
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasy
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308 Chs


Kael yawns and stretches, 'Ugh... this is going to be a pain,' he muses internally, his anticipation mixed with a hint of dread. He exhales deeply as he finds himself among rows of students, all gathered for the same daunting task.

Elder Fëanor, standing before the assembled students, speaks with a calm yet stern tone, "I hope you're all prepared, all of you will be in constant danger," he announces, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. He continues, pacing slowly, "All sorts of criminals will be hiding in the forest, and they won't hesitate to kill you." Coming to a stop, he adds, "All of you will be teleported in, in small groups with people in your respective classes. The goal is to survive for a week."

He sits, observing the worried faces of the students, and advises, "Don't disappoint me. We will not save you from dying. Nature is not fair, it's ruthless when needed yet beautiful when balanced." Rising again, he activates the teleportation circle. "Fight with all your might, not for anyone but yourselves," he declares before everyone is teleported into the forest.

Kael groans as he opens his eyes, the disorientation from the teleportation still lingering. "Ugh... that stung," he complains internally, 'That old man made it sting on purpose. Stupid damn elves,' he thinks, rubbing his eyes to clear the discomfort.

Looking around, the first person he spots is Oliver, leaning casually against a tree, his hazel eyes and hair making him stand out. Oliver seems unbothered, already beginning to jot down notes. Kael then turns his attention and sees Aira, who's also rubbing her eyes, adjusting to the new surroundings.

Finally, his gaze falls on Caelir, whose golden eyes glow under the filtered light of the forest. Kael slaps his face in frustration, his mind racing. 'Fuck... I told Ayla to make sure at least Lysandra gets teleported with me. Shit, I'm stuck with a horrible group combo.'

Aira, with a smile brightening her features, addresses Kael, "It looks like we have to work together, V..." Her eyes glint with unspoken intentions as she thinks, 'Hmmm... this is great, I might be able to learn something about him. Oh V~ You can't ignore me now.'

Before Kael can respond, Caelir interrupts with frustration coloring his words, "Fuck, fuck! I'm stuck with the damn humans," he grumbles, slamming his head against a tree in exasperation. Turning sharply to Kael, he points accusingly and vents, "You! Lúthien left us for you. Tsk, how dare you. There's no way I'm going to work with you," he states defiantly, arms crossed in stubborn refusal.

Kael exhales slowly, the situation unraveling before him. 'This is going to be a long week. Dammit, it's going to be chaotic. Lysandra is still in that phase, and Biana is out of my sight. Depending on who they end up with, this could be a nightmare or an even worse nightmare,' he ponders with a sense of impending doom.

Seeking to diffuse the tension, Kael addresses Caelir, "Caelir, was it? You know, when Lúthien and I train, she's always talking about how amazing her friends are, and you come up pretty often." Caelir's attitude shifts at the mention, turning back to Kael with a flicker of curiosity, "H-huh, obviously, I'm a genius, you know."

Kael nods, hiding his inner eye-roll. "Yeah, she's always saying how great you are in alchemy, and at first, I couldn't believe it, but after what you did to her, I had no choice but to believe it." Caelir's demeanor changes, a smirk spreading across his face as pride swells within him. 'Well, I get it, being a genius, I'm often looked down upon.'

"I agree with you, you're smart unlike that other friend of hers," Kael continues, playing to Caelir's ego. Caelir, now fully engaged, steps closer to Kael, his previous animosity fading. "You know what, I misunderstood you. We should work together," he proposes, smirking, thinking, 'Hahaha, that's right, I'm smart unlike that damn Saelin.'

Kael turns to Aira with a composed expression, "Aira, I hope you don't mind me leading this." 

Aira's smile widens, a mix of charm and scheming behind her eyes. "Not at all," she responds cheerily, while thinking to herself, 'Oh V. You're going to be mine whether you like it or not.'

Approaching Oliver, Kael interrupts his research, "Hey Oliver, just this once, can you put your research aside?" Oliver looks up, surprised, then adjusts his glasses. "Hmm? Oh, I guess so. I'm kinda stumped right now anyways," he agrees, a hint of resignation in his voice, setting aside his notes.

As they begin to navigate the forest, Aira can't help but pry, "Hey V, I was wondering. Lysandra is always around you? Could it be you two are dating?" she asks nonchalantly, her curiosity barely masked.

Kael sighs, the weight of the question heavier than he'd like. "No, never. Hmmm... I guess you can say her father is forcing me to take care of her. The only reason she never leaves my side is because I don't let her," he confesses, his eyes scanning the dense forest. "You have no idea how crazy she can be."

Aira rubs her chin thoughtfully, piecing together the information. 'I see, that does make sense, V is constantly monitoring her and Biana. But then there's Isadora, why, why does someone who wants nothing to do with noble politics want to get involved with a future duchess?' she wonders, her mind racing with questions and possibilities, 'Hmm... V is the type of man to stay out of trouble, what can Isadora offer that I can't?' 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lysandra rubs her eyes, disoriented from the teleportation. "Ugh... hey V, can I hav...," she starts, expecting Kael's presence, but halts as she realizes he's nowhere in sight. She blinks, taking in her surroundings; Biana lies on the floor, snoring comfortably with her blanket and pillow. To her left, Uda groans, irritation lacing her voice, "Ugh... why does it sting?" she complains, clearly annoyed by the teleportation aftereffect.

Lysandra's gaze shifts to her right, meeting Saelin's vibrant green-blue eyes, which seem to capture the scant light filtering through the trees. Uda, observing Biana's peaceful slumber on the ground, snaps, "Oi, wake up you damn noble." Lysandra, already seated on a rock, scoffs dismissively, "She's not going to wake up," she states bluntly, her tone dripping with annoyance. 'Dammit, where the hell are you, Kael?' she wonders, her frustration growing.

Uda raises an eyebrow, eyeing Lysandra with a blank expression. "Why do you look so mad? We have to survive for a week, put some effort into it," she says bluntly, calling for a sense of duty.

Ignoring Uda's remarks, Lysandra remains silent, lost in her thoughts. Uda moves closer, intent on confronting her, but Saelin intervenes. "Hey, let's calm down a bit... Looks like we got off on the wrong foot," she suggests, trying to defuse the tension.

Saelin then turns her attention to Biana, muttering to herself, "You humans are weird..." She crouches down, poking Biana's face, "Hey, I'm all for sleeping, but right now, we need to work together," she insists, trying to rouse the slumbering noble.

Biana, unbothered, simply snores louder and turns away, dismissing the intrusion. Uda clenches her fists, her frustration mounting. "This damn lazy bitch," she hisses, the disdain clear in her voice. "Damn nobles. We should just kick her awake," she suggests, barely containing her anger.

Saelin laughs lightly, accustomed to dealing with such attitudes. "I'm used to this; I know how to deal with people like her." She grabs the blanket and tugs, but Biana resists, murmuring sleepily, "Let go..." Despite Biana's half-hearted protest, Saelin continues her efforts.

Suddenly, the runes on Biana's blanket glow, unleashing a shock of electricity that zaps Saelin. Taking a deep breath, Saelin steps back, "Okay, time for plan B," she announces, popping her knuckles.

Lysandra, evidently exhausted and annoyed, licks her lips and yawns. "Ugh... just leave her here, you're just going to hurt yourself," she advises, clearly frustrated. 'Dammit Kael, I need your fire. I don't know how long I can last, my hands are itching for some release,' she thinks, yearning for action or an outlet for her pent-up energy.

Both Saelin and Uda share a mischievous smirk at Lysandra's remark. "Don't worry, we won't be too harsh on her," Saelin reassures, her tone suggesting a playful yet sinister plan. Uda, on the other hand, adds with a menacing tone, "She might not, but I sure will."

Biana, barely processing the conversation through her grogginess, groans, "Just leave me here, go do whatever you want." But Uda is having none of it, "No, you're going to help us," she insists, her voice firm and unyielding.

Attempting to dismiss them, Biana tries to roll her eyes but loses interest halfway through, muttering, "Ugh... you fuckers. Where's V?" Uda smirks triumphantly, "He's not here to save you," and attempts a kick, only for it to harmlessly bounce off.

Saelin then tries a different approach, attempting to yank Biana by the hair, but she just hides under her blanket, effectively evading any further hassle. Lysandra, observing their futile attempts, starts to speak, "You're doing it all wrong, you hav—" but her advice is abruptly cut off.

A flash interrupts the scene as someone appears behind her with a knife, smirking menacingly and stabs her back, the force pushing her forward. The assailant stands confidently, relishing his freedom, "Hmhmhmhmhm, when's the last time I had this much fun?" he muses, thinking 'One down, three to go,' his anticipation of the chaos palpable.

However, once the dust settles, Lysandra stands, visibly angered and unharmed, "You fucker, how dare you fuck with me," she spits out, her irritation at the attack clear. Underneath her, Biana, who ended up being an unintended cushion, groans, "Fuck... get off me."

The assailant steps back, visibly confused and shocked, "I stabbed your heart..." he stutters, trying to comprehend the failure of his attack. Lysandra, holding the broken knife, retorts with disdain, "You think this shitty thing's going to pierce my skin?"

He blinks in disbelief, reaching for a new knife, still trying to process the situation, "That's what it's meant for..." he argues, unable to accept the reality before him.

Uda starts, "We need to—" but her suggestion is abruptly cut off by Lysandra's boiling frustration. "Shut the hell up!" she snaps, her patience wearing thin. She clicks her tongue in annoyance, "I'm going to deal with this bitch my way," her tone seething, feeling the chaotic clash of her affinities within.

Saelin, attempting to mediate, interjects cautiously, "H-hey, come on, at least let one of us help you." Inside, she's bewildered, thinking, 'What the heck is wrong with this human.'

Lysandra, massaging her temples in irritation, finally concedes without turning to face her assailant. "Fine! One of you can help me," she declares, her voice laced with annoyance, as she grabs onto Biana's blanket for support.

In the meantime, the assailant sees an opportunity and dashes towards Lysandra, 'Moron, don't expose your back,' he thinks smugly, holding a knife aimed at her. However, in a swift motion, Lysandra grabs Biana and spins around, hurling her with all her might at the man. Biana, wrapped in her blanket and clutching her pillow, flies through the air and slams into the assailant, knocking both to the ground.

Lysandra, teeth clenched in frustration, leans against a tree. The man groans under the unexpected impact, thinking dazedly, 'What the fuck is she?'

Biana sits up, rubbing her head, and glares at Lysandra, outraged. "Shit, that hurt!" she exclaims, indignant. "What the fuck is your problem!? He could've cut my blanket!" she protests, her concern for her possessions overshadowing the danger they were in.

Gripping her pillow, which starts to glow slightly, she slams it down on the man below her without a second thought, as if he's nothing more than an inconvenience. The pillow hits his face with unexpected force, driving him into the ground and creating a small crater. The man coughs up blood and passes out on the spot.

Biana, still nursing her head, continues her tirade, "You wanna fight!?" Her glare fixed on Lysandra, oblivious to the unintentional victory she just achieved.

Question time: Name some reasons why Aira wants Kael. Why is she so fixated on having him work for her?

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