

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 7

Gabrielle Adsence Pov

I have always wanted to be independent of my family but being cut up in the family business is something that stops me so to gain my freedom I have training centers, gyms, resorts, hotels, and a few companies scattered all over the country and beyond. No one is aware and I always have a mask except for the training center. I think I will transfer it to Aria, to save myself from some of the stress.

The decision of marrying Arie will soon bring forth the decision I have been avoiding for years, my family will make me choose between her and the company making sure they freeze my accounts so I go penniless then I will be a force at that time to choose a good life for her by secretly protecting her in the dark, but making sure I divorce her and make her hate me but I won't let that happen

I have been preparing for so long, at first, I was prepared to solve the case of my brother when he recovers, for I want him to live a carefree life, but it seems it's to my advantage right now...I will make them know who I am in the dark.

Since things have taken this turn I better let Arie know about all my dirty secrets. I am not perfect. No one is, I just hope when the time comes she will love me enough to trust me. The investigation about her family is not the best, I can't believe they sold her out...too bad they will soon run out of cash, and judging from their personality they will soon come back for more, and I will use that opportunity to make them pay for it dearly.

Gabrielle!!! Gabrielle!!!!

"Hey what's up with you, you're practically screaming at the most top of your voice… Are you scared of drowning? Hahaha

I tease Arie. she is such a cutie but my heart gladdens at the thought of her worrying about me

"Who stays underwater for so long without oxygen, are you asking for a death wish? She sounds furious as she gets past me and picks up a towel

"Okay, that's enough playing with the water you will catch a cold if you continue staying inside, dress up, it's almost time for us to leave" she throws the towel towards my direction as she walks away.

Our time spent together was worth it, our trip back to my villa was a quiet one as Arie slept throughout the journey. I carried her in as it was sunset already, the servants lined up as I walked in but I dismissed them as Arie was sleeping. There is no need for an introduction now.

With the ray of the morning sun hitting hard on the curtains and piping into the room, the ray falls on my face making it difficult for me to sleep any further. I haven't slept this much in 4years she is God-sent.

I woke up as I set on my daily routines. From the gym, I had my shower and dressed up for the office but before leaving I needed to make sure to introduce my wife to the servants.

I descend the stairs looking for Arie around, she is not in her room I wonder where she has gone to these early

"Good morning sir" one of the maids greeted but I got the breakfast nicely laid on the dining table

"Who made breakfast?

"'m so sorry sir I told her but she won't listen "

It's okay, I will have breakfast…. The shock on the servant's face was very evident, I am not the type to eat breakfast in the morning, for coffee is enough for but since my wife put in efforts I should make her happy by eating it. I give my bag to Scot, my driver and bodyguard to take to the car while I sit down for breakfast.

"Good morning Gabrielle, how was your night"

My night was good, Arie. How about you?

" mine was great…. Hey hold on I come to serve you"

"No come sit down and have breakfast with me"

"Nevermind I will have breakfast when you're done okay, you have to go to the office so don't worry about me let me serve you.'' She serves me but I make her sit and have breakfast with me. Once I was done I left for the office. Arie made me leave without officially introducing her to the servants but I know just from our gestures they can read the handwriting on the wall but not to worry I will do it when I come back home today.

Arielle Cowell pov

I was surprised when I woke in another room

what a gentleman" I thought to myself, because we have consummated our marriage already he still thought it wise to give me space

"I smile as the thought of him carrying me up to the room plays in my head, I hit myself hard as my imagination is beginning to take the greater part of me."

I check the time and it's 6:00 am, Gabrielle will be leaving for work by 8:00 am so I have to hurry up with his breakfast. I quickly take my bath and change into nice white track pants, am not surprised at all my wardrobe is full of clothes of my size and the shoes are incredible,

"He was right when he said I was up for surprises. He is swift." I smile at myself and I go down and start making toasted bread with some scrambled eggs and a cup of American coffee for him, I don't know what he will like so I try to make it as simple as I could

The maids try stopping me saying he only takes coffee in the morning, but to me, that's a bad habit and it should end with him getting married. I want him to feel he has taken another lift. And as such everything at home should also have a touch of womanliness.

After he was done with his breakfast I accompanied him outside as he drove out. I hum as I enter inside but all eyes are on me. I wonder what's going on in their mind.

"Any problem? I asked not sure I was going to get a reply but surprisingly I did get one

"Who are you? they chorused at the same time

"Wow seems everyone has been waiting," I asked as I walk past them

" Well, I think I will let your boss have the honor of telling you who I am so until then be patient" a smile crept on my lips as I watched the disappointed look they all put on…"oh yeah, how many are you all together?

" Since you won't tell us who you are, then it's just right we don't take orders from you, and am very very positive you're one of those girls throwing themselves at the boss, too bad he is now married to miss Solange and she will be soon moving in, so crickets like you don't dare to come here when she finally arrives."

"Gracia I will advise you to keep your mouth shut, you don't know who she is and she is sir's guest so don't cross the line" I listen as another servant cautions the rude girl, so her name is

Gracia that's cool, I smile as I ascend the stairs

"He won't marry you okay, and it was just a one night stand, we've seen a lot of your types here and I can assure you he only sleeps with a slut once not twice so no matter how good you are in bed there is no second time so take my advice and leave stop disgracing yourself."

"And that was the last draw. I could not hold it anymore!!!!

" And who are you to lecture me?

"His mother?

"His wife?

"Or perhaps his sibling. Don't you think you are overstepping your boundary? What if all that you said is so what? Do you love him, are you jealous, if not then tell me what your problem is

"Well am not, all we know is sir is a great match with miss Solange so don't spoil their union and get out"

"You got some nerves, don't you? Immediately your boss leaves for work you drive out his guest … how interesting" I snap back at her

But not to worry I will soon put mouthy minded maids like you where you rightly belong and heyy get me a glass of juice,"

I care less about my manners right now, and one thing Gabrielle taught me yesterday was never to let people take me as their stepping stone so I have to be fierce for my sake and his.

" Gracia you should be the one bringing it and don't be late" I inform her as I continue to my room, I have to draft out what I will like to do so Gabrielle takes a look at it.

There is a knock on the door and am sure its Gracia

" come in the door is open," I tell whoever is there

" put it on the table "I hear the door close, I gently lift my head and as expected there was a glass of juice on the table, I can't wait for Gabrielle to come back home the shock on their faces when he will tell them being his wife is a look I don't want to miss out. I quietly sit down while sipping the juice I draft out of my studies.

I will love to continue school if Gabrielle permits and I think taking up business will be the best choice so I will be able to help Gabrielle.

The day finally is coming to an end its already 7:00 pm I sit on the sofa as I wait for my husband, my day has been boring I took a stroll around the house and checked out the various rooms we have in the villa and I did notice my room and his are the biggest and secondly his room is well decorated in white he is r man of charisma

His study is very elaborated with books neatly arranged I could not locate even a speck of dust, I walk around it as I take a seat and pretend to be him, I stand up and walk outside when I hear bickering only for me to go out and find the servants eavesdropping on me

I paid no attention to them as I walked past them without a single word. I skip lunch because I don't feel like eating. Korean cuisine is on the menu tonight. I can't say whether I'm a fan of it or not since I haven't tested it yet.

One thing I noticed today is the maids are not aware they are being watched, they live in the boy's quarters. I could tell I'm being watched secretly but I paid no attention to it as I know it's for my safety.

My bodyguards will be assigned to me once I start school, one under the cover as my driver and the other will be there as my friend so I have nothing to worry about as I will be protected 24/7. Even though life seems suffocating, I am happy with it not for the money or the influence but am happy for the man I am blessed with.