

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 14

Arielle Cowell Pov

"I can proudly say I won't love an imp-like you, do you know how long it took me to raise my son? I had plans for him and all he could be was marry the wrong bride.

"That's because your choice of bride was not the best, she let him for money, for another man, and instead of you sympathizing with him as a mother you're here making things difficult for him"

"I don't you to give me lectures of how I treat him all I do is for his own good and benefit if he gets married to peal will strengthen his position in the company and his position will be secured and thus his future, but his marriage to you has shaken his stand in the group, even if he survives the trail in France he won't get back the company, the family will make him choose between you and the company and my dear, the son I have, I know him better than you, he will never choose you over this dreams and aspiration.

"So stop putting up a fight it's not worth you will leave eventually so my advice to you is to take the money we have to offer you now and go build something for yourself because when that comes am afraid I won't be this generous"

"Mom am highly disappointed, that you're saying all this. how sure am I you gave birth to him" I received a hot slap for that question

"And who are you to ask me that he is my son and will always be

"Hmmm I smirk, I look her straight in the eye" if he is your son like you claim he is then play the motherly role in his life you just said it all, he is going through a lot in France and you are aware of it but your so cool about it you even have the time to come over and make trouble for me. Mom as a mother shouldn't you be on your knees pleading on behalf of your child, shouldn't you be crying because you know he is in danger, where are your motherly instincts? where are they mother sacrifice your children but you led your children to sacrifice for you. How are you

"Please spare me all that, I can do more and I will. I won't let anyone not even you come between my husband and I won't let any of your disrespect him or hurt his feelings, I will stand by him to I breathe my last" say as I walk out on her careless of what she thinks of me. I will certainly make accept our marriage without being fired.

"Arielle may I come in" mart asked

"Yes mart" she walks in and nicely place my food on the table

"Why are putting up with her? she asks

"Who…..you mean my mother-in-inlaw? I Question

"Yes...sir I won't blame you, he gave orders not to let you get hurt...not even by her so you should not hold yourself back"

"I wish I could, but mart she still remains his mom so I can't disrespect her, any moreover am grateful to her for the son she gave me for a husband so disrespecting her is out of my reach"

"Arielle I know you're been cautious but I want you to keep this at the back of your mind that these people will not think twice about hurting you, so you have to protect yourself when that time comes. Also, we have unforeseen circumstances where Fred and I may not be by your side and thus cant protect you in situations like that if you take too much into consideration then am sorry to say but the boss will only come to your ashes"

I smile at her, for I had no words to tell her, all that she said is the truth so I did not refuse but it is going to be hard doing what she just mentioned,

"well let's see how things go" I tell her as I eat my dinner

"Hope you've had dinner with Fred? I asked for I don't want them taking care of me and neglecting themselves

"I have served Fred as for me I will eat ones you done"

"No I refuse to take the spoon you eat with me, the food is much I won't be able to finish it anyways "

"But ma me"

"No, but, have you forgotten you're plying the role of my friend so I should treat you like not like my maid...its and order"

"Yes ma me" she picks up the spoon and we eat together... I miss these feelings I wonder when Gab will be coming home I miss him so much.

It's been 1 week 4 days since Gab left these days I've had some calm in the house...but this calmness makes me rather scared…

"There is always the calm before the storm" I wonder what they are preparing this time around. From classes today I head to the park I really wanted some time alone after I was done I head home with mart and Fred but on arrival, something unexpected happened...I suddenly started feeling dizzy

"Fred stop the car!!! Mart screams in horror ma me here let's cover your nostrils with this" she said handing me a mask

"Do not breath the air it's intoxicated ..come on give your clothes run and do not look behind"

"But what about you and Fred? I asked in a panic

"Don't worry about us we will be found, we can protect ourselves so go ahead leave now" she pushes me out of the car, and the zoom off I hid in the bushes for like 5hours before heading home

But when I got home the situation there was no any better it was clear they were responsible for the incident earlier

"Hmmm seems you are a cat you have nine lives but not to worry I will make sure to cut it all" peal says as she approaches me

"What do you want? I asked shivering with both fear and anger

"It's simple cant you tell Arielle? I WANT YOUR LIFE"

She laughs like a lunatic before I could run out I was surrounded by some men in black

"Peal you cant do these, remember Gabrielle will not love you if you kill me"


It's easy baby girl, after being done with you I will make it look like an accident, and boom I will be the shoulder he cries on and from there I will make him love but you will be 6feet down, so you don't have to worry I will take good care of Gabrielle. Am the best choice for him, remember I told you we aren't done so its time to pay me what you owe me"

The look on her face is so frightful I wonder where mom has gone too because I know she is not in support of this. Maybe screaming for help is my only chance of survival and without thinking twice I scream at the top of my voice

"HELP ...HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME HE...LP" I suddenly blanked out

I woke up in a dark room all I could barely see a thing... A voice startled me

"Finally sleeping beauty is up... Tell me did you dream of prince charming? She laughs sarcastically

Peal pov

I've had enough of that, bitch I can't take it anymore, its time I take matters into my own hands, mother has left for the old mansion today so I have to make sure Arielle disappears from the face of the earth before she comes back… making it look like an accident is the best option and since Gab will be back in less than 2weeks we can always hide it from him and tell him only when he comes.

By so doing am positive he will be coming for her funeral. And I will be the shoulder he will lean on and eventually I will make sure he marries me.

"Hello Carlos I need your men, I need to eliminate someone" I put a call through to my dad's most trusted man

"Miss peal, why don't you let your dad handle this issue for you? He asked

"It's my business and am no more a kid so I will handle it personally ...and I desperately want to see the look on that bitch's face when she knows am the one who killed her it will be so satisfying, "I tell him as I play with a knife

"Okay, you know what to do right? I will send my boys over you tell them what to do and be rest assured they will do it without any mistakes.

"Thank you, sir, Carlos, I know I can always count on you" I drop the call and in less than 20 minutes they arrive at a total of 10 men

"This is going to be interesting" I gave a 5days off to the servants so I will have enough time to carry out my plans.

First I ordered to go place a sleeping inhaler drug in the car of Arielle after that will be done her supposed friend and driver will save her and risk their lives by so doing she will run back home right back into y hands.

And as predicted it happened just as planned, now let me do what I have been dreaming o doing to this bitch.

Arielle Cowell Pov

"Peal I know it's you, what will you do with me? I asked

"Calm down you will soon find out, since your too desperate to know, we might as well start… put her into the tank" she ordered and for the first time I noticed am not in the room alone, it's so dark in a way I can barely see beyond my nose... I feel two strong-arm carry me up and before I know it is inside a tank of chilling cold water

It's at my waist-length I feel soo fucking horrible I never would have thought peal could be ruthless and dangerous, now my survival solely depends on me.

"If only you can die quickly to save yourself from the pain" I hear him say from inside the tank


"What should be added….ed?" before I could finish my words I feel the water start rising, oh

God am I going to die I cant die her I haven't done anything yet, I just got married I haven't told my husband I love him, I don't have any kids, I haven't made love with my husband ….i cant die now

Crazy thoughts run through my mind as I find myself drowning and struggling to breathe... I don't how much time has passed but I feel this is it my end is finally here