
A Worlds Online Sanctuary

Set in 2021, after the rise of VR games for the past decade the very first fully immersive experience in the form of a VRMMORPG game called Sanctuary is released. Instantly becoming a huge economic market and reaching the same amount of popularity as sports at their peak in three months time. We meet our main character Maverick, a nineteen year old teen who wishes to be able to support his single parenting mother and his baby sister Ava. Will he be able to support them after gaining the first legendary class in Sanctuary or in the end is his dream nothing more then that, a dream. Author Note: Hey guys I hope everyone who is reading this is having a wonderful day. This is my first time writing a novel of any sort but I have spent a good amount of time reading web and light novels. I wanted to combine elements of Overgeared which in my opinion is the greatest Webnovel I’ve ever read and Mages Too OP which with its system of having to actually learn the magic in order to use it being one of the most creative ideas possible. I don’t really want my novel too be some cookie cut VR novel where within 20 chapters his money problems or solved or he so dense it’s impossible for him to get in any relationship. I want to create a work of art which is both lifelike in its characters and holds good development in the fantasy aspects. If you have any ideas for the novel please leave a comment and I hope you all enjoy what I can create. I do not own the cover art, I found it while searching online one day and thought it fit with the fantasy world aspect. The person @ is in the picture so please go and view it and give them some props for amazing work.

TheBlueCombat · Games
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Chapter 2: Virtual Reaity

Sanctuary, the very first fully immerse Vr experience created in the form of a VRMMORPG by a technology conglomerate called GeoTech. GeoTech had stated they "spent the better part of a decade working nonstop on the technology needed in order to perfectly recreate all five senses as well making it possible for this technology to be readily available to the public." After a decade of work their dream had been reached and it was a success to say the very least. In a little over three months since it's release the popularity of Sanctuary had already reached that of sports like Football and Basketball and would definitely become the number one market in the future.

Maverick like any other teenage boy was greatly interested in a fully immersive fantasy world like Sanctuary but the cheapest Full Dive Headset costed over $5,000 with Full Dive Pods costing very well over $100,000. Obviously, he couldn't afford a Full Dive Pod, he and his family were barely afloat financially already and this was with Maverick working part-time and his mother working full time. However, Maverick saved up a slight bit of his paycheck ever since the teaser trailer of Sanctuary in order to buy a Full Dive Headset when it released.

Every time Maverick loaded into Sanctuary and he saw those same three words, "Welcome to Sanctuary" he was reminded that Sanctuary was once someone's dream subsequently reminding himself of his own dream, to support himself, his mother as well as his Sister while playing Sanctuary. To most this might seem somewhat easy, a online market that rivals that of sports. This market however, was only available to the top of the top, an average Sanctuary player like Maverick would never be able to support a family while playing even with the 4:1 ratio of in game to real life time coupled with the sixteen hour limit that the game puts on login time. This lead to Maverick's envy of those players who could proudly exclaim "I am at the peak" while pushing himself down as an average player who would "never reach that peak"

Pushing his feelings of inferiority deep down as the startup screen begins to fade, a lush forest filled with beautifully vibrant flowers, burch, oak, and pine trees as well as animal such as bee's,lizards and even deer can be seen. Within this lush forest stands a roughly six foot human, with the same deep royal blue eyes, fair white skin, and black hair as Maverick. However, in Sanctuary he went by Alatar, meaning Blue Wizard or Darkness Slayer, a wizard from Lord Of The Rings.

Looking at Alatar status window, one could see he is a level 40 Magician, however one single look at the animals within this forest and you could see they are all over 250 with some even approaching 300. Where was Alatar that he was overwhelmed by such basic 'monsters' by over 200 levels? He was at the end of the Elven Forrest approaching a extremely steep mountain at the edge of the continent. How could he reach this area of the continent let alone pass through the Eleven Forrest as a human? This was very simple to Maverick however to others this may seem like insanity but it was due to how he treated the elves.

Maverick did not see the Elves as a group of artificial intelligence created merely to serve as a means to and end, no he saw them as people just like he was. This was because GeoTech did such a great job of creating unique personalities and vast back stories for each and every single NPC in Sanctuary that it was impossible for Maverick to think of them as merely AI. Maverick someone who was extremely loving and kind, yet had a hard time socializing, was ultimately accepted by the elves due to having a 'pure soul.'

To Alatar, being able to integrate with the elves and freely move around in the Elven Kingdom of Edhellond was a something unheard of during Sanctuary's three months online. During his normal stroll in the forest, Alatar had noticed a decrepit shack on top of an extremely steep mountain that overlooked the ocean.

After two hours of climbing, Alatar let out a hand full of profanity's before collapsing due to his extreme hyperventilating. After resting for 10 mins on the ground, once Alatar could move again he headed towards the shack. As the moss covered wooden door opened a loud creek could be heard echoing throughout the forrest. Within the horribly rotten interior of the house stood a surprisingly undamaged book as well as a giant egg.

Alatar looked at the book before a large system message appeared asking

[Would you like to change classes to the Legendary Class Gwydion's Successor]

[Yes] [No]