

There is a family fill with happiness .Soon they got some trouble by someone they fight the battle together. when they find the truth they were feel down but by the trouble they understand each other's feelings and bond with each other

Daisy1630 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 4

In my house

Everyone was sitting on couch in downstairs...they dicuss about upstairs and I  search for my mom... and i ask my brother...

Linda:"where is mom...

David:"wait I call her... where is she and dad too.. it already 7.30..

My  phone start to ring....I see it is my friend Madison...

On the phone...

Linda:" yes Madison... Why you call me..

Madison:"Linda tiffany and nancy had a car accident!!!!!

everyone were shocked expert tom.. he seems to be cool..

Linda:" where are they... Madison....

Madison:" they are in hospital....In emergency ward

Linda:"Which hospital... What name of the hospital..

Madison:" its George hospital.. Come fast as you can...

We both hang up....

I took my  car.. and  Cedric took his car too..and we go to to George hospital.. we saw Madison and chris...

Madison:" Linda don't cry they will be alright..."

Linda :" why they be like this..."

Doctor came from emergency ward... And he tell us which make us shock

Doctor:"Sorry..They got hit by head very bad..we trying our best .."

everyone and I were crying.. But tom seems to be cool and laugh at comedy video...  it make me so furious.. and  I ask him

Linda:" are you happy.... You know what... You not worthy for anything

      Why are they had you....as brother.. I wish instead of them you

      Should  had a car accident .....

Tom:" yeah sure if you want to me in there..emergency ward ...Linda

Linda:" then you go die who cares about you anyway..ahh you don't care

       About anyone....( I'm going to slap him)...

Madison stop me..." watch your mouth  linda" Madison  said...

Tom:"okay I'm going to die.. Don't cry after at my death coffin..."

Tom is running towards his car.... then he remember  he didn't  bring his car.. He go to see Linda's car... then he heard some humming sound...he come inside to hospital he ask Linda for car key

Tom:"can you give me your car key..."

Linda:"no I can't  what will you do...ahh"

Tom:" what wrong with you....linda"(he hold my hand very tightly)

Linda:"can you leave me it's hurting...what wrong with you tom"

Aunt may and uncle zhirou and  my parents arrived to hospital..and see tom was holding my hand very tightly.... aunt may come towards us

Aunt may:"Tom leave her hand ...are you gone mad or what...why you acting

          Like this.."

Tom never listen to his mom... He just dragged me... to outside.. Chris appear... and tried stop tom... but tom just push him away even he push.. my brothers... I am really scared of his activity... He never leave my.. hand.. He dragged me to the car park...and I see a body near to my car... it is....Tom.. who is bleeding ... And I heard some humming sound... When I see into my car there is the creepy teddy bear which we saw early....it is smiling... someone touch my shoulder..