
A World Of Beauty(Hiatus)

follow the story of Tomi as he goes in a adventure through pain and beauty

yaboinethertank · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Episode 4: the test to qualify and get our weapon

Jaesio and Tomi wake up the next day and get dressed and they run to there test

[when they get there]

Location: Gettysburg Battlefield

They were 1 second late

Scout Leader: you were... Late

Jaesio: sir we were 1 second late!

Tomi is pushing Jaesio to fight back more by punching the air and breathing hard Everytime he punches the air the Scout Leader glares at Tomi and Tomi glares back the Scout Leader is surprised and smiles

Scout Leader: seems you 2 good for nothings will be something

Jaesio: huh?!


Tomi runs to the Scout Leader in anger and tries to punch him then he switched into a kick and flowed into a quick 4 hit combo of punches but the Scout Leader blocked all of it

Scout Leader: your pretty good kid what is your name

Tomi: ...Tomi....

Scout Leader, laughing: you first name is Wealth!

Tomi: SHUT UP!

Tomi punches the Scout Leader but Jaesio stopped Tomi and she looks at Tomi with fear as the Scout Leader is glaring at them

Scout Leader: get in formation!

Jaesio & Tomi: yes sir

They get in formation with 20 other people

Scout Leader: 200 push ups... WITH 1 ARM!

Everyone: WHAT!?!?!?!!??

The Scout Leader glares at them and they listen and do the push ups only 8 still standing Jax, Jin, Tomi, Jaesio, Don, yoru, jarin, Karina. They stand up tired

Tomi: what else...

Scout Leader: now for a run around the city!

They all looked surprised except the Scout Leader but they listen reluctantly and they run around the city and they are very tired

Location: Spirit City

Location design: Spirit City is a City that absolutely "no one" can "get through" it's a beautiful city with marbles, diamond, emerald, and gold along with all the necessities

Tomi: I'm so tired

Jaesio: yeah...

Tomi: ouch *clinches teeth* my legs....

Jaesio: we can get through this don't worry Tomi....


They shut up and keep running then they get back at the camp

Scout Leader: choose your weapon now...

Everyone except Tomi and Jaesio: FINALLY!

Location: Gettysburg Battlefield 2

Location design: a plain field with multiple tools for training but this time with a podium thing

They walk to the table and Tomi walks to a scythe and he grabs it the scythe glows White and Purple and Jaesio grabbed a double katana and it glowed yellow the Scout Leader was surprised those were the 2 strongest stats ever

Scout Leader: ok you can... You can go now...