.

'Why is he saying that? What is he even saying' She waved her wing up, Flora stood up and explained once more 'He doesn't have that much speech yet but don't worry he will get better when we raise him' She smiled again, his tension eased through her nice stare, he turned to her older sister to see her reply, he wrapped his large wings around him waiting.

'Huh, I guess I get to teach him about this world and other wyverns...but 'mummy' duty is your area Flora, 'teacher' duty is where I come in, so you named him Skygaze? Funny name, I thought you would call him Waterboy or something among those lines as you usually do' She said dismissively with a glare across the room.

'Pah! Not like you could think of a better name, yes, his name is Skygaze and I hope you will take care of yourself as much as I shall. He hatched alone, he has to have a family and for now, we are all he has, don't be so crude towards him Bombard' She replied with a hiss flicking her tail.

' Indeed, I shall enjoy teaching the squirt you brought home' she sneered with a trail of smoke, her dulled eyes finally looked away and towards Flora, she hissed again defending Skygaze 'You better treat him well and treat him like he is one of us or so help you I will...' she trailed off into 'violent' ways.

Skygaze slowly went up to the sisters and complained 'N..n..fight, right?' Flora's eyes lit up while her sister's dulled brown eyes stayed, Flora went up right into Skygaze's face and squealed 'More words! Learning just by listening hey kid? And he is right, we shouldn't fight,' she exclaimed to her sister 'Eh, the hatchling will need to learn more words to get my attention and to learn any history about our kind. It is a mystery why he was even alone in the first place. Such a dragon would be guarded but maybe he was just a liability'

Bombard mocked with a jagged smile as she turned her attention to the baby wyvern.

Flora ignored her sister thinking it was no use to argue with such a wyvern and turned to Skygaze whispering 'Ignore her, yes I did say she is smart but so rude, you aren't a liability' He stood there confused, asking 'L..liab..ilibty?' Pronouncing it wrong, he didn't know what that meant but it felt like something bad.

She frowned and replied 'Don't worry, you don't need to know that or want to know that' She scowled. Skygaze was still muddled but decided not to bother to ask or even think of any more questions and just rested on the floor. Flora saw Skygaze Boredom and decided to teach him some more history of what she knew which, isn't much but at least something.

'Don't get sleepy already! Even though I am still a little, anyway, Skygaze come with me! I know Bombard can be REALLY rude and I think she doesn't want to teach you for now until 'HE GETS MORE SPEECH' but I know a little basic history of wyverns, mainly Earth sorry. We don't know much about water but we know mainly know the earth and our ally, fire wyverns!' She shouted indicating she wanted him to come with her, he didn't complain and followed with his stubby legs almost tripping him over. There are other types of wyverns? Water, earth, and she said fire? That sounds...dangerous, I wonder what else there is? I agree, her sister is mean but hopefully, she will get used to me and be nicer...I have Flora at least, I am truly thankful for her!

' I just realised how slow you are, that doesn't matter now can you finally come here?'

He quickly followed her and sat on the floor and listened. 'So, As I said before there are different types of wyverns. Four exactly showcasing the elements this island has to offer, Fire wyverns, Water wyverns, Earth wyverns, and Wind wyverns! We all lived side by side and were in peace until 'it' happened. You see we had an event that was held every year to celebrate the wyverns of all kinds called the Sun-fate,'

'It's an event when the highest mountain on our island is named the Sun Mountain and when the sun shines through the Sun Mountain with its crystals shining light. I was 7 years old when the tragedy struck at my 7th Sun-Fate show. There was always drift within our elemental wyverns, water, and wind on one hand and earth and fire on the other, our ally. During the event, a fire wyvern was arguing with the wind and their aggressive instincts got the better of them the fire wyvern gruesomely attacked the wind'

' And when one fire wyvern attacks the rest join other fire wyverns joined in and mauled the wind, sadly, wind wyverns are also aggressive but didn't have the strength a fire does but has the same attitude. Soon the wind and fire started attacking, blood spilled so much and it all went into chaos, fire was everywhere engulfing everything in its path and the screams echoed throughout. That day was the day the wyverns turned against each other'

She had a tear in her eye as she explained further 'Ever since there has been war, we earth wyverns tried to defend the wind wyverns but because we were allies with fire...they saw us a threat and broke ties. Since that day the whole island became a battleground and was violent, wind wyverns were slaughtered, and their numbers dropped drastically while water hated all the fighting and 'swam' away into the sea for safety while fire wyverns were...I guess the top. The fire left us earth alone but are still weary while the other wyverns perished. So that's the story mainly'

Skygaze grew tired and made a large yawn while breathing on the ground making it slightly warmer, and laying down with his eyes half shut. 'Ah, you are tired, enjoy history for the day! You must rest for the following days. Goodnight Skygaze' She whispered slowly stepping over him trying not to wake the little hatchling up.

She made her way to her sister's room, going through the hollowed tunnel. Her tunnel was mainly empty except for its fairy-like lights glittering along, it wasn't long before she reached her sister's door, it looked exactly like her door but compared to Flora's hers would be decorated. She knocked on her sister's door three times.

Her sister almost immediately opened the door, her eyes looked the same as they always did, her dull eyes looked down at her sister with a curious smirk 'It's about Skygaze isn't it?' She asked while waving her wing letting her sister walk in.

' I will say, I am impressed you brought such a valuable creature into our grasp. It was pure an accident but your acting skills to draw him In now that is...' She sarcastically clapped proudly. Her sister blushed with embarrassment and was ashamed.

' We can't sell him! I know I lied about this whole history lesson but I needed to, water wyverns never 'swam' away...he is the last water wyvern, water wyverns are extinct! We need to take care of him'

'Pah ! He may be the last water wyvern but he doesn't even show off any of his AMAZING powers, they say water wyverns are so powerful, that is what made them go extinct. Their greed and power endangered everyone, but we have the last water wyvern ever on the whole island, do you know what power we have?'

'So? He may be powerful and maybe even valuable but he is only a hatchling, it isn't fair and we should just let him be for now. Is that all you care about? The money we can get from him?'

'He is a threat! You know I work for the majors and they will eventually find out about our little 'gremlin' If they even think we have a water wyvern they will hunt him down and we will pay...if he doesn't show any real protentional I think we may as well give him up' She bites her lip in anger.

'I know he is dangerous and I don't know if those water wyverns are trying to crawl their way back but they can't...hopefully. Fine, if he doesn't show anything we will...give him up but if he does we shall keep and PROTECT him'

'But the majors? The higher-standard wyverns would want answers and you know how they hunt, they don't give mercy. I say get rid of him if he shows nothing, but...a water wyvern isn't just about money but it's about their power. Do you even know what power they have? Such power we can rule all the other elemental wyverns and even the whole island!' Flora didn't reply and shook her head in disagreement as she looked at Bombard.

' Such power is so...'


'Don't you agree?'