
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasy
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310 Chs

Day 3 part 1

My footsteps echo as I approach the river, the distant sound of water rushing over rocks a welcome accompaniment to my heavy thoughts. Glancing back at Isadora, who's making her way back to the group, I can't help but chuckle softly at the sight of her holding Biana like a sack of potatoes. Hahaha, although I was planning to carry her, for some reason Isadora took her from me.

"Alright," I call out, tossing the bag of food over to her. "Head up to the group with the food, and tell them I'll be there soon." She catches the bag with ease and nods, turning away without a word. I wonder what's going through her head? It's impossible to read her.

Watching her disappear into the underbrush, I let out a sigh. "Come out," I mutter.

In a flash, Ilka is beside me. Her tiny form materializes out of the air, a grimace on her face as she stretches. "Damn it, I hate being in that damn sword! You should just let me stay out!" she complains.

Ignoring her complaints, I start to strip off my bloodied clothes, my gaze on the river ahead. "Stop complaining already. Keep an eye out for any movements," I tell her, dipping my toes into the cool water.

"Why? Don't tell me you're scared~ Are you afraid of the dark~" she teases, her laughter echoing in the quiet.

With a grunt, I scoop her up and toss her into the air. "I'm only letting you out for a bit, while I clean my clothes. I'm not sure when I'll be able to let you out again," I inform her, my voice softer.

Her laughter fades into the background as I wade into the river, letting the cool water cleanse the blood and sweat from my body. The night air is cold against my skin, but it's a refreshing change from the stifling heat of the day.

There's something soothing about the rush of the river, the rhythm of the water against my skin. It drowns out the sounds of the jungle, the distant calls of creatures and the rustle of leaves. For a moment, it's just me and the river, the world fading away into a distant hum.

In the silence, I let myself relax, my muscles unwinding from the strain of the day. The memory of the Boex's massive body, the heat of its blood on my hands, fades into the back of my mind, replaced by the peaceful hum of the river.

My clothes, now free of blood and dirt, sway in the current as I hold them up, letting the water carry away the last remnants of the day's struggles. The sight of my clean clothes, the feel of the cold river water against my skin, it's a small victory, a brief moment of peace amidst the chaos.

Finally, with my clothes clean and my body refreshed, I step out of the river, my gaze finding Ilka. Despite her grumbling, she's been dutifully keeping watch, her eyes scanning the darkness around us.

With a small nod of appreciation, I retrieve my clothes, dressing in the cool night air. As I fasten the last button, I can't help but glance back at the river, a small smile playing on my lips.

"It's here, isn't it?" I say nonchalantly, my eyes never leaving the path ahead.

Ilka, perched on top of my head, chortles, "Oh~ you noticed it? Tsk, I wanted to see you get beat, how boring. But why is it doing nothing?" Her tiny feet dance across my hair as she speaks.

With a sigh, I lift my hands, resting them behind my head as I walk. "It's just one, right? Tsk, this is problematic. If the others arrive, I'll be fucked," I mutter, my eyes darting around the dark jungle.

Ilka gasps audibly, her surprise clear in her tone. "Others? Is there more than one?" she asks, her voice echoing in the quiet night.

Another sigh escapes my lips. I can hear it - the rustling in the trees, the faint padding of its footsteps. It's watching, just watching for now. "Dammit, looks like I won't be able to sleep," I complain, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

Ilka, seeming unfazed by the predicament, stands on my head. "It's small, wouldn't they be easy to deal with?" she asks, the hint of mischief clear in her voice.

"Islevores," I answer, my voice laced with frustration, "they're a pain in the ass. This is the small one. The others have their own distinctive features. These damn monsters have some insane teamwork."

She hums in response. "This one is alone, why don't you kill it?"

I shake my head, "It will retreat if I go near it."

We continue our trek in silence. The group is within sight now, the warm glow of the fire inviting me in. "Alright, Ilka," I say, my voice barely above a whisper, "I'll talk to you later, this is going to be a painful night."

Ilka chuckles, her laughter tingling against my scalp. "Hehehe, I hope you suffer with all your might." Her form fades into the darkness, leaving me alone to face the night.

Reaching the group, I take in their expressions – disappointment and annoyance prominent on most faces. Apparently, my decision to make jerky instead of a proper cooked meal hasn't been well received.

"Hey, you're back. About the food, it's...how do you say..." Aira begins, her words trailing off as she searches for the right words.

With a sigh, I cut her off, "It's long-lasting. It's not meant to taste good, it's meant to last long."

A laugh escapes Liam, he grins at his sister, "Hahaha, look at you, sis, complaining about edible food."

Rai chimes in next, a grimace on his face, "Ugh, hey, I get that this is survival food but can't you just cook something?" He pokes at the jerky, a frown of distaste marring his face.

Flora, Kaida, and Oliver sit silent, their expressions neutral. They're just spectators in this drama, not contributing but certainly enjoying the show.

Glancing around, I catch sight of Isadora. She's fixated on a tree, her eyes narrowing. Seems she's caught wind of our visitor. I intercept her just as she's about to head towards the tree, my hand landing on her shoulder. "Not yet, it's not alone," I warn her. She gives no response but starts scanning the surroundings instead.

I make my way to Biana, who's sound asleep. A quick flick to her forehead has her groaning in pain, rubbing the assaulted spot. "Come on, V~ Why'd you do that for~" she complains, her voice still heavy with sleep.

With a sigh, I answer her, "We got guests, you better stretch."

Her playful banter dies in her throat as she takes in my expression.

"Ugh, why does it have to be during my nap time~" Biana says, rubbing her eyes as she gets up and picks up her bow.

"You sleep 24/7, tell me where in your schedule can you fit a nap?" I retort, the sarcasm heavy in my voice. She sticks her tongue out in response, but I can see the concern in her eyes. They know what's at stake.

I take another look around, and my gaze lands on Isabella, still sound asleep. My footsteps crunch on the dry leaves as I move towards her, nudging her awake. As usual, she wakes up glaring at me, her annoyance palpable.

"Get up," I tell her, my voice stern. She rolls her eyes but obliges, standing up and dusting off her clothes.

Turning back to the group, I see the confusion etched on their faces - it's clear they don't fully grasp the situation yet. With a heavy sigh, I announce, "Alright, everyone, we have some uninvited guests. Aira, Liam, and Isadora, I'm sure you noticed one already."

Liam laughs, brushing off my concern with a wave of his hand. "Come on, V, it's a small monster, what's it going to do to us?"

Aira chimes in, a small smile playing on her lips. "I was waiting for it to make a move." Isadora, on the other hand, stays quiet, her eyes still scanning our surroundings.

Rai is the first to react, jumping to his feet with a loud "Eh! Are you saying we're being attacked now?" Kaida follows suit, concern etched on her face as she exclaims, "Dammit, this is bad!"

Flora finally speaks up. "Are we fighting?" she asks, her voice soft but steady.

Before I can respond, Aira steps in. "Everyone calm down, it's not some dangerous beast," she reassures them.

"Which part of 'uninvited guests' and 'others are approaching' didn't you get, Aira?" I sigh, rubbing my temples. The tension in the air is palpable, and their arguing isn't helping.

They all fall silent, the rustling of leaves and distant creature sounds the only noise in the clearing. As if on cue, weapons are grabbed, and stances are taken. Arin, Oliver, and Kaida move to the center, their lack of fighting capabilities making them the most vulnerable.

"Hey, V," Liam calls, pulling my attention from the others. "You seem to know something about these."

"I read about these monsters," I reply, my gaze scanning our surroundings. The monsters are getting closer, I can feel it. "Rai, stay near the center. Flora, focus on the ground. Since we're in an open space, we have the advantage."

I sigh, my mind scrambling to come up with a strategy as the monster steps into the clearing. "What do you mean? The ground?" Flora asks, confusion clear in her voice.

"If I'm correct, one of these damn things attacks from underneath. Liam, the small one shoots some deadly darts. Aira, there is one with some incredible speed," I announce, my gaze scanning the treeline. I can see perfectly in the dark thanks to Umbra, but the others are left to rely on their senses. Sure, they can use mana and aura to enhance their vision, but it won't be as good as mine.

One of the monsters is a tank, and Isadora and Isabella are the best options for dealing with that one. "Hey, V," Aira calls, her voice strained with the tension. "Wouldn't it be better for Isadora to deal with that one?"

"Unless you want to deal with a tank type of monster, we can't do that," I reply, keeping my eyes on the surrounding darkness.

She laughs nervously, "Haha, no thank you."

Turning to Biana, I open my mouth to speak but a monstrous roar cuts me off. An enormous Islavore steps into the clearing, its muscular and robust body glistening in the moonlight. Its reptilian head swings around, taking in the sight of us, before it charges.

Isadora, quick to react, instantly covers herself in aura. With a strong grip on her bone husk sword, she blocks the monster's attack, holding the flat side of her blade against the creature's muscular arm. The impact rings out in the otherwise silent clearing, and for a moment, Shit, they're attacking faster than I thought.

Fun Fact: Kael eats 5 times more than an average person due to the curse. He doesn't seem to notice how much he eats. His classmates haven't said anything to him as he feeds them.

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