
A World of Magic: The Story of Yuki

Huto Yuki an average high school student was on his way home when the least expected thing had happened, "What I'm dead?!" Bursting into a new world with a new life. Yuki, further known as Dawn entered into a new world filled with magic! Dawn and his sister Yuki travel from there small village Dallora known for there amazing crop yield had set out to Eridoola the main city of Gindala where they would become adventurers!

Schuss · Fantasy
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The Pack

Dawn and Yuta had set off towards Eridoola the main city of Gindala in hopes to join the Adventurers Guild so they could finally do what they had dreamed of growing up. Old memories of this life have slowly been coming back on the trip to Eridoola he had remembered growing up Yuta would always be scared of every little thing after an encounter with a wild boar that had almost killed her if Dawn wasn't there to help her. Yuta had then vowed never to show weakness again and to become stronger than ever before. Yuta had trained rigorously for the moment she joined the Adventurers Guild. Yuta, carried a shortbow and quiver with a shortsword on her side. Yuta having a very keen eye had mastered archery and when it came down to it could go toe to toe with a sword when needed. Yuta had gained a spell where she could fire off magic arrows. Along with a magic double slash with her sword. Whereas Dawn had a few abilities where he could strengthen his body and weapons.

Continuing down the road towards Eridoola they were only 15 Miles (24 km) away from reaching the main gates. "Where almost there Yuta. Shall we stop for a break?" Dawn had asked as his stomach had growled letting his little sister know he was hungry. Yuta looked at Dawn laughing at him. "What's so funny Yuta?" Dawn asked as he pointed out a spot. "We can rest here for now. Plus its getting dark soon we should set up camp anyways." as they setup camp they heard a loud crack that startled Yuta looking in the direction of the noise with her Bow drawn with an arrow ready to pierce any threat. Dawn hearing the noise went for his blades strengthening his legs for speed and enhancing his blades to make them sharper. "Whose there! Show yourself!" Dawn yelled towards where the crack and rustling of leaves were coming from. "GRR!" a pack of rabid wolves approached the two of them. at first sight Dawn had immediately thought of all things why did it have to be a pack of them they were used to being able to take out two wolves by themselves but not a whole pack of six. scanning their surroundings Dawn had little hope of seeing a way out of this the wolves would catch them trying to run. Great looks like were fighting this out. Dawn thought to himself.

"Yuta, what do you suggest?" Yuta stepping further away from the pack closer to her brother nodded. Great looks like were going to have a challenge before we actually become real adventurers. As the wolves charged them Yuta shot an arrow piercing the wolf. Dawn charged forth towards one of the wolves that had tried to attack them on their left slicing the wolf jumped back, when doing so Yuta had fired an arrow right where the wolf was about to land. Two down this isn't that bad. Dawn had thought. "Big brother watch out!" Dawn turned around after hearing Yuta's voice moved barely enough to sustain a major injury as a wolf sliced down Dawn's chest. after moving back Yuta had fired a magic arrow through the wolf.

"Big brother are you okay?" looking at his sister holding his chest " I'll be okay Yuta. Worry about what's in front of us right now." Yuta swapping her bow for her shortsword after using it to block a wolfs bite watched as the other two wolves had cornered them with the third. "Dawn I'm scared," Yuta said terrified. Dawn looking at the wolves hoped this wasn't the end for them. Dawn wanted to run but they couldn't and with the cut on his chest it's been getting harder for him to breath. Looking at his sisters face he saw she was scared. "Yuta everything will be okay, will survive this." Dawn told Yuta reassuring that they will make it to Eridoola. "Besides we aren't full fledged adventurers yet right?" again trying to boost Yuta's confidence.

Looking back at the battle they had ahead of themselves Yuta saw Dawn grip his daggers tighter as they started to glow. A new spell? Yuta had thought. It doesn't look like Dawn was increasing the efficiency of the blade but instead it looked like Dawn was about to do something completely different. it was a brighter blue color instead of when he would make his blades sharper they would be a brighter white. Dawn looked only for a moment before the wolves lunged. Dawn focused he strengthened his legs making his moves faster lunged at the wolves releasing the energy that was built up in her daggers into a magic flurry of strikes every strike that targeted one of the wolves hit without miss.

After hearing her brothers words Yuta thought to herself. Is anyone out there? We cant die here it isn't time! filling with tremendous fear Yuta heard her brother reassure her it was going to be okay. hearing her brothers words Yuta calmed herself collecting her mana as she focused the point to her bow. I haven't showed Dawn this move yet but I haven't mastered it yet. I have to be strong though for Dawn!

Building her mana Yuta's arrow started to glow and split into three arrows. Yuta smiled thanking her brother for reassuring her that everything will be fine. As the wolves lunged forward Yuta saw Dawn rush the wolves slicing and cutting at them with intense speed as he did she fired her multi-shot magic arrow which landed its mark in one of the wolves as it tried to attack Dawn on his blind side.

Finally... Dawn thought as they had taken down all six of the wolves Dawn collapsed only to hear his little sisters voice scream his name before he fell.

Yuta seeing all the wolves we defeated sighed with a relief before looking over to see how her older brother was doing remembering he had been sliced across the chest. "Dawn!" Yuta screamed as she had watched him collapse to the ground. Running over to Dawns side she saw he was breathing but had lost a lot of blood and needed a healing potion. seeing his wounds slowly heal she had sighed thankful that they weren't to serious and he hadn't died. Looking at her brother who laid there exhausted as he slept to regain the energy he had lost due to that fight. she then remembered when he had used that furry of strikes she wondered where he had learned that ability. she had never seen it before. "I love you big brother." Yuta said as Dawn murmured something inaudible to her ears she blushed thinking he heard her let him rest as she looked at her bow seeing it tattered sighed.