
A World Of Beauty(Hiatus)

follow the story of Tomi as he goes in a adventure through pain and beauty

yaboinethertank · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Episode 9(1): Join Us

Location: Spirit City

Tomi is walking around the city but then a government agent walks to him

Agent: hello I am agent #587 but you can call me agent Jin

Tomi: well hello Jin what do you need from me?

Jin: I have a offer

Tomi: oh? Do tell...

Jin: if you join us we will give you reign we will give you enough power to kill every Yaknir in the world so do you accept?

Tomi: yes!

Agent Jin smiles as he cuts the air showing a portal to the government Headquarters and they walk in

When they walk in they are immediately pulled to the side

Agent 200: agent #587 we have 9,901 more Yaknir's left to kill

Agent Jin/#587: got it. Hey Kid go do your own thing I have something important to do

Tomi: got it

Tomi runs off and looks around seeing close to 1.9M agents he laughs as he sees a store and he runs to it and knocks on the door then someone opens it

Tomi: hey I'm Tomi who are you? Hehe

???: I'm Jessica Sania nice to meet you

Tomi: nice to meet you Jessica

Narrator: let's switch to Jaesio why don't we

Location: The Devil's Forest

Jaesio is flying through the tree's like wind through air vents but then a Yaknir jumps out at her and Jaesio pulls out her double katana and uses her left katana to parry the attack then she swings her right katana at the Yaknir's neck but the Yaknir blocked the katana with its hand then looks at Jaesio but Jaesio flies back kicking the Yaknir in the face

And as she flies off the Yaknir chases her then the Yaknir grabs one of the tree's and pulls it out fully then it throws it at Jaesio but Jaesio reacted quickly her heart beating fast but her quick thinking saving her Jaesio uses her gear to fly up and dodge the tree then she turns around flies at the Yaknir pulls out her double katana puts them together

And she sliced the Yaknir into multiple pieces but the Yaknir regenerate

Jaesio(mind): this is a special type!?

Narrator: let me explain special types... Special types are Yaknir's with special abilities ranging from Immense Healing to Mimicry... Also while I'm here let me tell you how fast the Gear was... It was going at atleast mach 10-17, back to the story.

The special Yaknir punches the air making spikes from air particles stabbing Jaesio's arm but Jaesio parries the attack but then the Yaknir punches her arm breaking it dropping one of her katanas but she then proceeds to turn around and spin like a tornado damaging the Yaknir in every possible way eventually finding it's heart killing it and she falls

But then someone catches her and it's Jin and Jin is moving through the trees moderately and he jumps down on the floor and grabs the katana then he grabs Jaesio again and they go to spirit city

Location: Spirit City

Jin lands on the floor and drops Jaesio as Jaesio wakes up she blinks rapidly

Jaesio: ah. What happened?

Jin: you fought a SY

Jaesio: so I fought a Special Yaknir

Jin: yes I just said that

Jaesio: oh... Ok... Where is Tomi?

Jin: somehwere, don't know where but somewhere

Jaesio: alright can you take me to the dorm?

Jin: sure